Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

224 Summer Noon Shot

The appearance of Crawdaunt and Feraligatr indicates that Elite-level Pokémon have officially joined the battlefield, and with their addition, the Pokémon who were originally scattered, seem to have a backbone, Normal.

Once the attack has a rhythm, they will attack the Pokémon that threaten them together. The Pokémon of Jiang Qing were beat up immediately.

But fortunately, with the abilities of Melo Mehta and Lucario, as long as the level is not as good as theirs, no matter how large the number is, it will not cause them much trouble in a short period of time.

"Metagross" Jiang Qing snorted coldly.

Metagross next to him flew towards Crawdaunt and Feraligatr for the first time.

Xia Wu was taken aback for a moment, and he found that Metagross's strength suddenly went from the mid-Elite stage to the quasi-Elite peak.

How many levels did you go back to the hotel?

"Metagross has been suppressing grades before"

Seeing the doubts in Xia Wu's heart, Jiang Qing explained.

The excuse is already thought up, otherwise it can't explain why Metagross suddenly went from the middle of the quasi-Elite to the peak of the quasi-Elite.

Moreover, it is also a quasi-god. Quasi-god has two characteristics, one is powerful, and the other is slow to upgrade.

Hearing Jiang Qing's explanation, Xia Wu didn't say anything.

By this time Metagross had come to Crawdaunt and Feraligatr.

Crawdaunt is a big fool, not to mention the big pliers flashing white light to hit Metagross, 700 Metagross hit back with Bullet Punch.

With a bang, the collision between the moves caused a large pit in the surrounding sea water, and even the surrounding Pokémon flew out.

With the screams of Crawdaunt, its body flew out directly.

Feraligatr on the side was a little dumbfounded, this is the end, a bit too soon.

Then it found out that Metagross had set his sights on Lock On himself.

Feraligatr is notoriously short-tempered. As far as temper is concerned, it is on par with Gyarados. Companion Crawdaunt was instantly defeated. It did not have any fear. Instead, it opened its mouth and went towards Metagross with a Hydro Pump.

Metagross used the Teleport to dodge, and when he tried to attack, he found that Feraligatr was hiding directly in the sea.

Feraligatr: I'm in the water, see how you attack me.

It can see the Metagross on the sea, so it sprays out a Hydro Pump, trying to defeat the Metagross in this way.

Although the method is a bit rogue, it has to be said that the method is still possible.

This Feraligatr's brain is still good.

But it underestimated Metagross. Metagross used (biff) mental force to control Feraligatr together with the sea water.

The strong mental thoughts turned the sea water into a water polo, and Feraligatr was in the water polo, his eyes were open, but his limbs could not move.

With a shot of Steel Beam, Feraligatr is honored to accompany Crawdaunt.

That's how the two Elite Pokémons fell to Metagross.

But it's not over yet, it's just the beginning.

The next second, four more Elite-level Pokémon emerged from the water, all of them Gyarados, and then another behemoth jumped out of the water.

The huge body looked like a hill.

Impressively Wailord.

Wailord is the largest known Pokémon.

Some people will deliberately subdue Wailord and ride it to travel around the ocean.

The Wailord's level is mid-Elite, and the four Gyarados are early-Elite.

As Wailord's tail slammed on the sea surface, a huge wave that was tens of meters tall and nearly a thousand meters wide was formed, and there were countless water system Pokémon in the huge wave.

The overwhelming waves cast a shadow over the entire beach.

The wave has formed, and even if Wailord is defeated, the wave will not disappear.

At this time, Metagross was already entangled by four Gyarados, and could not escape for a while.

In the face of the huge wave that hits the face, if this hits, the entire defense line will completely collapse, and they will also be in crisis along with the Pokémon.

"Million Punch"

With a light drink, a Pokémon covered in golden scales rose into the air. Facing such a huge wave, this Pokémon's body was very small.

The fist wrapped in white light hit the huge wave like this, just like a human being punched against the wall of a high-rise building, it is simply a man's arm as a car.

However, the next scene made people's eyes almost pop out.

As the Megaton punch collided with Surf, at the moment of contact, the entire Surf stopped strangely, as if the pause button Normal was pressed.

Immediately after the terrifying force erupted from the fist, it extended from the left and right sides to the entire Surf, and countless water droplets suddenly erupted on the Surf.

The next second, as the Pokémon fell to the ground, the entire Surf fell down instantly like flesh without a skeleton.

The huge wave, which was nearly a thousand meters long and tens of meters high, was knocked out by one punch.

Wailord said he was a little confused.

It was naturally Xia Wu and his Kommo-o who shot.

Just this punch, the control of power can be described as extreme. If the power control is not in place, a million punches will basically just punch a hole in Surf, but this still cannot stop Surf.

But if you have the ultimate control of power, you can do the same as Kommo-o, spreading the power all over the Surf with one punch, thus destroying the Surf.

Lucario looked at Kommo-o with fiery eyes, which now had far less power than the other.

Kommo-o's performance wasn't over yet, and in between it jumped up and delivered another million-ton punch, this time targeting Wailord.

Wailord felt bad and hurriedly dived into the sea, trying to escape in this way.

But Kommo-o's million-ton punch directly slammed into the sea, revealing Wailord's broad back, and with a large amount of sea water being knocked into the air, Wailord also heard a scream.

After hitting Wailord's recoil with a million-ton punch, Kommo-o turned in mid-air and landed gracefully.

Kommo-o came out brazenly, and its Elite peak breath instantly quelled the surrounding water Pokémon that landed.

And by this time Metagross had already defeated the four Gyarados.

Although not as powerful as Kommo-o, the aura emanating from him is no less than Elite.

The panicked and frightened Pokémon gradually stopped moving.

Because several Elite-level Pokémon were defeated one after another, these water Pokémon were greatly affected, so the scene seemed to be under control.

When Xia Wu saw this, he took out another Druddigon that was at the peak of the Elite.

The two Pokémon at the peak of Elite stood together, and the dragon-type aura made those water-type Pokémon start to back away in fright.

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