Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

288 Yellow Circle = Target

"This is a rare couple raising the next generation together." Xiao Jianguo's expression was extremely serious.

The reason why they were hunted down by Ursaring was because they secretly subdued its children.

Most Pokémon are raised by mothers alone, and a few are raised by parents.

But Ursaring is an exception. In most cases, the female Ursaring raises Teddiursa, and the male plays the role of a scumbag. After confirming that the female is pregnant, he will leave, and then find the next female, which is a scumbag.

Also because of this Ability, some people like to use Ursaring as their social avatar.

Only on rare occasions do males raise offspring with females.

Right now, this should only be a male, because the male's hair will be shorter than the female, and that female is on the way.

The three of them were injured by the female Ursaring.

Now there is another male who is stronger than the female, and their Pokémon Contest Condition is not very good.


The male Ursaring roared, his huge body exuded a penetrating aura, and looked at Xiao Jianguo and the three of them with murderous eyes.

Stealing his own child while he was not at home, and beating his wife.

You are afraid that you are tired of living.


The young man took out his own Pokémon, the only Pokémon he currently has the power to fight.

Facing Ursaring, who was extremely violent and releasing killing intent, Exeggutor showed a look of fear in his eyes, and took a step back unconsciously.

In terms of momentum, Ursaring already had an absolute advantage. Seeing that Rival was overwhelmed by himself, Ursaring landed on all fours and quickly ran on the ground.

Backing out with a powerful force, he came to Exeggutor in the blink of an eye.

"Exeggutor Razor Leaf"

Facing the Ursaring who was rushing towards him, Exeggutor's inner fear was constantly amplifying, but he didn't run away, and a large number of spinning sharp Leafages attacked Ursaring.

Ursaring stretched out his sharp claws, and the sharp claws swung quickly, like streams of silvery white light, and pieces of broken trees Ye Luo fell under its feet.

The Razor Leaf couldn't break through Ursaring's claws at all.

But Ursaring was already approaching Exeggutor at this moment. As the sharp claws fell, four deep gashes were drawn on Exeggutor's body, and his body was also blown away by this force.

At this moment, the Noctowl on the branch suddenly flew in front of Ursaring, its eyes emitting waves of hypnosis.

Ursaring was hit, his body was shaking, and his eyelids began to tremble.

Seeing this, Xiao Jianguo clenched his fist slightly, but the next second


The female Ursaring arrived, and her roar instantly made the male Ursaring tremble, and the intense sleepiness disappeared completely at this moment.

Looking at the Noctowl who used Hypnosis on him, the male waved his palm and slapped it down. Noctowl had no time to dodge.

With a bang, its body was slapped heavily on the ground, and before it bounced up, it was pressed on the ground by the front paw of the male Ursaring.

Click click click.

Most of the bones in his body were broken, and blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, it was obvious that he was about to die.

Noctowl's main duty is to keep watch at night, so its combat effectiveness is limited.

The female Ursaring had already walked in front of the male Ursaring at this time, and both Ursarings looked at the three who stole their child with ferocious killing intent.

Holding a Poké Ball in his hand, Xiao Jianguo looked at the dead Noctowl at Ursaring's feet, his eyes flashed with distress.

"Xiao Yi, take Xiao Wu to the tent, now he is the only one who can save us," Xiao Jianguo said.

"Brother-in-law, I'm with you. If he wanted to save us, he would have come here long ago." Xiao Yi shook his head.

Ursaring's voice was so loud, how could it be possible that the people in the tent could not hear it. He has not made a move until now, basically because he didn't want to make a move.

Or the other party wanted to watch him die.

The male Ursaring looked at the dying Noctowl at his feet.

If you dare to steal my child, I will eat it first, and then I will eat you.

Seeing Ursaring who opened his mouth to swallow him, Noctowl gave Xiao Jianguo a reluctant look, and then closed his eyes in despair.


Just when Ursaring's teeth were about to touch Noctowl, a black shadow appeared in front of Noctowl like lightning, with its palm on its body.

Suddenly, a repulsive force emanated from the opponent's palm.


In the next second, the huge body of the male Ursaring flew out, smashing several thick trees on the way.


Lucario: You made such a noise that the master went to rest.

The female Ursaring sees her husband being beaten up, so she doesn't care who your master is, if you hit my husband, I'll kill you.

The sharp claws were raised high, and they slashed down with white light, trying to split Lucario in half.


Maybe its movements are fast in Xiao Jianguo's eyes, but in Lucario's eyes, the speed is too slow.

The blue spiral pill in his hand - wrong - Aura Sphere formed, just when Slash fell, Aura Sphere was pressed on the yellow circle on the female Ursaring's body.

Right in the center of the yellow circle.

To some extent, the yellow circle is comparable to the target.

Leo didn't kill him. The male Ursaring who went out stood up unsteadily, with a puzzled look on his bear face, as if he was thinking about how he flew out just now.

"Kacha Kacha"

The next moment it saw a black shadow knocking down the big tree continuously, and when it saw clearly that the black shadow was its own wife, the other party had already bumped into it.

This time, the male Ursaring completely fainted, while the female Ursaring fainted because she had her husband as her back.


The young man named Xiao Yi stared dumbfounded at Luca (Wang's good friend) Leo, who seemed to be descended from a god.

The female Ursaring, who beat the three of them to pieces with a total of eight Pokémon, was defeated in this way, and at the same time, the other party also defeated the stronger male Ursaring Li.

That kind of understatement way of defeat gave Xiaoyi an illusion that Ursaring was nothing more than that.

It took only five seconds from Lucario's appearance to defeating the two Ursarings.

This kind of smooth and smooth defeat is simply not a master.

"My brother-in-law's Lucario belongs to that person"

After Xiao Yijian defeated Ursaring, Lucario walked towards the tent without looking back, and immediately knew who saved them.

Before, he thought that the other party would die, but now that he thinks about it, he really feels a little sorry.

"Well, it's that lord's Pokémon"

Xiao Jianguo nodded, and then remembered that his Noctowl was still dead, so he hurried over to pick up Noctowl. .

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