Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

357 Ma Zhun Asks For Help

The meeting ended at nearly twelve o'clock in the evening. Under the arrangement of the chief inspector of the Municipal Bureau, the three branch chiefs and ten officers acted quickly.

"This search team is not easy to handle. Ten of us will form ten search teams. Each team needs 20 people, and trainer-level elites will start."

"This is a total of two hundred Trainers"

"Isn't it difficult for the king's bureau? Our three branch bureaus plus the city bureau add up to less than 300 elite trainers."

"Drop two hundred, then other aspects of work will be impossible to carry out"

A certain operator said with a headache on his face.

"Can't this be called foreign aid?" said an operator.

"Foreign aid? That's an S-rank wanted criminal. Ghost is an Elite. What kind of foreign aid do you think would take on such a dangerous mission?"

"If I hadn't been wearing this outfit, I wouldn't have accepted this task myself. If I was not careful, I wouldn't know how I died."

There are too many ways for Ghost to kill, and most of the time you can't detect it.

26 "Stop talking nonsense, I'd better find someone quickly, didn't you see that they went to the city bureau to pull people away?"

Although the elite Trainers from the City Bureau and the three sub-bureaus are not enough to form ten search teams, five teams are still possible, so it is natural to attack first, and the more people will be pulled.

"Fuck, these guys are immoral"

Seeing this, the man immediately walked towards the gate quickly. When he walked out of the gate, he saw a partner standing there holding a mobile phone.

"Ma Zhun, what are you doing? Hurry up to get people. If you go late, you will be called away by the animals. Then we can only go to get foreign aid."

"Foreign aid, I seem to have one already"

Ma Zhun shook the phone at him.

"How can one be good enough? The foreign aid you are talking about can't be him."

Only then did the companion see the content on Ma Zhun's phone.

"Tomorrow No. 98 Secret Realm will start"

This is a circle of friends, and Ma Zhun's remarks show that the person who posted this circle of friends is Jiang Zhi.

"Yes, but I have to call first to confirm whether he is in Donglin City now." Ma Zhun nodded with a smile.

Immediately he dialed Jiang Qing's phone number.

In the hotel, Jiang Qing, Dadai, and Celebi are in the blackout as scheduled, and they have reached a very critical wave of team battles. Whoever wins can take the opponent's crystal.

Then suddenly the phone call came.

Jiang Qing: Do it.

Just hang up.

Ma Zhun was slightly taken aback when he heard the notification that the other party was talking on the phone.

"No answer?" asked the companion.

"Well, there must be something wrong"

After speaking, his phone rang, and the caller ID showed the word Jiang Qing.

After taking down the enemy's crystal, Jiang Qing called Ma Zhun back, thinking that the other party probably had something to look for him, after all, the two of them seldom contact each other.

This is a direct phone call without even sending a message. In all likelihood, there is something to do, and it is quite urgent.

The call went through quickly.

"Hey, Jiang Qing, are you in Donglin City now?"

"Well, in the Charizard Hotel in Dongxing District, Ma Zhun Senior has something to ask me."

Ma Zhun is on the imperial university team, so Jiang Qing and him are naturally teammates.

It's just that the other party is now in the second half of the senior year, and he is basically not in school at this time.

As a graduate at this time, you should be "looking for a job" outside

The academy sends trainers to graduate, and some will choose freelance work, such as accepting tasks in Xiaguo TrainerAPP, or going to the local Trainer Association to pick up tasks, and use this way to support and exercise themselves.

And some will choose to join a certain company or government unit to continue to work on training Trainers.

There is also going home to inherit the family business.

Ma Criteria is the second type, choose to join the government department, and become the most perfect career in the mother-in-law's heart --- civil servants.

With the aura of Imperial University, and being a trainer in the late Elite stage at a young age, Ma Zhun was immediately admitted by the Donglin City Inspection Bureau.

As for why Ma Zhun chose Donglin City, a third-tier city, one must know that with his abilities, even if he stayed in the imperial capital as a civil servant, there would be no problem.

The main reason is naturally because of the girlfriend.

Men, always can't pass the beauty test.

Because his girlfriend chose to be a teacher in his hometown, Ma Zhun followed.

"Okay, I understand, Ma Zhun Senior, I'll come over now, you wait for me over there"

After hearing what happened, Jiang Qing naturally agreed.

For an extremely dangerous guy like Huang Qiang, even if Ma Zhun didn't ask him to help, he would still take action if someone else came forward.

Riding the Dragonite, Jiang Qing flew towards the direction of the city inspection bureau.

"Who agreed?"

"Of course, Jiang Qing is coming now, let's wait for him"

"Huang Qiang is an Elite of the Ghost line, and he's still in the mid-term. He can deal with it. If something happens to him, let alone us, the director will have to leave."

"You haven't seen with your own eyes how monstrous my junior is. If you have, you will know that a genius is just an ordinary person, and a monstrosity is what describes him."

Companions are skeptical.

At this time, a gust of wind suddenly came from the top of the head. When I looked up, I saw a Dragonite flapping its wings and landed in the city bureau compound.

Jiang Qing jumped off Dragonite's back and scolded with a smile: "Ma Zhun Senior, I'll help you, it's not good for you to talk about me behind your back like this"

"I'm just praising you," Ma Zhun said with a smile.

"Let me introduce, this is my colleague Lou Guoxiong"

"Hi Young Master Jiang"

Lou Guoxiong hurriedly stretched out his palm, staggering inwardly. While Jiang Qing was young, he was also shocked by the Dragonite beside him.

"Just call me Jiang Qing"

Seeing that Ma Zhun was wearing the uniform of the Inspection Bureau, and the epaulette was still an Executive, Jiang Qing asked quite unexpectedly: "Senior, didn't you say that you don't like the rules and regulations of government units, and you can't stand freelance trainers in South Asia."

In fact, most professional trainers don't like to work in government departments.

Compared with myself, I can enter the ruins and forbidden places at any time, sleep whenever I want, and rest when I want, this kind of freelance job.

The work of government departments is too boring and there are many rules.

The most important thing is that once you enter the government department, it will be difficult for you to improve your strength. After all, the comfortable environment completely erodes your confidence in challenging everything as a Trainer.

"Isn't this my girlfriend here as a teacher?" Ma Zhun smiled wryly.

Being able to enter the imperial university team, he is definitely a genius among geniuses, if he is not deeply in love with his girlfriend, he will not give up his dream.

But working in a government department doesn't mean he can't pursue his dream, it's just that the time to realize his dream will be later.

Someday I will be an Elite.

Sure enough, women are the biggest stumbling block to a man's success.

Jiang Qing secretly thought that he was smart and would never take the initiative to provoke such troublesome creatures. .

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