Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

243 The Royal Family's Help

It took seven or eight hours of fishing for Jiang Qing to complete this daily task. This was the first time Jiang Qing took such a long time to complete a daily task after getting the system.

In order to complete this task, even the lunch is sent to Dragonite at home.

Mega Fishing Rod: The fishing rod in the dream of fishing guys, there is a certain chance to catch Kyogre.

Good guy, this mega rod can really catch Kyogre, but what the so-called certain probability is, there is no explanation.

Maybe one in 100,000.

And even if you do catch Kyogre, if you don't have a first-level god by your side to protect you, you won't die.

Putting the Mega fishing rod into the system backpack, Jiang Qing rode the Dragonite towards home.

Back at home, mother Tian Rou had already come home from get off work, the housekeeper and Slowking were cooking in the kitchen, and a burst of aroma wafted out of the kitchen.

"What are you doing today?" the mother asked.

"Go fishing," Jiang Qing said casually.

After speaking, he regretted it, turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw his mother Tian Rou looking at him with a gloomy face.

Qualified fishermen are the ones who abandon their wives and children, and they don't even have to leave their homes in order to fish.

Although Jiang Lan has not yet reached this stage, she has been staying home all night because of fishing for a long time.

It is known as night fishing, and it is easy to catch fish at night.

"Did you go with Jiang Lan?"

Tian Rou was angry, not Jiang Qing, but Jiang Lan for lying to herself.

This guy said that he went to find fellow Elites to learn from, and it would take two or three days to come back.

The son went fishing suddenly, definitely with Jiang Lan.

"No, no, Mom, I went by myself. When I was bored at home, I went fishing. Dad wasn't with me," Jiang Qing said hurriedly.

Looking at Jiang Qing suspiciously, after a while, Tian Rou nodded, and her gloomy face returned to normal.

"Before you get married, you should go fishing less"

Tian Qi warned that no woman would like a man who has been away from home for a long time because of fishing.

He didn't want his son to get into such a bad habit.

Jiang Qing nodded immediately.

It didn't take long for the stewards and Slowking to bring the finished meals.

The two Pokémon got along very happily during this time, and they also communicated on cooking skills, and the taste of the food was invisibly better.

"Dao, you are really good at cooking, I'm really afraid of making myself fat. I can rest assured that Jiang Qing has you to take care of me"""

Tian Qi complimented Slowking from time to time while he was eating, and he was telling the truth.

When Jiang Qing first went to Imperial College, Tian Qi was afraid that he would not be able to take care of himself alone, and wanted to send his love tube over to him more than once.

However, they were all rejected by Jiang Qing.

It's hard not to be taken care of by the caretaker, how could he let it come over, and as a result, Slowking, whom he raised, suddenly stabbed him in the back.

In terms of managing Jiang Qing's daily routine and diet, he is more professional than the love steward.

"Yeah dong"

Slowking said something, then turned around and walked towards the backyard, where it was also feeding the Pokémon in the backyard for Jiang Qing.

The Aiguan waiter saw that Jiang Qing had finished eating one bowl of rice, and immediately served him a second bowl.

As far as physique is concerned, Jiang Qing is definitely not fat.

So he can rest assured to eat, open to eat.

"Ding Dong"

The doorbell rang.

A person appeared on the electronic screen on the wall, and the other person was standing at the entrance of the gymnasium.

Jiang Qing didn't know him at first glance.

"Hello, is the owner of Jiang Lan at home?"

The other party is definitely not a challenger, because the challenge to a national gym requires an online reservation in advance. If it is a challenger these days, Jiang Lan will definitely not go out.

"I love the steward to open the door," said mother Tian Rou.

It didn't take long for this person to arrive at Jiang Qing's house under the leadership of the love steward.

"Mr. Wang, Jiang Lan is out, what do you need to find him?" Tian Ju said.

When the man named President Wang heard this, a look of loss appeared on his face.

"I want to ask the owner of Jiang Lan to help me deal with the problem of the Berry fields in the west"

In the west of Lancang City, there is the largest fruit tree garden in the whole Yinbai Province, and it seems that their manager is Wang.

"What's wrong with Berry fields?" Tian Rou asked curiously.

Tree fruit has many functions. It can restore Pokémon's stamina, energy, heal negative Contest Condition, and can also be used to make energy blocks. Some tree fruit can also be eaten by humans.

As a senior breeder, Tian Rou must be inseparable from the fruit, and the Berry fields of the Wang family provide her with a lot of high-quality fruit every year.

Now that there is a problem in Berry fields, she is also a little anxious, and she is very curious about what the problem is. The Wang family can't solve it by themselves, and it needs top Elite like Jiang Lan to take action.

"It's the mid-Elite Dugtrio in the Berry fields. I don't know what happened recently. It doesn't let anyone enter the Berry fields."

"And all Digletts and Dugtrios are the same, once a human or Pokémon enters the Berry fields, they are forced to send them out of the Berry fields"

Although the Berry fields belong to the Wang family, the Dugtrio group moved here after the Berry fields appeared.

Because of their appearance, the soil of Berry fields has become soft and fertile, so the growth of the fruit has always been very good.

In order to thank Dugtrio and Diglett, the Wang family will give them a certain amount of fruit as a reward.

This kind of cooperation has been going on for more than 20 years, and the Berry fields have become larger and larger, and the number of Dugtrio and Diglett has expanded from a few dozen at the beginning to nearly a thousand now.

There's even a mid-Elite Dugtrio.

The Wang family did not choose to rein in Dugtrio in the middle of the Elite, but let this Dugtrio continue to manage Diglett and Dugtrio.

And because of the existence of Dugtrio in the middle of the Elite, there are a lot fewer Pokémon who come to steal the fruit, which greatly reduces the loss of the fruit.

Now this Dugtrio in the middle of the Elite doesn't know what happened, and suddenly no human beings are allowed to enter the Berry fields, not even the pickers it has been familiar with for more than ten years.

Wang (Zhao De's) family is attached to the Jiang family, half of the interests of Berry fields belong to the Jiang family, although his family also has Elite level, but it is not in Lancang City.

As for the Elite Trainer he was familiar with in Lancang City, Jiang Lan was the only one, so he naturally wanted to ask Jiang Lan for help, but he didn't expect that Jiang Lan wasn't there at all.

"." If the owner of Jiang Lan is not there, then I will leave first."

If Jiang Lan is not here, then he can only go to the Trainer Association to issue a mission and ask Elite Trainers from other regions to come over to solve the problem of Berry fields.

"and many more"

Jiang Qing stopped him.

"I can go cold"

Jiang Qing is also curious about what happened in the Berry fields, and there is nothing to do recently, so why don't you go and have a look.

"Jiang Shaona, thank you so much"

President Wang is overjoyed, he has seen Jiang Qing's performance in the Hundred Schools League, and the quasi-Elite will be able to beat the Elite.

Although Dugtrio is in the middle stage of Elite, since Jiang Qing said so, he must be sure.


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