Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

248 Golem in traffic jam

Because of the sudden emergency stop, there was chaos in the carriage, and the cries of children, the curses of adults, and the cries of the injured were intertwined.

"Mom I hurt"

"What's the matter, I must sue you"

"The flight attendant, the flight attendant, my mother was injured"

"Without reasonable compensation, I will definitely not let you go today"

Some people didn't even think about why the running high-speed train suddenly stopped suddenly, Rage made them lose their minds, and of course some people wanted to take this opportunity to take advantage of it.

There are irrational people, and naturally there are smart people.

Some people seemed to be thinking of something, and their faces became scared and nervous.

At this time the radio sounded.

"Dear passengers, there is a lot of Geodude in front of the train, we have sent people to go, please don't panic"

"Injured passengers, please go to No. 3 car, if you can't move, please call the flight attendant in time"

While the rails are often patrolled by Pokémon who are close to the rails, it's impossible to do 100% of the time.

Every year in the Xia Kingdom, there will be incidents of Pokémon attacking high-speed trains, and naturally there will be some casualties.

This is not only in the Xia Kingdom, but also happens in other countries, and it is not as good as the Xia Kingdom.

Even if you fly, there is a certain chance that you will be attacked by Flying-type Pokémon.

If the plane really had an accident, the death rate would be much higher than that of the high-speed rail.

Therefore, in order to prevent casualties, there will be certain security forces on planes and high-speed trains, and all security personnel are Trainers.

There are ten Elite Trainers and one quasi-Elite Trainer on this train.

Now the prospective Elite Trainer takes five Elite Trainers to the place where Geodude gathers, and the remaining five Elite Trainers guard around the train to prevent wild Pokémon from entering the train and hurting people.

In the business car, Jiang Qing helped the flight attendant to his seat.

"Thank you Jiang Xian" "Sheng"

The flight attendant said gratefully, if Jiang Qing hadn't pulled her before, she would have fallen to the ground in a state of embarrassment, and she might have been injured if she was unlucky.

Listening to the voice on the radio, Jiang Qing secretly murmured a bad voice.

This small probability event was encountered by him.

"Can you handle the Pokémon outside?" Jiang Qing asked.

If it can't be dealt with, he doesn't mind helping.

"Yes, we have a prospective Elite Trainer here," the flight attendant said with a hint of admiration when she said the prospective Elite Trainer.

For most people, Elite is high and out of reach, so quasi-Elite has become the destination that most trainers can reach.

It is also the highest-level Trainer that many ordinary people can reach.

Jiang Qing nodded when he heard the words.

A quasi-Elite thinks there is no problem.

Very few Pokémons in the wild can become Elite, even if they are quasi-Elite.

There is a quasi-Elite Trainer shot, and this problem can be solved soon.

There is a tunnel 500 meters in front of the train, and at the entrance of this tunnel, there are hundreds of Geodudes gathered at this time.

Seeing this scene, the train driver hurriedly applied the emergency brake, which stopped the train.

"Captain, these Geodudes can be handled by us," a team member said confidently.

Geodude levels are not very high, they are elite trainers, even if the number of these Geodude is relatively large, it just takes more time.

"Let them out, nothing can happen to Tunnel," the captain said.

If the Tunnel is collapsed due to the battle, then the railway will not be available for a short period of time, and it will not only affect this train at that time.

"Don't worry, Captain," the team member said confidently.

"Vileplume uses sweet scents"

A Pokémon appears with a huge red flower on its head.

Vileplume has the largest petals in the world, and with the soft cry of Vileplume, its buds smell of Spit Up pink.

The sweet smell is very attractive to Pokémon. Once smelling this smell, the Pokémon with weak willpower will unconsciously go towards the source of this smell.

However, the sweet smell has a weaker effect on humans, so it will not hurt their own people.

As the sweet scent spreads, the Geodudes of the Tunnel mouth show their eyes of enjoyment and obsession.

"it's done"

The team members laughed.

If this incident is resolved, my credit must be not small. It seems that I should be able to buy the Toxic Orb Fragments this month.

Using the sweet scent, Vileplume walked towards the forest beside her.

Go into the forest without damaging the rails and the tunnel.

As hundreds of Geodudes came out of the tunnel one after another, the captain's expression suddenly changed.

Because there were more Geodudes than he had imagined, it was almost five hundred.

And once the most Earl Dervish Pokémon in a population reaches a certain number, its evolutionary type, and even the final evolutionary type, is bound to appear.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the captain to see the Graveler behind Geodude, whose body was much bigger than Geodude.

There are about forty or fifty Gravelers in total, all of which are at the elite level, and some have even reached the peak of the elite.

"."What should the captain do?"

Geodude with less than 500 or 600 elites, they can still deal with the captain of the quasi-Elite.

But now there are dozens of elite Gravelers.

Although they are elite-level Trainers, it does not mean that all their Pokémon have reached the elite-level, most of them only have two or three elite-level, and only one less.

The number of Gravelers is clearly beyond their capabilities.

But they weren't worried because the captain was a quasi-Elite.

"dong dong dong"

A sound of heavy footsteps came from the depths of the tunnel.

Hearing the footsteps, the captain (Zhao Dezhao) and the team members had a bad feeling in their hearts.

It didn't take long for a Pokémon to be covered with Rock, like a ball, and walked out of the Tunnel.

“Sure enough Golem”

The captain's expression was completely unbearable at the moment, he was barely able to deal with the Graveler of the forty or fifty elite level, but now a quasi-Elite Golem appeared.

At that time, he is bound to contain Golem, and Graveler can only rely on players to deal with idlers.

"What do the patrolmen do, how come there is such a large group of Geodudes near the railway, even Golems"

A certain member of the team knows the seriousness of the matter. If they don't get it, they will all die here, and even the passengers on the train will be in danger.

"It should have just moved here," the captain said solemnly.

The Rail Patrol would never have made such a rudimentary mistake, the only explanation is that this Golem group has just recently migrated.

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