Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

246 100% natural birth pills?!

A female Pokémon is at its weakest when she gives birth, so often the males around her are unusually vigilant.

Any creatures that come near their territory are expelled.

Some ruthless males will even kill Pokémon that enter their turf.


"It's been half a month, and she hasn't given birth yet?" Jiang Qing asked suspiciously.

Pokémon gives birth at different races and times, while Diglett Dugtrio gives birth, basically it only takes a day or two to heal.

Now that half a month has passed, the female Dugtrio has not yet given birth, which is about ten times longer than the normal time.

I'm afraid it's not Pokémon eggs, but Nezha in Pokémon eggs.

It takes half a month to give birth, which is the patent of the quasi-god.

Facing Jiang Qing's question, Dugtrio's leader hesitated for a moment and then explained the reason.

After "710" listened to the other party's narration, Jiang Qing showed a sudden look.

To put it simply, his wife had difficulty giving birth and could not give birth to Pokémon eggs, so he had to toss for so long.

"Then you can ask Lao Li for help," Jiang Qing said.

With its relationship with Lao Li, Lao Li will definitely help.

The leader of Dugtrio saw that his wife had been unable to give birth, and actually had this idea, but Jiang Qing suddenly broke in today.

Dugtrio: Can you help me.

Jiang Qing: This is the first time to deliver Pokémon.

“Can try”

The existence of the system gave Jiang Qing enough confidence. If he really can't figure it out, he can also ask his mother Tian Rou for help.

The other side is a senior breeder, and basically all breeders are half Pokémon doctors, and her mother Tian Rou also has a lot of achievements in Pokémon medicine.

"Let's lead the way," Jiang Qing said.

But the Dugtrio leader did not move, but looked at Metagross and Dragonite beside Jiang Qing.

Because of the power of the waveguide, it trusts Jiang Qing when it meets for the first time, but for the extremely threatening Metagross and Dragonite.

It certainly won't bring them to its wife.

Jiang Qing smiled and took the two Pokémon back into the Poké Ball.

His behavior greatly moved the leader of Dugtrio, and his favorability rose again.

Dugtrio: My wife is at our feet.

With the ground energy emanating from its body, the ground under Jiang Qing's feet began to sink slowly, and the body did not shake in the middle.

It can be seen that the Dugtrio leader has a very high grasp of his own energy.

A few seconds later, Jiang Qing had come to the ground, the ground above his head had closed, and the surroundings were pitch black.

But it didn't take long for green fluorescence to appear in the dark surroundings. As the fluorescence increased, Jiang Qing had come to an underground space.

The entire space is about 300 square meters, surrounded by green stones, which play a role in lighting.

But this color is a bit unfriendly.

Look at the Dugtrio leader.

Jiang Qing really wanted to say something, your head has been illuminated by so many green lights, it's really good, your wife is still giving birth.

In this underground space, there are only the Dugtrio leader and his wife, as well as three quasi-Elite Dugtrios.

The three Dugtrios are guarding his wife.

The female three-landlord was full of pain, and when she saw the male Dugtrio coming, there was only a little joy in her eyes.

The leader of Dugtrio eagerly came to his wife, comforted softly, and said that he had brought someone who could help him.

The female Dugtrio looked at Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing is also walking towards it step by step, because now is a special period, it has great vigilance against human beings, but the leader of Dugtrio beside him has been comforting it, so it did not shoot Jiang Qing.

"Just feed it to it"

Jiang Qing took out the medicine he had just bought in the system mall from his pocket.

What this medicine does is help Pokémon give birth.

The Dugtrio in front of him is obviously suffering from dystocia, and if it continues, it will be life-threatening.

The leader of Dugtrio nodded, and immediately brought the medicine to his wife, but the latter showed a clear expression of refusal. The medicine was brought to his mouth, but he did not take it.

This made the leader of Dugtrio anxious. In the face of his dystocia wife, he could not beat or scold him now.

So it looked at Jiang Qing to the rescue.

"Gastly Hypnosis" Jiang Qing said.

A Gastly suddenly appeared in front of the female Dugtrio, with a hypnotic wave in her eyes.

The three quasi-Elite Dugtrios immediately wanted to do something when they saw Gastly who suddenly appeared, but they were stopped by the Dugtrio leader immediately.

Because Gastly has absolute stealth, it usually follows Jiang Qing...

If someone really wanted to kill Jiang Qing, Jiang Qing could use Gastly's Ability to directly take out that person's brain.

The female Dugtrio is also a quasi-Elite. Hypnosis at Gastly's level would not be so easy to succeed, but she was exhausted by dystocia, so she was hit by Gastly's Hypnosis.

And because the female Dugtrio, who was exhausted and did not rest well, now sleeps very deeply because of Hypnosis.

"Just give it the medicine"

100% natural delivery medicine: dystocia does not exist.

This is the name and description of the drug, plain and simple.

Since it was a 100% natural birth, even if the female Dugtrio fell asleep, it would definitely be fine.

The system will not smash its own brand.

As the Dugtrio leader feeds the medicine into his wife's mouth.

Hmm - the mouth-to-mouth kind.

As a human being, Jiang Qing was actually loved by two Dugtrios.

As the drug entered, the male Dugtrio chief looked nervously at his wife.

Soon a burst of white light emanated from the female Dugtrio.

Jiang Qing's eyes were full of curiosity, and it was the first time he saw Pokémon giving birth.

The white light slowly converged into a ball of light, and as the ball of light fell to the ground, the white light covering it also disappeared, replaced by a brown egg.

This Pokémon egg is the same color as Diglett and Dugtrio.

However, many Pokémon eggs are also 5.5 brown, so a brown egg doesn't mean it's a Diglett inside.

Jiang Qing took a look at this Pokémon egg with his probing eyes, green talent.

Even if it is cyan aptitude, he will not have any thoughts on the egg, after all, Diglett is not within the scope of his conquest.

His subduing range is very cliché, that is, handsome and fierce. There must be one and the same between the two. If not, at least Jiang Qing thinks you are pleasing to the eye.

So Diglett hehe

Diglett: Thank you for being insulted.

Thanks to the Dugtrio chief, Jiang Qing left the orchard.

"Okay, I have solved the reason"

Outside the orchard, Jiang Qing explained the reason to Mr. Wang and Lao Li who were still waiting.

Rejecting Mr. Wang's way of expressing his gratitude, Jiang Qing rode the Dragonite and left the orchard.

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