Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

184 Pretending to Slap the Face + Appearing in Front of People!?

There are many five-star hotels in Imperial Capital, but there are only a few of the most famous five-star hotels, and the Gardevoir Hotel is one of them.

As for why I went there, it's very simple, because this is the Jiang family's industry, and it is the closest to me, so of course I went there.

Half an hour later, Jiang Qing came to the door of the hotel. He has been to the Gardevoir Hotel in Lancang City many times.

This is the first time he has come to the Gardevoir Hotel in the Imperial City, and the decoration is definitely better in the Imperial City. After all, this is the Imperial City.

In the hall, Jiang Qing found a spot at random, without looking at the menu, he directly reported the names of a few dishes, the waiter nodded and left immediately.

People who come to eat here are either rich or expensive. Even if they order three or four dishes, the price will be as high as the income of ordinary people for three or four months.

So some celebrities and internet celebrities come here to eat from time to time. As for the purpose, everyone understands it.

"Family, this is the Gardevoir Hotel, I just ordered three dishes, at this price I will eat dirt next month"

A certain female internet celebrity was holding her mobile phone, her voice was not very loud, and she was watching the environment in the Gardevoir Hotel to the people in the live broadcast room.

A luxury cruise ship appeared at the top of the screen.

"I packed this meal"

"Thank you, Brother Tian, ​​for the luxury cruise ship, Mamada"

The female Internet celebrity smiled and chased away, and made a kissing 670 strokes.

"A kiss for nothing"

"Big Brother Mighty"

"Xiao Ai, the person behind you is so sloppy."

"I'm going, it's true, I'm afraid this clothes haven't been washed for a few days."

The internet celebrity Xiao Ai, who was still thanking the eldest brother on the list, saw the comments above and looked back. When he saw Jiang Qing's sloppy appearance, his brows instantly wrinkled.

Jiang Qing is actually not sloppy, but the clothes he wears are very ordinary, and he has just come out of the secret realm, and he is a little dusty.

As for the people who eat here, the men are not in suits and leather shoes, and the women's clothes are fluttering.

Jiang Qing seems to have entered a local dog in the upper class.

"The people at the Gardevoir Hotel are also true, why are all kinds of people coming in, so I'm not afraid of him eating the Overlord's meal," the internet celebrity muttered in dissatisfaction.

Jiang Qing was behind her. She couldn't even take a selfie, no matter how she took it, Jiang Qing would be in the camera, and she sat at a single table, so she couldn't even change the position.

If you can't take pictures or post on your Moments, then this meal will be meaningless.

At this time, another luxury cruise ship appeared on the mobile phone screen.

"Xiao Ai, ask someone to drive him away, I will reward five luxury (biff) cruise ships"

The big brother has spoken.

Others also watched the fun and did not think it was a big deal, and they applauded from below, even if there were some objections, they were quickly drowned out.

The five luxury cruise ships cost hundreds of thousands, and the female Internet celebrity was instantly tempted. In addition, Jiang Qing really influenced her to post on the Moments.

"Brother Tian, ​​you have to keep your words!"

The eldest brother in the list didn't say anything, but just sent another luxury cruise.

This time, the female Internet celebrity got excited and called a waiter.

"Ma'am, what do you need?" the waiter said respectfully.

The female internet celebrity pointed to Jiang Qing and said, "He wears too sloppy clothes, which affects my appetite. You drive him out for me."

The waiter immediately shook his head, "Ma'am, there is no such policy in this hotel"

"Hahaha, Xiaoai, your words don't work"

"Xiao Ai, forget it, you can't"

"This waiter is not close to women"

She was rejected by the waiter, and the comment area continued to ridicule her. The female internet celebrity lost her face and became a little angry.

"No, you have to kick him out, call your manager, and I'll tell him"

The waiter hesitated for a moment and said, "Otherwise, ma'am, I'll change your seat, how about it?"

Pointed to the best locations in the entire hall.

If she can't handle this kind of trivial matter well, and she calls the manager over, she will be the only one who will be unlucky.

"No, he had to let me go, he affected me, affected the whole restaurant"

The female internet celebrity was rejected one after another, stood up, and her voice became much louder.

The people who were dining around looked over subconsciously.

"Girls please be quiet"

The waiter said hurriedly.

"What's wrong with me, my voice is loud"

Seeing that the waiter was in a hurry, the female Internet celebrity immediately became proud. She felt that the other party was afraid, and if she continued, the other party would drive that person away.

At this time, the manager of the restaurant had already discovered the problem and came over immediately. The waiter saw this and walked away obediently.

"Ma'am, what's the matter, I'm the manager of this restaurant, you can tell me if you have any questions," the restaurant manager said.

The internet celebrity pointed at Jiang Qing, who was gobbling up, and his face became even more contemptuous.

"His clothes are so sloppy that it affects my mood to eat. He should be kicked out, and your hotel should give us all free bills"

This female internet celebrity is not stupid, she knows how to create a community of interests.

Because of Xiao Yan's matter, Jiang Qing delayed his lunch, so this dinner, he ate more quickly, so naturally his appearance was not very good.

He didn't pay much attention to this female Internet celebrity before, but he noticed that the other party's voice suddenly became louder behind him, and found that the other party seemed to be targeting him and wanted to kick him out.

"If you don't, ma'am, we'll give you 30% off this meal"

Any big hotel with a system will not drive in customers, and the restaurant manager will naturally not agree to the unreasonable request of the other party.

However, if the other party continues to entangle, it will affect other guests' meals, so they can only make a slight concession.

"No, you didn't understand what I said, he has to leave, or I'll complain to your hotel" The female internet celebrity fully demonstrated her rambunctious character.

Good professionalism keeps this restaurant manager smiling.

"Ma'am, anyone who enters this hotel is a guest. I can make the decision to waive this bill for you and change your location. You can see it."

At this time, Jiang Qing had already eaten, and walked slowly to the other side.

The female internet celebrity just wanted to speak, when she saw Jiang Qing approaching, she immediately backed away, and then said with disgust, "Why are you walking so close, I don't know my clothes are expensive, you can pay for it if you get dirty."

Jiang Qing didn't look at her, but looked at the restaurant manager and said lightly, "Know who I am."

Before, the restaurant manager only saw Jiang Qing's side face, so he didn't recognize it. Now that the front face is facing him, how could he still not recognize it.

Nima, the young master of Jiang's group, stood in front of him alive.

"Jiang Shao," the restaurant manager said hurriedly and respectfully.

"This guy doesn't have to give her a discount, she's free, she can take as much as she wants"

I didn't expect that this kind of thing of pretending to slap the face and appearing in front of people would actually happen to me.

Looking at the sluggish look of the female Internet celebrity.

Jiang Qing: pretending to be so cool (*¯1¯)

In his capacity, he wouldn't do anything to this female Internet celebrity. After saying this, he left directly. He is very tired now and just wants to sleep well.


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