Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

261 Summer afternoon call

On the way back to the hotel, Jiang Qing found a place with no one, and put the stone ball that Magearna turned into into the system space.

Because a Magearna without a soul heart is actually a dead thing, it can be put into space.

"This is the treatment of the protagonist"

Jiang Qing murmured, with a satisfied expression on his face, even though he usually behaves like an African, he doesn't dare to use his protection a second time.

But sometimes luck comes, and it can't be stopped. For example, now, who would have thought that he could meet Magearna, who lost his soul and turned into a stone ball, on the trading street of South Lake University.

The Eudemons of the Steel and Fairy systems cost only one million, and he earned it this time.

And the seller Zhang Qing also felt that he had made a lot of money. A useless stone ball was actually sold by him for one million.

He was thinking about whether to buy some stone balls like "Seven-Two-Three" next time.

Lucario looked at Jiang Qing who was exuding happiness all over his body. Although he was puzzled, his mood was also happy because Jiang Qing was happy.

Involuntarily, the sound of "Ruka Luka" came out.

Regarding Magearna's lost soul heart, Jiang Qing is not in a hurry, he will only choose to enter the ancient kingdom ruins after Metagross becomes Elite.

In terms of the difficulty of the ruins, only the Elite level can get real gains, and in the face of danger, it will not fail to fight back.

Now, in the process of gathering energy in Metagross, even if there is such a treasure as the Heart of Arceus in his body, Jiang Qing estimates that it will take at least half a year, or even more than a year, to break through to become Elite.

As far as this time is concerned, it is not very long, it can even be said to be very short.

After all, it has only been more than a year since Metagross was born, and it has become a Pokémon at the peak of the quasi-Elite, and its combat power is even closer to the late Elite.

It took more than a year to cultivate Metagross like this, let alone Xia Kingdom, even if there would be no second case in the whole world.


The phone rang, Jiang Qing took out the phone, looked at Xia Wu's name on it, and immediately pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Teacher Xia"

"Jiang Qing heard from Fang Xian that you are on leave"

"Well, something was delayed, so I took five days off"

"What's wrong with Teacher Xia?"

Xia Wu's phone call was definitely not a matter of asking him for leave.

"If you have time, come to Xia's house in the past few days. This time is the time when Dragon's Den secret realm dragon energy is the most intense"

Xia Wu did not continue to say the following words.

"Okay, I'll come over tomorrow," Jiang Qing said.

After speaking, the two hung up the phone.

The energy of the advanced secret realm will be divided into high and low every year, that is, the energy in a certain period of time is very low, and it will be very high in a certain period of time.

The appearance of this time, and the length of time are uncertain.

When Rift energy is at its peak, Pokémon's breakthrough is definitely easier than usual, and vice versa.

He sent a message to Chai Qianqian and Tao Ran each, saying that he was in a hurry to return to the imperial capital.

There is no airport in Nanhu City, and the high-speed rail tickets from Nanhu City to the Imperial Capital have been sold out in the past few days, so Jiang Qing can only ride Dragonite to the Imperial Capital.

Because there is enough time, as long as you arrive at the imperial capital before night, Jiang Qing did not let Dragonite fly very fast.

The speed is basically maintained at about 100 kilometers per hour.

On the Nanhu University side, Chai Qianqian was still waiting for Jiang Qing to come back from the hotel, but the result was that Jiang Qing was not coming and was returning to the imperial capital.

Although he didn't say anything, he couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.

On the other hand, when Tao Ran saw this information, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This scumbag is finally gone, and she finally doesn't have to worry about her little sister being scumbags.

Seeing Chai Qianqian looking at the information on the phone with a lost face, Tao Ran took her phone.

"Don't look at it, he is so anxious to return to the imperial capital, maybe a certain woman in the imperial capital asked him to go back."

"I know very well what a disciple of the Qianqian family looks like. Don't look at how serious some people look on the surface. In fact, it is not certain how many women have been scum, and there may even be women who have had abortions for him."

Jiang Qing: It's a big misunderstanding of me.

Chai Qianqian shook her head: "Jiang Qing is not such a person. He is different from the children of the normal family. If it weren't for him, Cloyster and I might have died in the secret realm."

She will always remember that in the secret realm, when she was alone and helpless with the weak Shellder in her arms, when she panicked and did not know what was wrong, Jiang Qing suddenly appeared and gave her a high-grade Water Stone......

It is because of this Water Stone that Shellder, who was constantly weakened due to excessive ice energy, successfully evolved into a Cloyster.

Jiang Qing's unintentional actions changed her and Cloyster.

Perhaps for Jiang Qing, he just did a trivial thing, but for Chai Qianqian and Cloyster, it was a move to change their destiny.

Looking at the excited Chai Qianqian, Tao Ran never thought that such a thing had happened to her and Jiang Qing.

If this is the case, with Chai Qianqian as a person, then the kindness of Meiqing will be remembered in this life, and the possibility of reposting is almost 100%.

At about five o'clock, Jiang Qing came to the Imperial City, because he had obtained the Flying certificate. After being checked by the Imperial City Sky inspectors, Jiang Qing rode Dragonite and flew directly into the Imperial City Sky.

No longer have to come to the city like Sky, have to get down, walk or take other means of transportation into the city.

City Sky prohibits trainers without a Flying permit from entering, mainly for safety reasons.

The agreement with Teacher Xia Wu was to go to Xia's house tomorrow morning, so Jiang Qing chose to stay at the hotel in the evening.

The hotel is, of course, the Gardevoir Hotel, which is owned by the family.

Because the Asian Games are being held in the imperial capital recently, many domestic and foreign tourists have poured in, which is the main reason why it is difficult to buy high-speed rail tickets and air tickets to the imperial capital in recent days.

Most of the major hotels in the Imperial City are full, so it is difficult to find a hotel with vacant rooms at this time.

Even high-end hotels are the same, after all, there is no shortage of rich people everywhere.

The Gardevoir Hotel is naturally full, and even the most expensive presidential suite has been occupied, and that person has booked it for more than half a month.

But in a high-end hotel like Gardevoir, although the rooms on the bright side are full, there are still some rooms left in the dark for emergencies.

For example, there are three presidential suites, and the other two are normally occupied, but the third one is for people with special status and will never be open to the public.

Jiang Qing now lives in the third room, which is more luxuriously decorated than the other two presidential suites.

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