Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

280 Elite Dragonite

Pokémon: Dragonite (Dragon Flying)

Level: 70

Qualification: Purple

Ability: mental power

Props: Dragon Fang

Gender: male

Moves: Hurricane, Wing Attack, Roost, Leer, Dragon Tail, Twister, Thunder Wave, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Mystery Guardian, Slam, Rain Dance

Skill Disc: Protect, Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Substitute,- Iron Tail, Breaking Swipe

Genetic Abilities: Extrreme Speed, Dragon Stars, Dragon Dance-, Outrage

Note: Soaking in the dragon pond will increase the power of dragon moves by 25%.

After soaking in the Longchi for 41 hours, the Dragonite's aptitude has not changed at all, it is still purple, Jiang Qing is not surprised at this point.

If Longchi can raise his aptitude to golden, Dragonite's father should already be golden, not purple.

It does have a hint of gold in it's purple though, just like it did when Metagross ate the Heart of Arceus earlier.

Slightly improved a little qualification.

As for its strength, it has reached the peak of quasi-Elite. The energy in its body is actually enough for Dragonite to become an Elite-level Pokémon, but its current body has been violently infused with Dragon Pond energy, and its body is a little weak, so it is not suitable for directly advancing to Elite.

Xia Zhu's Salamence broke through to the Elite level after soaking in the Dragon Pool and gained enough energy.

At the same time, the power of Dragonite's dragon moves has also been improved because of Longchi.

However, Salamence, who will be watching Xia Zhu before, did not give such a hint. It seems that soaking in the dragon pool will not increase the power of dragon moves, and the time of soaking is the key.

Champion Dragonite: Son eat this.

The old father, Dragonite, took out a thumb-cap-like thing that was similar to jelly.

Jiang Qing had never seen this thing before, so he opened his probing eyes and took a look.

Dragon Pokémon Crystal: Dragon Pokémon is the crystallization of dragon energy in Longchi. Taking it can enhance the overall strength of the body. Dragon Pokémon is the best to take.

Undoubtedly, this thing is a dragon treasure.

Being able to improve the overall strength of the body does not refer to a unilateral ability, but all aspects, including speed, strength, reaction ability, and ability to resist blows.

This thing probably exists in the system mall.

Jiang Qing searched, and sure enough, he saw this crystal of the Dragon Pond, which was sold for 30,000 points.

Nima, this is not a big profit.

"Is this thing still there?"

Jiang Qing also ignored his face, and looked at Dragonite's father with a smile.

He still has a Gabite now, besides, this dragon pool crystal can also be taken by other Attribute Pokémon, but the dragon Pokémon works best.

The champion-level Dragonite shook his head: This thing has only three pieces in a hundred years, and I only have this one left now, if you want it, I will keep it for you next time.

Jiang Qing nodded immediately when he heard the words, this Dragonite can deal with it, and he will give it if he asks for a good thing.

"How long will it be next time?"

"There are still eighty years, soon"

Jiang Qing:ㄒ–T/(-1)

Eighty years, I don't know if I can live to this age.

For a Pokémon like Dragonite with a lifespan of a thousand years, eighty years is relatively short.

For human beings, eighty years is a lifetime.

Xia Guo's average life expectancy has not exceeded 75 years old.

"Then I will ask my grandson to come and get it"

How can you not want what you promised? If I am not dead, I will come and get it myself. If I die, I will let my grandson come and get it.

"Oh, I forgot, you humans are all short-lived ghosts, if you die, let my son come back"

The champion-level Dragonite showed a look of surprise, and at the same time, some thoughts flashed in his eyes.

It is more than two hundred years old now, and it used to belong to Trainer. After Trainer died, his descendants put it back in Dragon's Den.

And this Trainer is an ancestor-level figure of the Xia family.

Jiang Qing: Are you polite?

But if there is no accident, Jiang Qing must be the one who died first, and none of his Pokémon had a short lifespan.

The shortest Growlithe can live to be seventy or eighty years old. If it evolves into Arcanine, and its strength reaches Elite, it is safe to live a hundred years old.

There are many reasons why the family can survive for a long time, one of which is that the family has the Pokémon left by their ancestors.

Once an unsolvable crisis arises, these ancestral Pokémon will see that they are their own Trainer blood to solve the crisis.

Like the Xia family, even though there are no obvious champions in their family, there are many powerful Pokémon left by their ancestors.

Even this champion-level Pokémon belongs to an ancestor of the Xia family. If the Xia family is in danger of extinction, please ask Dragonite to make a move, and the other party will definitely make a move.

……ask for flowers…

This is the background of the top family, because you never know how many cards they have.

So is the Jiang family, of course. The champion-level golden monster in the special secret place Oreburgh Great Wall is the Pokémon of a certain ancestor of their family.

After eating the old Longchi crystal and Jiang Qing's full recovery medicine, the wounds in Dragonite's body were quickly healed, and the strength of his body was constantly increasing.

Jiang Qing and the champion-level Dragonite looked at the closed-eyed Dragonite.

Dragonite's waveguide is constantly getting stronger at this moment, and its life level is rising.

To break through!

Jiang Qing's breathing was a little short, and his eyes were fixed on Dragonite.

The breakthrough from quasi-Elite to Elite is not only a breakthrough in level, but also a leap in life level.

If the life level of Pokémon below the Elite level belongs to the mortal level, then after the Elite level, it is the road to gradually escape from the mortal to the god.

Dragonite's breakthrough was not earth-shattering, but mediocre. During the snowstorm on the top of Mount Long, Dragonite successfully broke through to the Elite level.

Pokémon: Dragonite (Dragon Flying)

Grade: 71

Qualification: Purple

Ability: mental power

Props: Dragon Fang

Gender: male

Moves: Hurricane, Wing Attack, Roost, Leer, Dragon Tail, Twister, Thunder Wave, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard, Slam, Rain Dance

Skill discs: Protect, Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Substitute, Iron Tail, Breaking Swipe–

Genetic Abilities: Extrreme Speed, Dragon Stars, Dragon Dance, Outrage

Note: Soaking in the dragon pond will increase the power of dragon moves by 25%.

Jiang Qing's first Elite-level Pokémon was officially born. This is not a short-lived Elite obtained through Mega Evolution or an Elite experience card, but a real Elite, a genuine existence.

He thought that Trump Card Metagross would become his first Elite Pokémon, but he didn't expect Dragonite to become an Elite first.

The main reason for this must be Longchi.

Longchi also absorbed a lot of energy due to Dragonite, and the entire water level was at least one-third lower than before.

It will take almost ten years to get back to the way it was before. .

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