A rock explosion does not necessarily need to re-form a new rock, and the previously formed rock can also be used as the rock of the rock explosion.

However, in order to do this, Pokémon must master the Rock-type energy very delicately.

As a rock god pillar, Regirock naturally has no need to say more about the mastery of Rock energy.

At the same time, Yue Peng's commanding ability is also very good. He pushed Metagross into the area formed by Rock Throw step by step.

Jiang Qing did not notice for a while, causing Metagross to fall into the explosion area formed by the Rock explosion.

In the endless firelight, Mega Metagross was submerged in it, the firelight reflected on Jiang Qing's face, and his expression became more and more cold.

"Regirock Rock Tomb" Yue Pengdao.

As a soldier, he knows better than anyone that he can't be relaxed about the enemy, and Jiang Qing is now his imaginary enemy, and he is still a very strong enemy.

Countless rock bulges on the ground try to completely block the rock explosion area and block the escape route of Mega Metagross.

Then, just as Rock Tomb was about to be completed, a silver-white streamer rushed out of the firelight, pushing the flames out of a long passage.

The Zen Headbutt of Mega Metagross slammed into Regirock's body directly. The latter's hands were firmly against Mega Metagross. The back legs of his body continued, and his legs outlined two and a half-meter deep marks on the Ground.

After pushing for hundreds of meters, Zen Headbutt's strength was completely exhausted.

"Regirock, Thunder Wave"


Mega Metagross' body fell ruthlessly, and at the same time as the Thunder Wave failed, a huge vibration came from the Ground, and the vibration ripples instantly swept the entire venue.

The battle field the size of two football fields turned into a ruined field in an instant, with countless cracks covering the field.

And Regirock's body was shaking constantly in Earthquake, and the orange-yellow light spots on his head also flickered.

The Earthquake attack does a lot of damage to it.

"Regirock, Heavy Impact"

Yue Peng frowned, Metagross was more difficult than he imagined, no wonder the opponent was able to defeat the Dragon Academy in West Zhejiang by himself.

Enduring the invasion brought by Earthquake, Regirock stepped on the ground. Although the speed was not its strong point, the speed of the heavy impact was also increased to the extreme due to the explosion of the strength of the legs.

The three gods have one thing in common, that is, they have strong defense or special defense.

And Regirock's defense value is as high as 200, which is definitely a number that makes most Pokémon desperate.

Some Pokémons that are not as strong as it are, even if it stands still, people probably won't be able to move it.

The heavy impact carried a great potential, like a mountain, and the surrounding air seemed to solidify under this impact.

Just used Earthquake's Mega Metagross, and before it floated off the ground, Regirock's heavy impact had already hit.

At this time Jiang Qing suddenly said: "Grass Knot"

A tough grass ring appeared in front of Regirock's running, and the opponent's foot was caught in the grass ring. The small grass ring was so tough that it was not broken by Regirock.

Because the grass ring was not broken, Regirock's running body fell directly to the ground in the next second.

The heavy impact that was originally intended to damage Mega Metagross has now become a backstab at this time.


Regirock fell to the ground and made a sound, I thought it was Mega Metagross using Earthquake again.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Yun couldn't help shouting loudly, his face was full of admiration.

Moves like Grass Knot are usually useless at all, but if you master the timing of using them, they will often bring you unexpected surprises.

Every move has a reason for its existence.

There was also a burst of 6666 in front of the live broadcast screen, and many people were surprised by Jiang Qing's operation.

In the face of Regirock's heavy impact, at this time, most have two choices, one is to avoid it, and the other is to use a move to resist.

Who would have thought of the little skill of Grass Knot.

After all, the skills most Trainers pursue are naturally the more powerful the better.

Regirock fell to the ground, Trainer Yue Peng closed his eyes slightly, he knew it was over.

The next second, Mega Metagross used Teleport to come to Regirock, who fell to the ground.

But now it has no chance to get up.

The colorful Meteor Mash erupted on the Mega Metagross claws, and with a loud bang, the Meteor Mash landed heavily on the back of Regirock's head.


The powerful penetrating force turned the broken ground below it into powder directly, and countless tiny rocks splashed out from the cracks.

"Regirock loses combat ability, Mega Metagross wins"

The referee confirmed Regirock's Contest Condition and quickly announced the results.


Metagross fell back to Jiang Qing.

"The Qing Emperor is mighty, and the Qing Emperor is bullshit"

“Before Articuno and then Regirock”

"Metagross: Who else"

"If Regirock can Mega Evolution, then the battle result may not be like this"

"If Metagross is Elite, Mega Evolution doesn't need to be used, so if there are so many, if you are not as skilled, you must recognize it"

Amid the cheers at the scene, Yue Peng took Regirock back into the Poké Ball and immediately left the battle arena.

Because this battle field was completely ruined by Earthquake, it had to be replaced with a new field.

The venues of the 100-school league are all general-purpose venues, and there is no Attribute venue, which is a bit unfair for some trainers, especially the water trainers.

After all, where there is water, there is a certain bonus for water-based skills, and once some water-based Pokémon leave the water, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Such as Seaking, Horsea, Remoraid, etc.

Of course such a Pokémon hardly ever appears in such a national tournament.

After Mega Metagross won, Jiang Qing let it out of Mega Evolution form.

Most of the Mega Evolution forms can only last for three minutes. It's not that Pokémon can't, but most of the trainers' mental and physical strength can only last for three minutes.

However, Jiang Qing was able to maintain Mega Evolution for nearly half an hour because of his Mega Pallet Town physique and intermediate Psychic.

But there is absolutely no need to expose this kind of thing in front of the people of the whole country.

The exposure of Meru Mehta has already made him one less trump card, so the time of Mega Evolution can't be exposed anymore.

Rao is so, he has just maintained the Mega Evolution for nearly four minutes, which has surprised most people.

Some rotten girls said that Jiang Qing's body was so good, they really wanted to give it a try.

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