Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

360 Young Master Jiang Pays The Bill

Gengar: It's not dirty stuff, it's Gengar.

Compatriot Gengar: Oh, so it's me-wait

After one breath, the kin Gengar fell to the ground.

Jiang Qing's Gengar covers his mouth and smiles, hypnotizing his compatriots, full of sense of accomplishment~

Then it looked up and could feel a powerful Pokémon on it, probably the guy the owner said was - there.

Huang Qiang, who originally wanted to rest upstairs, found that he couldn't fall asleep anyway, and the bad feeling in his heart became heavier and heavier.

Only when seeing Banette guarding her, that feeling will be slightly weakened.

"I hope I was overthinking it," Huang Qiang muttered.

Banette was sitting next to Huang Qiang, with his back to him, with red eyes and a yellow zipper-like mouth, looking at the door seriously.

Banette: With me here, no one can hurt their own Trainer.

Gengar, who was invisible under the Contest Condition, walked in through the door, and even waved his hands in front of Banette playfully.

The other party didn't feel anything at all.

Gengar floated in front of Huang Qiang, but did not make a move, because once it made a move, it would definitely be noticed by the mid-Elite Banette.

And Hypnosis can't guarantee that it can hypnotize Banette in the first place.

Thinking about it this way seems to be in a dilemma.

But who is Gengar, it is the clever ghost in Jiang Qing's team, any problem can be difficult for it.

Looking at the few Poké Balls on the bedside table, it is obvious that these must be high-quality Poké Balls.

Because he wanted to rest, he naturally couldn't continue to pin the Poké Ball belt around his waist, which hurt his waist very much. How can a man have a bad waist.

Even if this man is an S-rank wanted criminal.

There is a difference between the button in the middle of an empty Poké Ball and the button in the middle of a Poké Ball with a Pokémon in it.


Gengar looked at the three empty Poké Balls.

A Dusknoir, a Gengar, a Banette, so which one is Banette's.

It floated around three Poké Balls, and suddenly saw a sticker of Banette on one of the Poké Balls.

This sticker was not posted by Huang Qiang himself, but by Banette, but Huang Qiang did not stop it, after all, Banette is his Earl Dervish Pokémon.

Gengar smiled and picked up the Poké Ball.

Although it moved very lightly, it was still felt by Banette.

Banette turned her head to look, and saw a red light coming, and the next second it was put into the Poké Ball.

Gengar immediately locked the Poké Ball so it couldn't escape.

This scene naturally woke Huang Qiang up. He hadn't fallen asleep in the first place.

But now he can sleep well.

Looking into Gengar's eyes, Huang Qiang fell into a deep sleep.

At the bar, Jiang Qing, Ma Zhun, and Lou Guoxiong continued to sit and drink together.

Neither of them asked what Jiang Qing was doing just now.

He said he was drinking, but his mind was not here.

On the contrary, drinking Jiang Qing beer is still a little fun, and with some snacks, wouldn't it be a supper tonight.

Although the dull Poké Ball is shaking, expressing its dissatisfaction.

After drinking and eating, seeing the frowns of the two, Jiang Qing smiled and said: "Senior, Captain Lou, just leave the matter to me and rest assured."

Lou Guoxiong said bluntly: "Jiang Qing, what is your solution?"

Jiang Qing said that he had a way to keep quiet, but he didn't say anything, so he went out and told them that the matter was being exposed when he came back.

If it weren't for Jiang Qing's name and his family background, Lou Guoxiong would have lost his temper a long time ago.

"How to - see if this is caught."

Halfway through the conversation, Jiang Qing saw a person floating towards the bar door.

This scene frightened many guests in the bar.

When this person floated to Jiang Qing's side, Ma Zhun and Lou Guoxiong stood up as if they had seen a ghost.

"Huang Qiang" X2

That's right, the one who floated over was naturally the unconscious Huang Qiang.

"Jie Jie"

The invisible Gengar appeared, and it was carrying Huang Qiang.

Huang Qiang's Poké Ball belt was pinned to Gengar's waist. On the way back, it took Gengar and Dusknoir back into the Poké Ball.

After repeated confirmations between Ma Zhun and Lou Guoxiong, they finally confirmed that this person was really the S-rank wanted criminal they wanted to arrest, Huang Qiang, who had dozens of lives in his hands.

The facts are right in front of them, but they still can't believe it.

Even Ma Zhun, who has always believed that Jiang Qing can do it, finds it incredible.

Jiang Qing just went out for a while and drank with them when he came back. It took about an hour before Huang Qiang was carried back by Gengar.

And neither they nor other people from the Municipal Bureau participated in the whole process.

“Good job”

…………… Ask for flowers…

Jiang Qing patted Gengar's head in praise.

Gengar has the ability of absolute invisibility, this ability is almost unsolvable at present, Jiang Qing even let his grandfather's champion Metagross perceive it.

Under Gengar's absolute invisibility, the champion Metagross cannot perceive it unless it covers the surrounding area with a large range of Beat Up blows, so that Gengar will be revealed.

So with this ability, Gengar was able to approach Huang Qiang quietly and successfully hypnotized him. Of course, there is also an element of luck in it.

Gengar: I lick.

The familiar numbness came, and Jiang Qing unhurriedly took out the cherry fruit from his pocket.

Mega Pallet Town's body constitution can't even withstand Gengar's paralysis, bad review.

And I have been paralyzed so many times, I haven't even developed resistance, bad review.

The appearance of the white Gengar caused the people in the bar to exclaim.

This color scheme is simply not too handsome.

The people in the bar also paid attention to the unconscious man who suddenly appeared, and all looked at the white Gengar.

Gengar liked the atmosphere in the bar and looked around curiously

"Let's go play," Jiang Qing said flatly.

Gengar smiled fiercely, and floated towards the bar hall, and then many people surrounded him, but Gengar suddenly opened his mouth, which was almost three meters long, as if he wanted to swallow them

The frightened people hurriedly stopped and screamed again and again.

"Ji Jie Jie Jie!!"

Watching some people's legs go limp in fright, and the timid ones even peed, Gengar returned to normal, laughing while clutching his chubby stomach.

Seeing this, Jiang Qing showed such an expression as expected.

"Jiang Qing, you Gengar-hmm, you're amazing"

Lou Guoxiong looked at Gengar with a strange expression. Huang Qiang was captured by Gengar, and he was still unscathed. He thought Gengar should be a very serious and serious Pokémon.

Now this scene completely shattered Gengar who was a master in his heart.

"Senior, Captain Lou, if you have something to do, you can go first," Jiang Qing said.

The criminals have been caught, but there are still many things for the two of them to do next.

The two of them were not hypocritical, and after saying a few words, they left directly.

That's really not hypocritical, and he left without paying.

Jiang Qing looked at Gengar who was messing around with the bar guests, he stood on the table and shouted: "Everyone, I, Mr. Jiang, will pay for all the consumption tonight."

Everyone: "Oh oh oh oh!! B!".

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