Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

201 I Don't Have a Mega Evolution Stone

Under the mental strength, the only thing Mega Altaria can move is the eyeball, watching his body slowly move in front of Metagross.

Although the other side was expressionless, there was a tyrannical emotion in the other side's pupils, which made Mega Altaria feel fear.

From the Disarming Voice at the beginning, to the Perish Song just now, it was all a mental attack.

Metagross is originally a Pokémon with a ferocious personality, but he usually has a calm expression on his face.

But if you irritate it, you can go from a hot guy to a chainsaw maniac in minutes.

Mega Altaria was pressed on the Ground, and Metagross raised his thick arms to be the best Meteor Mash.

With a bang, the Earthquake moved, and a depression nearly 100 meters wide appeared in the Ground with Mega Altaria as the center.

With this power, Jiang Qing was really afraid that the giant gold "690" monster would kill the opponent.

Jiang Qing found that the other Trainer was looking at him with Rage's eyes.

The smoke cleared, revealing Altaria and Metagross, and then everyone's expressions became more exciting.

I saw Metagross's arm slowly pulled out from the Ground, and its arm was very close to Altaria's head, almost wiping the opponent's head.

And Altaria did not have any injuries.

It's not hard to see that the Meteor Mash just didn't hit Altaria at all. At such a close distance, and Altaria is still controlled by the mental force, there is no chance of being missed.

Missing a hit can only mean that Metagross missed it on purpose.

Altaria, who was not hit, had already withdrawn from Mega Evolution and fainted.

"Did you faint from fright?"

"I think so"

"Metagross is really bad, but I like it so much, what should I do"

Smart people wondered why Altaria fainted.

Jiang Qing is aware of Metagross's scruples, and the other party is not surprised by doing so.

Using force to stun the opponent, and stun the opponent, it is definitely the latter that makes the opponent more embarrassed.

Altaria is a quasi-Elite Pokémon after all, but was directly scared and fainted. If this is spread, how will it be mixed in the bird world in the future.

Seeing that Altaria was alright, the other Trainer breathed a sigh of relief, but when he thought that the other party had fainted from fright, his face flushed red.

Disgraced Pokémon, disgraced on behalf of Trainer.

Rushing back to Altaria, the other Trainer hurriedly left this place of right and wrong.

"It's okay"

Metagross flew back to Jiang Qing, who asked.

Although the Perish Song was interrupted, this move did not take effect until it was sung, it already took effect when it was sung.

It is only at the end that the damage will be maximized.


Metagross shook his head.

Perish Song did bring some damage to it, but it did not affect the continued fighting.

Jiang Qing checked it with his exploratory eyes and found that Metagross did not leave any hidden dangers because of Perish Song except for physical exhaustion and some injuries.

This time I finally feel relieved.

It's not that Jiang Qing is too careful, but that Perish Song's move is too overbearing.

This move, like Self Destruct and Big Self Destruct, is a move that perishes together, and Perish Song is even more domineering than the first two moves to a certain extent.

Self Destruct, Big Self Destruct This blast has a limited range.

And Perish Song is different, as long as you can hear the sound, it means you are hit, but the effect will be weakened by the size of the sound you hear.

Jiang Qing has already defeated five people from the Western Zhejiang Dragon Academy.

The sixth man was already standing on the field at this time.


Quasi-Elite Advanced Garchomp.

Jiang Qing looked at the other party's trainer and waited for the other party's next move. The other party's trainer seemed to understand what Jiang Qing meant.

"I don't have a Mega Evolution stone"

The other trainer said quite angrily.

If I had anything, I would have made the Garchomp Mega Evolution long ago.

Jiang Qing is a little incredible, isn't it that the Dragon Department of Zhejiang West has a quasi-god and a Mega Evolution stone.

Seeing Jiang Qing's expression, the other party's trainer felt annoyed and angry at the same time, but also felt a sense of guilt for disappointing the other party.

What the hell.

"Garchomp Slash" the other Trainer shouted angrily.

If Dragonite is the fat benchmark in the dragon world, then Garchomp is the lean benchmark in the dragon world.

It seems that there are no muscles, but the explosive force is very powerful. With a step, a small pit appears in the Ground, and it comes to Metagross in the blink of an eye.

The ax-like fins on the arm turned into a white streamer...

Metagross waved his left arm, the arm hammer greeted Slash, and the moment the two white lights Tackle each other, Garchomp banged and flew out.

This Garchomp is really brave, he even took the initiative to rush over to play close to Metagross.

You thought you were a Kommo-o.

The next second, Metagross teleported ahead of Garchomp to fly out.

"Garchomp adjusts his body, Dragon God swoops" his Trainer roared.

Using the power to fly out to use the Dragon God to dive, the idea is not bad, it's a bit Ash-like.

But you are not the protagonist, and Garchomp is not a skin god, this set is not easy for Jiang Qing at all.

Dragon God swooping takes time.

Metagross didn't give it time at all, the super energy system wrapped his body, and Zen Headbutt rushed over at a speed of two hundred meters per second.

The flying Garchomp had just adjusted his body and was ready to dive with the Dragon God, but the next second he felt the world spinning, and before the pain was transmitted to his brain, he fainted.

It rolled for several hundred meters on the ground, and stopped until it hit the protective cover.

The arms and legs were bent to varying degrees, apparently with broken bones.

It's not even a quasi-Elite pinnacle, not yet Mega Evolution, Metagross playing such a thing, it's not like playing a child.

"Why I think it's easy to hit God"

"It reminds me of the scene where I hit Catterpie with Pidgeotto"

5.5 "It turns out that Garchomp is such a rubbish. Fortunately, I chose Dugtrio at the time, both of which are Ground type. Garchomp is a shame for you"

"Upstairs, can Dugtrio help me cultivate the three thousand acres of land at home?"

"Five hundred and one acres, the price is OK, send me the address by private message"

"I Tauros Four Hundred"

"I Bouffalant Three Hundred"

There was one more person on the bench at the Dragon Department Academy in West Zhejiang, and the only ones standing were three, two were contestants and one was a coach.

"Don't stress too much, it's okay to fight"

The coach patted the seventh man who was about to play, and the latter burst into tears.

"Xia Zhu, Jiang Qing must be defeated, it doesn't matter if the trump card is exposed, Zhejiang West Dragon Academy can lose, but you can't"

The coach looked at the last person deeply.

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