Zhou Mao's failure was not because Benguilas was inferior to Aerodactyl, but because of his playing order.

If Bangiras is not consumed in the early stage and faces Aerodactyl in a prosperous manner, it is not certain who will die in the end.

However, Zhou Mao was the captain of the school team, and his failure was a blow to the momentum of Imperial College.

Some people, mainly Shuimu, who sang badly about Imperial College, trembled instantly, and felt that the captain of Imperial College was nothing more than that.

After Zhou Mao came off, the fifth person on the imperial capital's side was Chen Fengnian, a senior water trainer.

The Pokémon he sent was Gyarados, a quasi-Elite peak, but unfortunately he didn't have a Mega Evolution stone, so he couldn't use Gyarados to the fullest.

A few minutes later, Gyarados fell under the claws of Aerodactyl.

Gu Jie defeated two people in the imperial capital in a row, and one of them, "693", was the captain of the imperial capital, and the momentum on Shuimu's side became more and more high.

When they saw that the sixth person to appear in the imperial capital was Jiang Qing, their excited expressions suddenly stopped.

I was so excited just now that I forgot about this inhuman existence.

Yesterday, Jiang Qing's Metagross, one-to-eight, is still vivid in my mind.

"Don't panic, is there a possibility, that Metagross won't win easily yesterday, maybe it's still recovering from injury today"

"Kosuke's Aerodactyl can still continue Mega Evolution, there is a possibility of a comeback"

"Ginger, don't send Metagross if you can, if you send another Pokémon to win Aerodactyl, I'll kiss Jynx live"

"Everyone, listen to my advice and give up resistance."

On the other side of the battlefield, Jiang Qing touched the Poké Ball of Metagross around his waist, but the Poké Ball beside him shook violently.

This made Jiang Qing's movements a little stunned, but the shaking of the Poké Ball did not stop, but became more violent.

"Okay, let's let you officially appear in front of the public today."

Jiang Qing held the Poké Ball that was shaking violently and whispered softly, the Poké Ball in his hand instantly became quiet.

"Go, Meru Mehta"

Everyone felt that in the face of Captain Shuimu, Aerodactyl with Elite combat power, Jiang Qing would definitely send Trump Card Metagross.

However, Jiang Qing's Pokémon was something they had never seen before.

A body is like a flowing silver liquid, and there are several hexagonal screws on the body.

Nima, what is this Pokémon.

In an instant, an idea emerged.

This is an undiscovered Pokémon, a new breed.

"Surprise!! Who has seen this Pokémon"

"Is it a new evolution of a certain Pokémon like Slowking?"

"This silver body is supposed to be a steel Pokémon"

"Is there any hanging, come out and explain"

"Manchu civil and military, why hesitant"

Not to mention that the audience was confused, even Zhu Yi Rosa Pei Leng on the podium did not know what Jiang Qing's Pokémon was.

On the contrary, Jiang Yun, president of the Haitian City Trainer Association, showed his thoughts.

At this time, an official comment suddenly appeared on the barrage of the live broadcast room.

"Mel Meta, Steel, Magic Pokémon"

At the same time, Jiang Yun suddenly stood up, slammed the table on the table, and shouted excitedly: "I know what Pokémon this is, Meilu Mehta, absolutely right"

"In "Pokémon Monthly" a month ago, the White Bear Kingdom discovered Meru Meta in their steel-based secret realm. Before it reached the Elite level, the life level reached the Elite level, and it also had rules that ordinary Pokémon did not have. force"

"The White Bear Country named it Meru Meta, and found that it was an evolution of Meltan. As for how it evolved, it is still unclear."

"However, the Steel Elite of the White Bear Country, he has a Meltan in his hand."

Any new Pokémon must first pass the review of the World Trainer Alliance, and then this Pokémon will be entered.

In the end, the information on this Pokémon will appear in front of the public, and it will also appear in textbooks.

And Meru Meta just discovered it not long ago, and because it is a legendary Pokémon, the review of the World Trainer Alliance is relatively slow.

So until today, the information about Meru Mehta has not been released to the public.

Jiang Yun knew it because he was accustomed to reading the "Pokémon Monthly", which recorded the newly discovered Meilu Meta research by scholars from the White Bear Kingdom.

Because "Pokémon Monthly" is academic, the general public will not read such incomprehensible and boring things.

"Commander, you said that the silver Pokémon is the Pokémon of Pokémon?" Pei Leng asked with a wide-open mouth and an incredulous look on his face.

Legend has it that Pokémon, phantom beasts, Pokémon, divine beasts, these are all existences that are higher than ordinary Pokémon or even quasi-gods.

The most well-known legend is that Pokémon is naturally the Three God Birds, the Three God Pillars, and the representatives of Eudemons are Shaymin, Celebi and so on.

Now there is one more among the Eudemons, and that is Meru Meta.

"Well, there was a record in the "Pokémon Monthly" last month, you can go and have a look, it is estimated that it will not be long before the World Trainer Alliance will announce the existence of Meru Meta to the public"

Facing the never-before-seen phantom Pokémon, everyone's eyes were wide open, and they could not wait to put their eyeballs on Meru Mehta.

"Jiang Qing is too good at hiding. If it were me, I would have announced this Pokémon long ago."

"I am from the White Bear Country, and I hope Jiang Qing can return Meilu Meta to the White Bear Country for the sake of friendship between the two countries."

"The friends of White Bear Country are right, I apologize for Xia Guo and Jiang Qing"

"What age is it, and there are sheepdogs"

"I'm sorry everyone, I didn't hold the prison and let it escape"

"Hurry up and take it back, let me see it next time, and kill it directly"

That person was quickly criticized by many netizens.

"Meta, Meta"

It was the first time that she appeared in front of everyone with integrity, and there were still so many people, and Meru Mehta happily did a few Bulk Up actions.

This time, the force of its fantasy Pokémon was instantly reduced a lot.

"Hahaha, it's so funny"

"Why look so stupid"

"Meilu Meta: Illusory Little Essence 5.5 Get to Know the Spirit"

The Imperial City University side was also surprised that Jiang Qing actually owned the Pokémon, and his cousin Tian Qi clenched her fists and said angrily.

"This guy is hiding it from me, it's too much"

"I'm afraid you should say it out," Ouyang Feifei reminded kindly.

"How is that possible, I'm notoriously strict." Tian Qi had a serious face.

Ouyang Feifei stopped talking when she saw this, but kept complaining in her heart.

As far as your mouth is concerned, one second Jiang Qing told you that he has an phantom beast, the next second you will be the first to tell me, and you will ask me not to say it.

I would tell the other little sisters and ask them not to speak out.

And so on, and soon the whole world knows that Jiang Qing owns the newly discovered phantom beast in White Bear Country.

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