Early the next morning, Jiang Qing, who was a little sleepy, came out of the tent, and Daidai had already prepared breakfast. Of course, Xiao Jianguo and the three of them had also prepared breakfast for Daidai.

The young man named Xiao Wu has already woken up, his face is a little pale due to excessive blood loss, but he is in good spirits.

He already knew from his big brothers Xiao Jianguo and Xiao Yi what happened after he passed out last night.

I didn't expect such a big thing to happen after I fell into a coma. Fortunately, Jiang Qing took action, otherwise the three of them would have become the Ursaring couple's night~night.

"Brother Yi, wait for Young Master Jiang to come out. You have to apologize to him. What you said yesterday was really rude," Xiao-Wu warned.

No matter from any point of view, they are not qualified to command Jiang Qing, let alone let Jiang Qing kill Ursaring for them.

"Understood, I will apologize"

Xiao Yi nodded, one night was enough for him to calm down, leaving a drop of cold sweat on his face.

At that time, if Jiang Qing had a bad temper, he could completely ignore them because of his words.

He has met many descendants of aristocratic families, and their personalities are not very friendly. Jiang Qing is definitely the most talkative person he has ever met.


Jiang Qing, who walked out of the tent, saw that Xiao Jianguo and Xiao Yi had already woken up, and the wounded man had also woken up. The three seemed to be waiting for him.

"Yah dong"

On the simple table, Daidai distributed the prepared breakfast to those sitting.

Hot steamed buns, deep-fried dough sticks, pan-fried, soya-bean milk, moo moo milk.

Except for Momoo's milk, the other four were all made by Xiao Jianguo and the others with their own eyes.

If the scent hadn't been restrained rationally, they would have eaten it before Jiang Qing came out.

"Let's eat, taste Daidai's craftsmanship," Jiang Qing said.

As he spoke, he picked up a fried pan first. Dadai calculated the time when he would get up and the time when the fried fried food would cool down, so if he took a bite, his mouth would not be burned by the oil in the fried fried food, but the fried fried food was not cold, The temperature is just right.

"Why don't you eat"

Jiang Qing ate several fried rice, Xiao Jianguo and Xiao Wu ate more, but Xiao Yi didn't even move his chopsticks.

Xiao Jianguo and Xiao Wu looked at Xiao Yi, who stood up, bowed and said, "Young Master Jiang, I was too arrogant last night, please don't take offense."

"Okay, I've already forgotten"

Jiang Qing waved his hand, he was not a person who held grudges.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and Xiao Yi was now in the mood to have breakfast.

During meal time, Jiang Qing also chatted with them, and learned that the three of them had been wandering around the Baicang Mountain Range for a long time.

Xiao Jianguo is quasi-Elite, while Xiao Yi and Xiao Wu are elite.

However, Xiao Jianguo only has one quasi-Elite Pokémon. If he had two, he might not have been beaten so badly by the Ursaring couple last night.

There is only one quasi-Elite Pokémon, plus two elite-level Trainer assistants. If you are careful, you can indeed walk in the middle and outer reaches of the Baicang Mountains.

"Have you seen this person?"

Jiang Qing showed Lin Xiu's photo to the three of them.

This is a selfie from Lin Xiu's circle of friends. Shen Yu and Wu Fan are not as narcissistic as Lin Xiu, but they use their own photos as their profile pictures.

This is how confident you are in your own appearance that you will use a photo as your profile picture.

I don't know if it's self-confidence or narcissism.

The three shook their heads, expressing that they had never seen Lin Xiu before Jiang Qing showed them the portraits of Wu Fan and Shen Yu.

"I've seen this muscular man"

Xiao Jianguo shouted immediately after seeing Wu Fan's profile picture.

Xiao Yi and Xiao Wu also nodded vigorously.

"What about her?"

Jiang Qing pointed at Shen Yu's head.

The three shook their heads.

"You only see him alone"

Jiang Qing once again pointed at Wu Fan who was wearing martial arts trousers, with his upper body exposed, doing bulk up movements.

"Well, he was indeed the only one when we saw him," Xiao Jianguo said.

Jiang Qing was slightly startled, if Xiao Jianguo and the others hadn't lied to him, then Shen Yu, Wu Fan and Lin Xiu should have separated.

The fact that Xiao Jianguo and the others did not panic can rule out the possibility of lying to themselves.

Separation? Or temporary separation?

Jiang Qing remained silent.

The three of Xiao Jianguo didn't speak, and they understood why someone like Jiang Qing came here.

"Have you ever talked to him?"

"He asked us from a distance, and now I think he should ask the two people you mentioned, Young Master Jiang," Xiao Jianguo said.

For safety in the wild, when you meet other strangers, if you have to communicate, most of them communicate at a certain distance.

……… Ask for flowers…

"Do you know where it is?"

Jiang Qing took out a map of the Baicang Mountains, which roughly marked the population distribution, strength distribution, and terrain distribution of Pokémon in the Baicang Mountains.

This map is much more detailed than the circulation maps sold outside.

Seeing this map, his eyes became straight. Although he has been wandering in the Baicang Mountains for many years, he got a relatively detailed information based on his own exploration, and he also has his own map.

Basically, every Trainer who has been somewhere in the wild for a long time will mark his own map based on his own exploration.

This kind of map is basically not for sale.

However, the area they can explore will not be very large. Xiao Jianguo has been exploring the Baicang Mountains for more than ten years, and the areas he explores are fixed in two or three areas, so he is only familiar with these two or three areas.


And Jiang Qing's map is a detailed map of the entire Baicang Mountain Range, and there are two or three areas he often explores on it, and the marks on it are more detailed than his.

"This is where we met"

Xiao Jianguo pointed to an area on the map, which was one of the areas he often explored.

"He's not hurt"

"No, the Contest Condition is very good, and the upper body is not wearing any clothes," Xiao Yi said.

It was the first time he had seen a man without clothes in the wild, but this guy had really good muscles, and he had six pack abs.

Jiang Qing nodded and stood up from the chair.

"Jiang Shao, are you leaving?" Xiao Jianguo said.


Jiang Qing nodded, since he has received the news from Wu Fan, he must go and have a look.

At this time, Daidai had already packed his things and was carrying a small schoolbag.

After bidding farewell to Xiao Jianguo and the others, Jiang Qing rode the Metagross and flew towards the area where Wu Fan had appeared.

Dragonite didn't come back last night, and it didn't find any news from the investigation team.

Jiang Qing is not worried about Dragonite. With its strength, it can even go to the center of the Baicang Mountain Range.

At this moment, somewhere in the middle and outer reaches of the Baicang Mountains, Wu Fan was eating an unknown wild fruit. Machamp beside him looked at the deformed face of the other party who was soured by the wild fruit, but he was reluctant to spit it out.

group. .

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