Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

336 Metagross: You Didn't Ask

It didn't take long for Jiang Qing to arrive at Dong's Sky, and as the Dragonite fell, it set off a gust of snow on the ground, and many people were covered with Icirrus.

But he dared not speak out, but greeted Jiang Qing with a cheerful smile.

"I'm sorry, Dragonite lost its strength when it came down," Jiang Qing said apologetically.

Dragonite usually comes down like this, forgetting that there is snow on the ground now, and there are people around, which made a few people feel a little embarrassed.

Especially one of the women, her face was covered with snow.

Dong Xin pursed her lips and smiled, looking at her cousin who had just finished her make-up. It was a waste of time, and there was some snow with some dirt on it.

"These people are all together"

Jiang Qing walked up to Dong Xin and looked at the people around him. Adding Dong Xin and his words, there were nine people in total.

Dong Xin nodded, mistakenly thinking that Jiang Qing didn't like crowds, so "Zero Two Seven" said: "It's also possible for the two of us to be together."

"No, I like a person"

Jiang Qing shook his head directly and refused. He came out to lure the people in the dark to attack him. If there were people around him, it would hurt the other party instead.

Dong Xin became angry for a while, and once again doubted her beauty.

Anyway, she is also known as the flower of Xinnan City, so why is her appearance, figure, family background, and temperament all useless in front of Jiang Qing?

Does he like men!

I think no man can stop my charm.

After ruling out all the possibilities, then the remaining ones feel impossible, and that is the only answer.

"What are you thinking"

Sensing the waveguide of "maliciousness" emanating from the other party, Jiang Qing looked at Dong Xin suspiciously. This woman might not be offending her in her head.

"I was wondering if I would meet my favorite water Pokémon in the terracotta area," Dong Xin said solemnly.

The terracotta area is dominated by Rock, Ground, and Steel. There are indeed water Pokémon, but which water system Trainer will go to such a place to capture water Pokémon.

You go to rivers, lakes, seas, and even pond water systems have more Pokémon than Mawangyan area.

Jiang Qing: I am a fool in your eyes.

"Jiang Qing, let's get in the car first."

Jiang Qing nodded and sat directly in the co-pilot.

Dong Xin: I definitely like men +1

The remaining two women sat in the back row with Dong Xin's three daughters.

Along the way, the other two women kept saying this to Jiang Qing, with their solicitous looks, even the drivers knew what they were thinking.

It's a pity that I met Jiang Qing, a straight man from Oreburgh, and ignored the two of them at all, saying perfunctorily: Well, yes, oh, so wait for words.

In the end, Jiang Qing simply closed his eyes and rested his mind, and the two women calmed down.

About an hour later, Jiang Qing felt the moving car stop, and Jiang Qing opened his eyes.

What catches the eye is a vast expanse of white, with bumps from time to time, these are rocks covered by snow.

"Jiang Qing is here," Dong Xin said.

The four people got out of the car, and the people in the other car also got out of the car one after another.

"Then I'll go first"

Jiang Qing released the Metagross to jump on its back, and as the Metagross lifted into the air, it quickly disappeared from the eyes of several people.

"A man like him will never find a woman." Dong Xin's cousin stepped on the snow resentfully, looking at the direction Jiang Qing was leaving with great resentment.

The other woman nodded in agreement: "His eyes are not good, I suggest you go see an ophthalmologist."

Dong Xin looked at the two and said with contempt in his heart.

Anyone with eyes will look down on you.

Jiang Qing doesn't even look up to me, he must like men.

Not long after, the eight of them also separated. Since they came to practice, it is natural to separate to get the most sufficient experience.

Metagross in the terracotta area has been flying Jiang Qing for about half an hour, and the distance has already flown more than 200 kilometers.

Because he didn't know when the sneak attack would happen, Jiang Qing naturally didn't take out the Dowsing Machine, but wandered around aimlessly.

In this way, most of the day passed, and Metagross took Jiang Qing to walk around most of the terracotta rock area, but the other party didn't make a move yet.

Looking at the gradually darkening sky.

"Could it be that you want to do it at night, and it's easier to get it at night?"

Jiang Qing said on his own, he hasn't discovered the root of the problem yet, and even thinks he is very clever to think of this.

As night fell, Icirrus gradually floated in the Soaring in the sky. Inside the tent, Jiang Qing was eating hot pot that he had prepared in a daze. In this kind of weather, eating hot pot is definitely a kind of enjoyment.

"Give the vegetables to this flying pig, and I'll just eat meat."

Jiang Qing put all the vegetables that Daidai picked up for himself in Celebi's bowl...

"Damn, I just put down that hanging dragon, you loosen it for me, most of the hanging dragon is eaten by you"

Seeing that Celebi does not refuse anyone, the vegetables are eaten, and the hanging dragon that has just been placed in the hot pot is also eaten. This speed is really too fast.

Celebi: First come, first served, this is our Pokémon rule.

Jiang Qing: "Fuck your sister's rules, you eat and drink with me and don't give you money, shameless Pokémon, the face of the Celebi family has been humiliated by you"

After finishing speaking, he saw that the mutton roll that he had just put down was eaten by the flying pig again.

"Someone may assassinate me at night, you have to protect me when the time comes"

After eating the hot pot, Jiang Qing said to Celebi with a serious face.

Beside him are Metagross, Lucario, and Gengar who has been hiding in the shadows.

Celebi slapped Yawn: "Don't worry, I have a problem with you"

Jiang Qing:m(0)m

After a sleepless night, Jiang Qing walked out of the tent with Yawn in his name in the morning, and glanced at Celebi who was sleeping like a dead pig.

In order to prevent the man from attacking him at night, Jiang Qing didn't sleep all night, but the man never came.

"Fuck, is this person professional or not? Such a good opportunity never came" Jiang Qing scolded angrily.

Metagross: Maybe the man didn't come after all.

Metagross' words were like a Thunder Shock hitting Jiang Qing, his body shook violently, and then he said loudly: "Impossible, absolutely impossible"

"Three days in the hotel, Lucari can feel his Pokémon trying to kill my waveguide for 5.8 euros

After finishing speaking, Jiang Qing shouted into the air: "Metagross"

In the next second, another Metagross appeared, similar in size to Jiang Qing's Metagross, but slightly darker in color.

This is naturally the Metagross of Grandpa Ginger Oreburgh.

"Is there no one else around Metagross?" Jiang Qing asked.

Metagross: No, when you go out, people have already left.

Jiang Qing:

leave me alone.

"So you know he didn't follow at all"

Metagross nodded.

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, it is my own Metagross, I can't beat it.

Try to smile: "then why didn't you tell me"

Metagross: You didn't ask.

Jiang Qing: (;A).

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