Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

198 Dragonite, Goodra

The threat level of Teleport's Metagross has undoubtedly risen by several levels. Dragonite's Trainer has not issued orders for a long time, and seems to be waiting for Metagross to actively attack.

"Metagross Zen Headbutt"

Not knowing what the other party was thinking, Jiang Qing just wanted to get down on Dragonite and let the next person from the Dragon Department College in West Zhejiang appear.

Metagross turns into a galloping train, Zen Headbutt turns into a silver streamer.

"Dragonite Air Slash"

The two small wings behind Dragonite gently flap, four or five Air Slashes are formed instantly, and the translucent Air Slashes tear the air.


The Air Slash didn't block the Zen Headbutt, but it did slow down a bit.

Dragonite immediately rubbed a Focus Blast and threw it towards Metagross, but unfortunately Metagross chose to hide this time.

Zen Headbutt is not a straight move, it can change direction, this move itself can be seen as a combination of Confusion and Take Down.

The instant it avoided the Focus Blast, Metagross' Zen Headbutt slammed into Dragonite's fat belly.

In fact, hitting the head hurts Dragonite more than hitting the stomach, but Metagross somehow felt that Dragonite's belly attracted its attention, as if there was a red spot on its stomach, and it hit its belly unconsciously.

Under this collision, Dragonite was also extremely uncomfortable, and Hanhan's face showed a little pain.

"Dragonite Dragon Claw" said its Trainer.

Facing Metagross who was close at hand, Dragonite's hands were covered with dragon-type energy, and this energy formed a Dragon Claw, which hit Metagross's back with a stab.

Metagross: Something just scratched my back.

Dragonite looked at the Metagross whose back was still as clean as new, and then looked at his Dragon Claw, and couldn't help falling into contemplation.

Did I just not use Dragon Claw, I was dreaming, I was hypnotized.

Its Trainer was also stunned.

I know that the steel system has high defense, but you ate two Dragon Claws of my Dragonite at close range, no matter how painful it is, you should give some reaction anyway.

What's up with that Tickle of your face.

"Metagross arm 〃〃hammer" Jiang Qing chuckled lightly.

His Metagross defense is definitely a despairing existence, not to mention the steel type, or a different color, all the different color Pokémon have their own characteristics.

And his Metagross, the characteristic brought by different colors is that its defense is doubled, and this double is not as simple as 1+1=2.

In addition to purchasing a lot of potions from the system to increase the six basic values, XXX's Feather, etc., the defense has been improved again.

It's just wishful thinking for Dragon Claw to break Metagross' defense.

Under the arm hammer, Dragonite's stomach was hit hard again, and this time it felt like it was about to spit out its overnight meal.


Dragonite: You can't play anywhere.

Metagross: No way.

"arm hammer"

"Dragonite Protection"

Dragonite's Contest Condition is already very bad, if it is hit again, it will definitely fall.

The last Salamence was protected by Metagross.

And now Dragonite, Contest Condition is not as good as Salamence when using protection.

The protection formed and shattered almost instantly, and the arm hammer hit Dragonite's belly again, Dragonite's body was smashed and flew out, and the fat belly was deformed.

With a bang, Dragonite slammed into the field protective cover, and then slid from it.

"Dragonite loses its ability to fight, Metagross wins"

Looking at the unconscious Dragonite, his stomach was flattened, and the referee looked a little pitiful for some reason.


Metagross returned to Jiang Qing.

"There are six more, don't play, you know," Jiang Qing said.

With the strength of Metagross, there is no need to use the arm hammer for the third time. Dragonite should have been knocked down as early as the second arm hammer.

But it was playful, so Dragonite lasted until the third trick.

Metagross: I was so good at acting that I was Detected. I couldn't do anything about it. Dragonite's belly was too much for me, so I wanted to play more.

I can't beat my own Dragonite belly, so I can only beat another's.

Well, after hearing Metagross's inner monologue, Jiang Qing expressed his understanding.

Because he often pats Dragonite's belly, he thinks this belly is very attractive, and when he sees Dragonite, he can't help but pat its belly.

The third person from Zhejiang West College appeared, called Ono Mingyi, who seemed to be from the Baga country who had a good life in his childhood.

Major universities will have more or less foreign students, the more famous the school, the more foreign students, but most of them are exchange students.

"Jiang Qing, please take care of me"

Although the people of the Baga Kingdom are relatively shameless, they always jump between the Xia Kingdom and the Xingtiao Kingdom, but the etiquette is really nothing to say.

It's a pity that Jiang Qing doesn't eat this set at all.

"Hurry up and don't waste time," Jiang Qing said.

I take care of your hammer.

Jiang Qing's attitude made some viewers watching the live broadcast unhappy, and they all took responsibility for Jiang Qing. They felt that Jiang Qing was rude and embarrassed Xia Guo, but these people were immediately sprayed back.

Ono Akichi sent Goodra.

Goodra is generally purple and covered with mucus. It is the closest to humans among the known dragon quasi-gods.

But Jiang Qing doesn't think it looks good in this appearance, and Druddigon, who is not as good as the shame of the dragon, looks good.

Looking at this Goodra, Jiang Qing suddenly felt that he was also a good-looking party.

You can be ugly, but you have to be ugly and distinctive, either ugly or handsome, or ugly and cute.

"Goodra Dragon Pulse"


The two commanded almost at the same time.

But Akira Ono's expression changed.

He was read first.

Jiang Qing guessed his order and responded in advance.

The Dragon Pulse had just sprayed out, but the Metagross had disappeared.

"Metagross Icy Wind"

A cold air flow came from behind Goodra, and in an instant, a layer of ice of several centimeters formed on its back.

"(Wang Nuo's) didn't understand and asked, why did Qingdi read it first, why not use Meteor Mash for such a good opportunity, isn't it more powerful?"

"Yeah, I'm also curious, Metagross has a strong melee ability, why didn't he choose melee madness just now?"

"Let me explain, Goodra is covered in slime, and the power of melee moves is slipped away by a considerable part of the slime."

"I understand, it's like catching a loach with bare hands, skating"

"Catch the loach, skater - this is driving"

The power of the freezing wind is not very large, but it has a wide range. In just a few seconds, most of the field was frozen.

The temperature dropped by dozens of degrees, basically hovering at zero.

Goodra hasn't fallen yet, but it's almost there.

"Metagross Frozen Fist"

Under the freezing fist, Goodra completely lost his fighting ability.

The gentlest of dragons, Pokémon, fell under the iron fist of Metagross.

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