Because the box isolates the fluctuations emitted by the Pokémon eggs, Slowpoke them lose the specific location of the Pokémon eggs, and only know that the Pokémon eggs they need to protect are in Haitian City.

Similarly, the endless water Pokémon in the sea also caused a certain panic because of the loss of the specific location of the Pokémon eggs.

But soon they determined that the object to be protected was still in the city in front. In order to prevent the accident from happening again, they speeded up their movement speed invisibly.

On the 30th floor of the hotel, Jiang Qing was still thinking about what disaster would happen to Haitian City, and what he should do to make Haitian City zero damage and get the highest reward.

Then Slowpoke suddenly moved collectively, which directly caused continuous traffic accidents in Haitian City, and there were certain casualties.

"Haitian City is damaged by 2%"

The system prompt came.

Jiang Qing: ⊙“Seven Zero Zero”0①

This highest reward mission has ended before it even started.

After taking all the Pokémon back into the Poké Ball, Jiang Qing hurriedly left the hotel.

Many people in the hotel were also leaving in a hurry, and Slowpoke's abnormal performance made them feel scared.

When I came to the hotel, I saw many wild Slowpokes crawling around like headless flies, and they called a few times from time to time.

Although he is an intermediate Psychic, Jiang Qing doesn't understand what they are talking about at the moment, but he can feel that their thoughts are very confused at the moment.

Fortunately, these Slowpokes didn't hurt anyone, they just lost the old order.

"Stupid, ask them what's wrong"

Jiang Qing sent Slowking out.

"Yeah dong"

As the king of the Slowpoke family, as soon as Slowking came on stage, those Slowpokes like the headless flies quickly quieted down with Slowking's voice.

"Yeah dong"

Slowking asked about the Slowpoke in front of him.


Seeing Slowpoke's answer reminded Jiang Qing of a movie he watched in a previous life, which was exactly the same as the sloth in the movie.

That slow and leisurely tone can simply scare people to death.

After a while, Slowking came over.

Slowking: They say protect.

Jiang Qing: "Protect what"

Slowking shook his head.

In the Joe's compound, as the Pokémon eggs were placed in the isolation device along with the incubator, the security team soon called to say that Slowpoke had stopped moving.

"It really works"

Patriarch Qiao Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second he frowned.

"What's the purpose of that guy, and why does he know how this Pokémon egg hatches, and when it hatches, it attracts a lot of Slowpoke"

Actually not just Slowpoke, but a lot of wild water Pokémon, water Pokémon with Trainer will not be affected.

There are now a large number of water system Pokémon coming from the sea towards Haitian City.

The other party's step-by-step calculations made Qiao Zheng feel that he and the Qiao family were the pawns in his hands.

But as the Pokémon eggs emit a soft blue light, Qiao Zheng's thoughts are interrupted.

"Come out, come out"

Third Qiao shouted excitedly, and Qiao Zheng's eyes were also fixed on the Pokémon eggs in the isolation device.

As the crack got bigger and bigger, the blue light instantly filled the entire secret room, and the people in the secret room had to close their eyes, and the blue light disappeared completely after about a minute.

After the blue light disappeared, several people in the secret room immediately looked at the isolation device, and the original Pokémon egg was gone, replaced by a blue Pokémon with a Ruby on its chest, and its body was not very large. Probably only 0.3M.

The Pokémon inside was also looking at Qiao Zheng and them curiously.

For the newly born Pokémon, the person who sees it for the first time is often regarded as the closest person.

The Pokémon in the installation, although there is indeed intimacy in his eyes, finds himself isolated from things, and is replaced by a puzzled expression.

"What is this Pokémon?" Qiao Laosan looked puzzled.

Qiao Zheng also shook his head: "I don't know, it should be an undiscovered Pokémon, it seems to be a water system."

"Brother, do you want to let it out?"

Third Qiao saw the Pokémon Covet looking outside, but was cut off by the device, and for a while he felt a little softer.

"Let it go, what if it escapes, the Slowpoke outside will definitely feel it as soon as it comes out." Joe was shaking his head immediately.

"Then Poké Ball will take it down," Joe said.

Qiao is thinking for a moment, if this Pokémon is kept in the isolation device, it will definitely not work...

"You can take the third child, you can conquer it," Qiao Zheng said.

Third Qiao was stunned for a moment, he thought it would be the elder brother to subdue it, but he never thought that the elder brother would give him the Pokémon that he cherished so much.

"I'm old enough to raise this Pokémon without this Pokémon," Joe explained.

He is the head of the Joe family, and most of his energy is devoted to handling family affairs, and he really doesn't have the time to cultivate this Pokémon.

Third Joe nodded, then took out the Poké Ball, and the moment he opened the isolation device, he threw the Poké Ball on the Pokémon's head.

The Poké Ball closed with a snap, and shook a few times in the isolation device. Under the nervous eyes of Qiao Zheng and Qiao San, the shaking Poké Ball suddenly exploded.

The Pokémon reappears in the isolation device.

"Why is this happening?" Mr. Qiao looked at the Poké Ball that was blown to pieces in the isolation device.

And Qiao Zheng said happily: "It is indeed an Eudemons or a legendary Pokémon, such a Pokémon can't be conquered by an ordinary Poké Ball."

Ordinary Poké Balls can actually conquer Eudemons or legendary Pokémon, but there is a premise that the opponent is willing to be subdued, otherwise the power of the rules on it will be destroyed by the Poké Ball, causing it to burst.

For example, Jiang Qing's Meilu Meta, which has been cultivated since he was still a Pokémon egg, treats Jiang Qing as a relative at birth, so it will not destroy the Poké Ball that subdues it.

As for the 5.5 Pokémon in front of him, although the first thing he saw was Mr. Qiao San, but the other party put it in a device he didn't like, and there was resistance in his heart, and naturally he would not be willing to be subdued by the Poké Ball.

And just at the moment when the third Qiao opened the isolation device in order to subdue this Pokémon, the slow pokes in Haitian City looked uniformly in the direction of the Qiao family compound.

But soon the isolation device was closed again, and Slowpoke's movements became confused again.

"In that direction?

Jiang Qing looked at the direction Slowpoke was looking at before, muttered, and then released Dragonite, intending to go there to see if he might be able to find something.

Haitian City also prohibits Trainers from riding Flying Pokémon, but now that the situation is special, Jiang Qing can't care so much anymore.

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