Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

295 Mightyena: Beast, It's Still A Child

Jiang Qing wants Haunter to find Gengar and them, and the method is indeed feasible, but Gengar and them have obviously left this area, and they don't know where they wandered.

After more than an hour, Haunter came back and shook his head at Jiang Qing, obviously he couldn't find it.

"Boss Jiang, what should we do now? Do we need to find another group of Pokémon and ask them to help us find them?" Wu Fan said.

Jiang Qing shook his head: "Before asking Hera Cross to find you, there is a high probability that you are in this area, but it is not certain whether Shen Yu is in this area now."

"And this area is Mightyena's territory, they are not the idiots of Hera Cross, they can be bought with a few bottles of three honeys"

"Didn't you get attacked by Mightyena when you entered this area?"

Mightyena is a Pokémon with a particularly strong sense of territory. Once a foreign Pokémon enters its territory, regardless of the difference in strength, it will fight you first.

"No, we were hypnotized by the Gengars shortly after entering the area"

Mightyena: Damn, we were also hypnotized by these guys at the time, otherwise we would have eaten~ you guys.

Jiang Qing throws the Poké Ball.


Growlithe appeared in front of him, wagging his tail, looking very happy.

"Smell it, can you find the owner of the smell on the backpack?" Jiang Qing said.

Shen Yu's backpack has been here for several days, and Jiang Qing doesn't know if the smell is still there.

Growlithe walked forward and sniffed carefully on the backpack, perhaps because the smell was relatively weak, so it took a long time to sniff.

After a full minute or two, Growlithe stopped moving.

"How, can you find it?" Jiang Qing asked.

"If you can find it, I'll buy you bones to eat after you go out," Wu Fan hurriedly said.

Growlithe: You really treat me like a dog, who cares about your bones.

If he hadn't been a friend of his Trainer, Growlithe would have bitten him already. I'm looking down on someone. I'm a dog who only pursues bones.

Growlithe sniffed around on the Ground, and then barked at Ginger a few times.

"Okay, let's find it quickly"

Jiang Qing's eyes lit up, and Growlithe said that there were many smells around, but it still found Shen Yu's smell, although it was very faint, but it could barely follow the smell.

This is Jiang Qing's Growlithe enhanced by various resources. If it is replaced by other Growlithe, it is absolutely impossible to smell the residual smell of the backpack after a few days.

Growlithe walked in front, smelling the ground from time to time to determine the direction, while Jiang Qing and Wu Fan followed behind it.

Haunter was flying around the two of them. It had just evolved not long ago, and it was very interested in its new body, especially the two hands that could be separated from the body.

But today I seem to have forgotten what to do.

Oh oh, I remembered.

Haunter suddenly flew in front of Jiang Qing, and under Jiang Qing's eyes full of rejection, he licked his face with his scarlet tongue.

100% paralysis trigger.

"Boss Jiang-Are you okay-"

Wu Fan's expression changed drastically after Haunter's surprise, and he stuttered.

Then he saw Jiang Qing, who was under the paralyzed Contest Condition, tremblingly take out the cherry fruit from his pocket and eat it, and the numbness subsided.

"Don't make trouble, there is business now"

Jiang Qing glared at Haunter, feeling very depressed, why is the chance of paralysis only 100% for him.

Haunter smiled and danced around Jiang.

Jiang Qing shook her head helplessly, knowing that what she just said was in vain.

"As expected of Boss Jiang, really amazing"

Wu Fan looked at Jiang Qing with admiration, this paralyzed Contest Condition, he didn't even fall down, and even had the strength to eat cherry fruit for himself.

This physique is worthy of being a person who defeats himself with one move.

It would have been a long time since I had already got down and couldn't get up at all.

As far as physique is concerned, Pokémon is absolutely superior to humans. Even a Catterpie is stronger than humans after more than ten levels.

Perhaps it was because Shen Yu's smell was too weak, Growlithe's pace of progress was a little slow, most of the day passed, and he didn't go far.

"Boss Jiang, it's not going to work like this. When will we find Shen Yu at this speed?" Wu Fan said anxiously.

"You do what you want, or do you have other ways?" Jiang Qing glared at him.


Wu Fan shook his head.

"Shen Yu's smell is too weak, but as long as we keep moving forward, her smell will gradually become stronger, and we will find it sooner."

What Growlithe smells now is the smell of several days ago. If it was two days ago, then its speed will definitely increase.

……… Ask for flowers………

"Wow woof"

Growlithe stopped, grinning and barking forward.

With the trembling of the bushes ahead, eight Mightyena and dozens of Poochyena came out.

The owner of this area found the intruder and rushed over.

Eight Poochyena, one quasi-Elite peak, three quasi-Elite mid-stage, two early-stage, two elite-peak, and dozens of Poochyena are all in the ordinary level.

Growlithe: How come there are so many dog ​​things, get out of here quickly.

Growlithe said that he became ruthless and even scolded himself.

The eight Mightyena are angry, you are probably blind and cannot see the form clearly, today I will teach you how to make a dog in the dog world.

As the eight Mightyena rushed towards Growlithe, Growlithe was not afraid at all, and even had a mocking expression on her face.


"Metagross Psychic Sense"

In an instant, the eight charging Mightyena were controlled by Psychic. Except for the eyeballs that could turn, other parts seemed to be fastened by cement.

Growlithe grinned: I came out to talk about power and background.

Dozens of Poochyena are all descendants of these eight Mightyena, seeing their Uncles, aunts, grandparents, grandparents, all under control.

No matter how big the difference in strength between the two sides is, they all rushed over together.

"Machamp, what do they do"

Before Jiang Qing could make a move, Wu Fan immediately dispatched Machamp.

As Machamp punched Nanshan Nursing Home and kicked Beihai Kindergarten, in less than a minute, these dozens of Poochyena were beaten to the ground.

Seeing this, the eight Mightyena looked at Wu Fan with Rage eyes.

This human being is simply shameless, bullying his son, daughter, grandson, and grandson.

"Have you seen these people?"

Jiang Qing walked up to these Mightyena with his mobile phone: "Look carefully and don't hide it, or I will let Growlithe take them to do bad things in the woods"

As he spoke, he pointed to the female Poochyena.

Mightyena: Beasts, they are still children.

Growlithe: Do something bad!?

Wu Fan: Growlithe doesn't know if your body can handle it.

Mightyena: I met this woman, and she hurt me.

A certain Mightyena said fuck to Shen Yu's photo. .

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