Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

325 Mega Metagross Vs Mega Bangeras

"Zen Headbutt"

The shock wave had just ended, and as Jiang Qing's words fell, Metagross's body was wrapped with super energy system energy, and his speed increased rapidly under the impetus of electromagnetism.


There was a sharp pain in Benjilas' abdomen, and the body that had just been pushed out by the shock wave retreated nearly a hundred meters again.


With a push of his hind legs, Benjilas abruptly stopped his receding body, and punched out with a million tons of punches, accompanied by a huge roar.

Metagross' body fell like a Meteorite, smashing into the field with a bang, and the entire field erupted with a roar no less than that of Earthquake.

Benjilas looked at his abdomen. Even though the abdomen was protected by hard armor, there were still cracks under the Zen Headbutt of Metagross just now.

And the severe pain in the abdomen, almost made it spit out the overnight meal.

Looking at the Metagross who was driven into the ground by himself, Benjilas's eyes flickered coldly, and he raised his left foot high, accompanied by a strong energy - the left foot was raised.


A foot fell heavily, and the surrounding Ground exploded inch by inch, pieces of Rock protruded from the cracks, and countless cracks centered on Bangeras-extending towards the surroundings.

Its center is even more sunken tens of meters.

The endless air waves pulverized the surrounding gravel into powder.

"I won, third uncle, I said he can't beat grandpa"

Huang Mao had an excited expression on his face when he saw this scene. Jiang Qing had won two games in a row before, but now he finally lost.

With Bangeras' strength, the two Pokémon before defeating Jiang Qing must not be a problem.

"Good fight, let you bully my idol"

The half-grown little girl clapped her hands happily: "Sister, you still said that he is very powerful, I think that's the way it is."

"At his current age, if he beat Fang's old two Pokémon, even if he really loses, don't you think he's good?" the older woman said lightly.

Although she was talking to her younger sister, her eyes never left the venue or Jiang Qing, and she always felt that it didn't end so simply.

"Cut what, Metagross is about to be trampled to death by Benjilas, why don't you take it back quickly?" Seeing Jiang Qing's indifferent face, Huang Mao didn't show any other emotions because of this scene.

Immediately felt that Jiang Qing was even better at pretending than him.

His words reminded Fang Xian and the older woman.

Jiang Qing's expression was too flat, if Metagross really lost, he would definitely not have such an expression.


Benjilas looked down at his feet, thinking that he had already defeated that guy, but he found that a huge force was coming from his feet, and his left leg was being slowly lifted.

The guy isn't down yet.


Thinking of this possibility and the power coming from under his feet, Bandieras immediately increased the strength of his left foot, trying to step on Metagross again.

And no matter how hard he tried this time, his left foot couldn't go down, his teeth were about to crunch, and he could only watch helplessly as his left foot was lifted.


Under the surprised eyes of a dozen people on the sidelines, Bangiras who was standing was suddenly lifted up, and his huge body hit the ground heavily.

Metagross rose slowly from the ground, and a large amount of dust fell from its silver-white body. After all the dust fell, what was displayed was Metagross' silver-white and undamaged body.

"how is this possible!"

The older woman's pupils shrank sharply.

The Bulldoze in Banguilas just now, even a hill can collapse, but Metagross has no injuries at all.

Huang Mao opened his mouth, so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

Only Fang showed such an expression. As Jiang Qing's teacher, he knew better than these people how unscientific Jiang Qing's Metagross was.

As I said before, the advantage brought by Metagross's different colors is that its own defense power will be twice as high as that of the same kind, so most of the physical damage is just a tickle for Metagross.

And this defensive power has gone through krypton gold, so it is more reasonable to resist the Bulldoze of the class Russ without being injured.

Everyone on the sidelines: It's reasonable.

“Bangeiras, Mega Evolution”

Fang Zhong secretly sighed, "Jiang Qing is too monstrous, even with Trump Card on the stage, he still can't win Jiang Qing's Metagross, and forced him to use Mega Evolution first."

Mega Evolution is over.

On the field, a more powerful, ferocious, and domineering Mega Bangeras appeared on the field.

"Metagross Mega Evolution"

The level of Mega Banjilas has reached level 82, which is the early stage of a quasi-champion.

………seeking flowers… 0

Jiang Qing will not be so big that Metagross, a quasi-Elite peak, can beat the early stage of the quasi-championship.

Mega Metagross appears [level increased from 70 to 73.

"The old man's Mega Evolution was forced out," Fang Xian murmured.

The distance between Mega Metagross and Mega Banjilas is less than 100 meters.

Waves of fine sand danced around Mega Bangiras, and after a few breaths, the entire venue was filled with waves of fine sand.

Ability's sofa moved.

Sand blowing ability is invalid for Pokémon with three attributes: steel, rock, and ground. Pokémon with other attributes will continue to lose blood if they are in this environment.

Mega Metagross is a Steel type, and blowing sand has no effect on it.

Fang Zhong must have known this, but still using blowing sand is nothing more than creating an environment more conducive to Mega Bangeras and interfering with Mega Metagross' line of sight.

The fine sand continuously slapped on Mega Metagross's body, but it did not cause any damage to it, but polished its body brighter.


Mega Bangiras roared, after Mega Evolution, both physical strength and energy have been recovered to a certain extent, and more importantly, it broke the barrier of strength for a short time.

A scorching flame spurted out from Mega Benjilas' mouth, and the flying sand hit by the flame quickly turned into bits of magma and fell down.

Looking from a distance, a fiery red magma rain appeared amidst the flying yellow sand all over the sky.

Mega Metagross blocked the opponent's Flamethrower with Shadow Ball.

Immediately after a tremor came from the Ground, Mega Bangeras had already arrived in front of Mega Metagross under the cover of Sandstorm.

Instead of running around, use Giga Impact.

Giga Impact is not yet approaching, the air in front of it is constantly being compressed, but the already compressed Mega Metagross cannot avoid it.

Immediately afterwards, Mega Benjilas brought the momentum as if Meteorite fell, Giga Impact, wherever it passed, the hard ground turned into powder.


In this case, Mega Metagross has no time to counterattack, and can't dodge. The only and best choice is to use protection.


When Fang Zhong's voice came, Jiang Qing was taken aback, and he looked at Mega Bangiras.

Giga Impact's Contest Condition can also use other skills and ?.

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