Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

350 Earthquake, Fissure

The size and tonnage of these two Pokémon far exceed those of the normal Pokémon. When such Pokémon collide with each other, the momentum is absolutely terrifying.

The ground under the feet of Aggron and the King Bronze Elephant continued to shatter and bulge as they competed in strength, and the ground made an overwhelmed crackling sound.

Jiang Qing looked at the big bronze elephant with a little surprise. He didn't expect it to be knocked away by Aggron immediately, and he underestimated the strength of this guy.

The same surprise as Jiang Qing is Kai De, his big bronze elephant is different from Normal's big king bronze elephant, his one has a great talent in strength~.

In terms of strength, it is almost twice that of the normal King Bronze Elephant.

And in the situation where the level has an advantage, the King Bronze Elephant did not have any advantage, but

Cade's pupils shrank sharply, and he saw the thick hind legs of the big bronze elephant retreating.

Aggron: I have strength, but unfortunately not enough.

As Aggron continued to exert force, the body of the bronze elephant began to show signs of retreating, and the forelimbs of the bronze elephant were being lifted by Aggron.

Once its front half was lifted, its body would definitely be slammed to the ground by Aggron.

"King Bronze Elephant Rock Crit"

Cade naturally thought of this scene, so he reacted immediately.

Aggron was supporting the big bronze elephant with both hands, unable to free his hands at all, but the big bronze elephant still had a trunk to use.

With the flick of the king's copper elephant's trunk, several pieces of Rock appeared out of thin air.

"Boom boom boom"

Rock keeps hitting Aggron, and every time he hits one, Rock will explode [the big smoke will instantly string Aggron and the king's copper elephant cage.

"Why isn't Aggron hiding?"

"It's impossible to hide in this situation"

"As far as I know Qingdi's Aggron is heavy metal Ability, the slow one"

Hide, is it necessary, not necessary.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, everyone saw the scene inside.

The Rock critical strike of the King's Bronze Elephant did not knock Aggron back, and did not even cause any injuries. Instead, Aggron's body had already been lifted up by Aggron at this moment.

Big King Bronze Elephant: My mother was raised high.

Under the sun, the armor on Aggron's body still exudes an attractive diamond light.

Jiang Qing: The money is not in vain.

In terms of defense power alone, Aggron is second only to Metagross. If you want to break through its defense, your attack power must at least reach the middle stage of opening a king.

Aggron used the fling method to throw the bronze elephant into the sky, and the height reached nearly 100 meters. At such a height, it would definitely be uncomfortable to hit the ground with the weight of the bronze elephant.

And Aggron's attack is not over yet.

I saw Aggron came to the lower left of the big bronze elephant, opened his mouth and sprayed Flamethrower towards the big bronze elephant.

“Bronze King Elephant, Sand Tomb”

Aggron only felt the ground under his feet go soft, and his thigh sank in the blink of an eye, his body couldn't help shaking for a while, and Flamethrower lost his head.

The area of ​​the Sand Tomb continued to expand. When the bronze statue of the king landed, it just landed on the soft fine sand, and a large amount of sand splashed out suddenly, forming a sand wave.

All the sand formed by the Sand Tomb was directly rushed out, but it was precisely because of this that the damage caused by the King's Bronze Elephant was greatly reduced.

At the same time, because there is no sand, Lairon's restraint will naturally disappear.

"Bronze King Elephant, Earthquake"

The field began to tremble violently, cracks appeared continuously, stretched and expanded, a strong sense of vibration—Pidgey attacked Aggron.

Ground moves have quadruple damage to Aggron.

So even though its defense is amazing, there is a painful expression on its face at this moment.

At this time, a huge crack was rapidly extending towards Aggron, and it came to Aggron's feet in the blink of an eye.

The crack instantly widened.

"Bronze King Elephant Fissure"

There was excitement in Cade's eyes, he should be able to win this game.

Under the Fissure move, Aggron was directly swallowed by the crack under his feet. At this time, the crack was nearly thirty meters wide and tens of meters deep.

This kind of width and depth cannot be filled even by a dozen Aggrons.

And this crack is healing fast, it seems that it wants to imprison Aggron directly in the ground.

"It's over, it's over, "Aggron's going to lose this time"

……ask for flowers……

"I hit Earthquake and Fissure consecutively. I'm afraid I won't be able to handle the damage from Metagross."

"The Qing Emperor still had the advantage just now, how could he be at a disadvantage in the blink of an eye, even to the point of losing?"

"This is a high-end game. No one will always have an advantage. It is possible that if one is not careful, the superior party will be overthrown by the inferior party"

Countless people on the side of the venue watched this scene nervously, and Han Bingqing just squeezed the arm of the big sister next to him, and the subconscious force made the big sister cry out in pain.

"big sister sorry"

Han Bingqing let go of his palm, apologized without nutrition, and kept his eyes on the field.

The big sister curled her lips and said, "What are you worried about, Jiang Qing won't lose"

Seeing Han Bingqing looking at him puzzled, sister Yin explained: "Look at his expression"

"can not read it?"

"Yeah." Han Bingqing nodded.

What happened to Jiang Qing's expression? It hasn't changed since the beginning.

"Confidence, don't you see that his expression has been expounding the word self-confidence?"

"Is there?"

"Just keep reading and you'll know"

Losing, that does not exist, at least not losing to Cade, a foreigner.

"Aggron Mega Evolution"

In all fairness, the King's Bronze Elephant is indeed stronger than the previous Bisharp, and Kade's move of Sand Tomb just now was extremely flexible, and Jiang Qing's inattention made the situation turn sour.

But it doesn't matter, Aggron doesn't have Mega Evolution yet.

As the cracks continue to close, a burst of colorful light emanates from the cracks.

"The King's Bronze Elephant is stepping up his strength!" Cade snorted coldly, trying to interrupt the opponent's Mega Evolution in this way.

Mega Evolution is not a natural evolution. If one party's Pokémon has a natural evolution in a public match, then the other party must not attack, or they will be severely punished.

Mega Evolution can be interrupted, and the impact on Pokémon after interruption is relatively small. Unlike natural evolution, once interrupted, it is very likely to cause irreversible damage to Pokémon, and most of them will not be able to evolve again for a lifetime. .

The giant bronze elephant neighed, and a large amount of Ground-type energy poured into the ground from the body, and the crack closing speed was undoubtedly several times faster. .

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