Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

363 Celebi: Treasure Hunting

Jiang Qing didn't expect to meet other people on the first day after entering a high-level secret realm. High-level secret realms are not the kind of secret realms that can be entered only by spending money.

If you want to enter the advanced secret realm, the lowest Trainer level is quasi-Elite. At the same time, tickets to enter the secret realm cannot be bought with money.

Instead, the contribution is exchanged for tickets.

As for how to obtain the contribution, it is natural to work for the Trainer Association, such as completing the tasks issued by the Trainer Association.

Like the S-level fugitive Huang Qiang captured by Jiang Qing before, if you succeed in capturing it alone, the Trainer Association will probably give you a ticket to enter a high-level secret realm.

Or join the government department, the army, in addition to salary and some resources, there is a certain amount of contribution every month, which is also one of the means for the government department and the army to win over free trainers.

So in general, there are very few Trainers who can enter advanced secret realms, and the range of advanced secret realms is still very large. Basically, it is difficult for you to meet other people.

Fang Yu didn't expect that he would meet other Trainers in the secret realm, and he was also the famous young master of the Jiang family, Jiang Qing.

"So if you don't land or leave, I will attack immediately," Mao said coldly.

Fang Yu's face changed slightly when he heard Jiang Qing's slightly threatening words in mid-air. Although he was a little angry in his heart, he didn't want to excite Jiang Qing because of this.

After all, he didn't know that Jiang Qing entered the secret realm alone, and for a top second generation like him, he didn't need too many things to protect his life.

"Jiang Qing don't get me wrong, I'm leaving now"

Fang Yu didn't stay too long, and quickly disappeared in front of Jiang Qing on the Bi Diao.

After watching the other party leave, Jiang Qing said to Lucario, "Did you feel hostility just now?"

Lucario shook his head, he didn't feel hostility, but he noticed a little anger, and the waveguide of anger was very small, so Jiang Qing didn't notice it.

"Don't even mention the name, it's really careful"

The other party didn't even say his name, because he was afraid that if he knew his name, he might cause trouble for him if he went out.

And because of Metagross, the other party knew him right away.

"Rest here for one night, tomorrow we will officially start treasure hunting"

Jiang Qing said to the surrounding Pokémon.

The next day, under the fragrance of the grass in the prairie, Jiang Qing was ready to go and asked all the Pokémon except the gold monster, Dragonite and Celebi Song to accept the Poké Ball.

The Dowsing Machine was taken out, and as soon as it was turned on, the ten red dots on it were displayed impressively, but they were all relatively small, Jiang Qing was not interested at all.

"Go, go northeast"

Riding on Dragonite, I recalled the map of this secret place in my mind, and flew all the way to the northeast from here, passing through forests and lakes.

And that forest is the largest forest in this secret realm.

Dragonite spread its wings and flew high, but not very fast.

The custom-made flying seat gave Jiang Qing maximum comfort, and there are safety belts, so there is no need to worry about Dragonite falling off during some difficult flying movements.

You can even eat melon seeds on it. The melon seeds were obtained from the elite peak Sunflora yesterday. Although it is the original flavor, it actually tastes good.

In technical terms, that is the original flavor.

Celebi: What are these red dots?

Jiang Qing: "Every red dot represents a treasure"


Celebi's eyes lit up.

Looking at the Dowsing Machine, and seeing that Dragonite was just passing by above a red dot, but Jiang Qing didn't intend to let it stop, Celebi suddenly became anxious.

Celebi: Why don't you go down and look for it.

Seeing Celebi's ignorant appearance, Jiang Qing said with contempt: "The red dot is too small, it's not worth going down."

Celebi: Catterpie is still meat no matter how small it is.

Jiang Qing: "Sorry I don't like this meat, and Catterpie is not the smallest"

Celebi: So what is the smallest.

Jiang Qing: "Guess"

He really doesn't know about the smallest Pokémon, but he knows about the biggest one.

Celebi: The red dot should be relatively large.

As the Dragonite moved, the red dots on the Dowsing Machine were naturally being updated constantly. He kept staring at Celebi of the Dowsing Machine, and suddenly saw a new red dot appear, which was almost three times the size of the previous red dot.

Jiang Qing was about to say that Celebi had never seen a really big red dot, so he looked down.

“It does seem a bit big”

The red dot in front of me is indeed much larger than the previous red dot, but this size is definitely not some kind of treasure, it should be two grades lower than it.

But it is also considered a very good treasure.

Jiang Qing signaled Dragonite to fly towards the location of the red dot.

Seeing that Dragonite changed direction, Celebi realized that he was going to find the treasure, Fat Doduo's little face was filled with excitement.

This is the first time it has entered the secret realm, and it is the first time to go on a treasure hunt. Isn't it exciting.

With Dragonite's speed, Jiang Qing and the others arrived at the location of the red dot in five or six minutes.

Below is a prairie, which is the prairie they were in before. The area of ​​this prairie is not small, and they haven't flown out yet.

Treasure Jiang Qing has already seen it, because this treasure is placed in the open air, it is too obvious, and there are a lot of Pokémon around Gloom, Weepinbell, Exeggcute, Nuzleaf, etc. There are almost one of each kind of Pokémon.

Added up, the total number has exceeded tens of thousands.

These Pokémon also spotted Jiang Qing in the air, but they didn't make any attack gestures, but they all looked at them vigilantly.

And these Pokémon are all gathered around this treasure, and the few Pokémon closest to the treasure, Vileplume, Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry, all have quasi-Elite peak strength.

A few of them continuously released warning messages to the Dragonite above.

(Good Zhao) At this time, it happened to be ten o'clock in the noon, when the sun was the most abundant in the day, and the treasure in the middle exuded a burst of gleaming light.

Growl with Pokémon like Vileplume, Exeggutor, Victreebel, Shiftry.

Under the astonished eyes of Jiang Qing Dragonite and others, Gloom, Weepinbell, Exeggcute, Nuzleaf and other Pokémon all burst into a dazzling white light.

The light of evolution erupted by tens of thousands of Pokémon seemed to become the second sun in this world, and even at this moment the sun's light was compared.

Jiang Qing immediately closed his eyes.

The white light came and went quickly, about ten seconds, when Jiang Qing opened his eyes, seeing everything below, his eyes flashed with surprise again.

I saw that the Pokémon of Gloom, Weepinbell, Nuzleaf, and Exeggcute have all evolved, and tens of thousands of Pokémon have all evolved into their final forms. .

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