Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

194VS Hall Ice College

With the end of the group stage that day, the 20 colleges and universities that qualified for the Contest Category continued tonight and were divided into five groups of ABCED, with four colleges in each group.

Imperial Capital University was placed in Group D. Also in Group D were Zhejiang West Dragon College, Chuanshu University, and the last one was Harbing College.

This group D has also become a veritable death group. Not to mention that there are two top universities, Chuanshu University is also very close to the top universities.

Hall Ice Department is a little transparent here

There is only one qualifying spot in the group, so this time the competition is very stressful, but unlike the previous group stage, Imperial College passed the game like a game.

In this Rival, apart from the Haer Ice Department, the other two are hard stubble.

After the announcement of the Contest Category, people from the outside world immediately looked forward to it when they knew about the situation of Group D.

Only a strong duel can make the game more exciting, one-sided crushing rounds, and occasionally watching it is okay, but watching too much, it is meaningless at all, after all, the result of the game is known in advance.

The five groups of matches were still held simultaneously at 8:00 the next day, but the venue had changed from 30,000 people at the beginning to 80,000 people now.

Imperial College VS Harbinger College

Zhejiang West Dragon College VS Chuanshu University

The competition is based on the ring system.

Each school will send one person to conduct 1VS1. The Pokémon cannot be replaced in the middle. The loser leaves the field. The winner can choose to continue to challenge or change teammates, but he can still continue to play after 690.

"Little Qing'er, you better not be the first to play," Tian Qi said.

Jiang Qing didn't know why, and saw the latter continue to say.

"I'm afraid that your Metagross will get down on the opposite side of the eight people"

During the water and wood exchange competition, Jiang Qing used a Metagross to get down on the entire water and wood exchange competition team.

"Let's see how Teacher Xia arranges it," Jiang Qing said lightly.

The order of the players was arranged by Xia Wu. Jiang Qing was not very interested in playing Harbinger College, and it was more likely that he would play at the back.

Soon the two sides entered the arena, and the first one from Imperial College to appear was the senior fire department trainer Pan Sen, and the Haer ice department sent out senior students as well.

"Fire Beast"

Pantheon's Pokémon is a level 67 quasi-Elite fire beast, and the flames sprayed from its back indicate that the current fire beast Contest Condition is very excited.


The Hall Ice Department naturally recruits Ice Type Trainers.

Panson, who was the first to send Fire Type in the summer afternoon, obviously also had the factor of Attribute restraint.

Attribute was restrained, and his level was not as high as the opponent's. Within a few minutes, Glalie was defeated.

(biff) The fiery beast stood on the field with high momentum, the battle just now, it was not even a warm-up.

Pan Sen continued to challenge the second person, third person, fourth person, and fifth person of Hal Ice Department.

When the Fire Beast defeated the fifth Pokémon, its physical strength was almost exhausted, and some injuries were inevitable.

When the sixth man from the Haer Ice Department came on the field, Pan Sen took back the fiery beast and ended up.

Although the Fire Beast still has the power to fight, it is not necessary, there are still seven teammates behind him.

Following Pan Sen's exit, the sixth man of the Hal Ice Department was taken aback for a moment.

Mother, you beat the five of us like chopping melons and vegetables. Now you are about to die, so you just retire. As for your arrogance and dignity as a famous school, you shouldn't use the hot beast to die.

The second person on the Imperial College side was Ouyang Feifei, who was Tian Qi's best friend.


Ouyang Feifei is the trainer of Fairy Type, and is the last existence that Dragon Type trainers do not want to meet.

The flowers on the upper part of her Florges are white. Like Flabébé, there are 5 colors of flowers symbiotic with Florges, namely red, orange, blue, white, and yellow.

Five colors, although the colors are different, but there is no individual difference.

If it is true, the Florges with white flowers are the least in number among the five colors, but in terms of beauty, they are still the best with blue flowers.

Don't look at Florges like a grass-type Pokémon, but it's actually Fairy-type, but uses a lot of grass-type skills.

Its garden maintenance can be described as a good hand, some national gardens or luxurious private gardens, they hired Florges.

Florges at level 68 are already close to the peak of the quasi-Elite.

A level 65 Walrein was sent on the opposite side.

"Forges, Disarming Voice"

The beautiful voice came out of Florges's voice, and that very charming voice made Walrein's bones relax, and there was an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Forges Magical Leaf"

Walrein's Trainer is in a hurry, his own Pokémon's willpower is so poor, and he has no resistance in the face of beauty.

Numerous Magical Leafs hit Walrein, causing him damage and pulling him out of the beauty trap.

"Walrein Ice Master"

Walrein opened his mouth, and Ice Ball went from condensing to shooting out in one go, but was dodged by Florges.

"Continue Bingshuo"

Walrein's bulky body makes it appear that he is not a speed player.

"Moonblast" Ouyang Feifei said.

Yuehua appeared, condensing a beam of soft light, which looked very beautiful, and the next second this beam of light suddenly exploded.

Walrein's bulky body was blown away directly.

“Forges, Energy Ball”

Walrein, who flew out, was hit by the Energy Ball before he landed, and he completely lost his ability to resist.

The sixth person from the Haer Ice Academy was defeated, and the opponent was still the captain of the team.

The seventh man sent a Dewgong.

A few minutes later, Dewgong collapsed.

The last man came on the field, sending out Jynx.

Jynx, like Florges, is 100% female, but the two Pokémons look so different.

In this society where the appearance is reasonable and the three views follow the five senses, the appearance of Jynx has boosted Florges' popularity a lot in disguise.

"To be honest, Jynx is actually pretty good"

"Lower version, Gardevoir"

"My Jynx is very caring"

"Yeah, how could anyone not like a Pokémon as good as Jynx?"

"So I support Florges because I love white"

Three minutes later, Jynx fell, and Florges looked like a queen with a proud expression.

So far, the eight people from the Harbing Academy have all been defeated, and their heads have been shaved by the Imperial Capital University. Fortunately, they were not selected by one person.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to have saved some face.

"Well, my performance is not worse than your sister, right?"

Ouyang Feifei walked up to Jiang Qing with a slightly smug face.

"My sister is more powerful"

Tian Qi is by his side, how could he admit what you said.

"Little Qing'er likes to tell the truth, don't mind Feifei"

Tian Qi was very satisfied with Jiang Qing's answer.

Girlfriends or something, isn't it just for comparison.

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