Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

30 My Riolu Is Strong

"Why does your Riolu stay in the air for so long? It's unscientific"

Lin Hai put away Poliwag and looked at Riolu standing on the ice in disbelief.

If the opponent jumped into the air when Poliwag used the Freezing Wind, there would be at least three or four seconds in between until the Freezing Wind completely froze the water on the Ground.

In other words, Riolu has to stay in the air for three or four seconds. It can't fly. Is it really because of its strong ability to stay in the air.

I have all crossed, and the system is all there, you are here to talk about science with me.

"Riolu can jump high enough," Jiang Qing explained.

Lin Hai's face froze when he heard this. How convincing is this answer. In theory, Riolu would have to jump over fifty meters to stay in the air for three or four seconds.

"Riolu jumped to fifty-three meters"

Just when Lin Hai wondered if Jiang Qing was fooling himself, Sun Ning spoke.

Although he was not reconciled, the head teacher said so, and Lin Hai could only accept the setting of Riolu's strong jumping ability.

"Lin Hai is so strong, even stronger than me, but unfortunately my life is bad, I met you" Wang Feng looked at Jiang Qing and Lin Hai with complicated eyes, he couldn't beat either of them.

Not to mention Jiang Qing, Lin Hai is the first, Pokémon is Wartortle, and the second is Poliwag. It seems that he is taking the water route. His Charmander is probably to deliver food.

In the case of equal strength, the side fighting against the Attribute is often the most likely to lose, unless the Trainer's combat awareness and tactical command are higher than Rival.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, you are an inverse Attribute master just like Ash.

When others attack the Attribute, it is like playing with their lives.

"It's really better than you." Jiang Qing nodded.

If the other party didn't meet him, he could really hang and beat anyone else.

But it was because the opponent's strength in this class was second only to himself that the class teacher, Sun Ning, made him his Rival.

If the strength of the two sides of the training is too different, and one side is crushed, the winning side will not get any combat experience, and the losing side will be abused and have no temper, and neither side will grow.

"You'll have no friends if you talk like this," Wang Feng said with a toothache.

Seeing that Riolu still has a lot of scars caused by Mud Shot, he subconsciously said: "I have Potion here, why don't I use it for Riolu?"

He also thought that Jiang Qing didn't bring Potion, otherwise why hasn't it been used by Riolu yet.

"No, this little injury can heal on its own," Jiang Qing said.

Pokémon's physical fitness far exceeds that of humans. Even if it is seriously injured in Contest Condition, it can be slowly healed as long as it is given enough time.

As for the small wound on Riolu's body, it is estimated that it will heal on its own within an hour.

"You are really ruthless." Wang Feng shook his head.

"This is for its own good. You have learned the course "Pokémon Body Healing" for nothing, and my Riolu is very strong," Jiang Qing said.

It is suggested in the book that if Pokémon suffers a small or medium injury, and if he does not need to fight for a while, then Pokémon heals the injury on his own and does not mind using medicine.

Although drugs can speed up the healing of injuries, they also make Pokémon dependent on drugs to a certain extent.

It's like some little fresh meat broke a finger in his finger and rushed to the hospital.

And even if the old actor is injured and bleeds, he must insist on finishing the performance.

Adapting to the pain of the wound can not only exercise the Pokémon's sensitivity to pain, but also stimulate the body's healing speed to a certain extent.

"Of course I know, but some can't do it"

Wang Feng shook his head. Pokémon was his partner. If he watched Pokémon get injured, but he didn't use Potion, it would make him feel guilty, and he couldn't bear to watch his Pokémon endure the pain caused by the injury.

"You can't bear it, and the future may bring disaster to you and your Pokémon"

Wang Feng was the only person in Jiang Qing's high school who was considered a friend, otherwise he would be lazy to tell him this.

Raising a Pokémon is a bit like raising a child, once doted on, this Pokémon may be abandoned by you.

"I know, I know, it's long-winded," Wang Feng said dissatisfiedly.

He understands the truth, but he still finds it quite difficult to do it, and it takes a certain amount of time to adapt.

He looked at Riolu, hurt but firm.

It should have been only about a month since he was born, but he seemed to have gotten used to the pain. He couldn't help looking at Jiang Qing and scolded him that he was really a devil.

This is Jiang Qing's fault. Riolu's five basic values ​​are in the system's HP Enhancement Potion, Defense Enhancement Potion, Attack Enhancement Potion, Special Attack Enhancement Potion, Special Defense Enhancement Potion, and the same five XX feathers.

After eating these medicines, its five basic values ​​have been improved a lot.

Mud Shot itself does not deal much damage to it, plus its five basic values ​​exceed those of its peers, the damage is weakened again.

Now this injury is probably similar to a human cutting a finger.

Therefore, although Riolu was only born about a month ago, his physical development is very good. His height has exceeded the average height of the same kind by 0.7M, and the visual inspection should reach 0.9M.

Just looking at the height, no one would believe that this Riolu was captured by Jiang Qing during the two-month summer vacation, and it is also his second Pokémon.

"The Next King Wind"

"It's my turn, just watch me and Pidgey perform"

After Wang Feng finished speaking, he ran to the field excitedly, and the ice on the field had disappeared and returned to normal.

Jiang Qing had no interest in seeing his expression, turned his head and touched Riolu's head with his palm and said, "Well done."

The power of the waveguide radiated and slowly penetrated into Riolu's body. After being promoted to the intermediate level of the power of the waveguide, he could control the waveguide better. At least, every time he used the waveguide, his hands would emit blue light.

Therefore, no one around found that Jiang Qing himself was a user of special abilities.

Riolu is still young, and if he wants to completely master the waveguide in his body, he has to wait until he evolves into Lucario, but he is already familiar with the use of waveguide.

Using the waveguide in the body to respond to Jiang Qing's waveguide, the two waveguides are highly compatible. Even if the waveguide is not used, the other party can understand his instructions with just one look.

Seeing Riolu enjoying a waveguide massage, Metang was immediately jealous, and thumped Jiang Qing in his head.

"I haven't forgotten you, isn't Riolu doing well today?"

Jiang Qing reluctantly patted Metang's head with the other hand. The future quasi-god is now a vinegar king. Fortunately, his waveguide power has improved, otherwise it would be really difficult to massage two at a time.


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