Seeing the Swoobat on Xiao Yan's shoulder, Jiang Qing knew why the other party was able to find him.

The biggest feature of Swoobat is its heart-shaped nose, which is also the origin of its name. Many moves are used in this nose.

In addition to these, the nose also has a lesser-known function, which is the sense of smell.

Swoobat is monogamous, and its sense of smell is not developed, but it is very, very sensitive to the smell of its partner.

Even if the smell was left forty or fifty days ago, it can still be smelled.

When Jiang Qing entered the secret realm, the smell of female Swoobat must have been left on her body. This smell will exist even if she takes a bath, and the only way to make it disappear is time.

With this smell, Xiao Yan was able to find himself through this male Swoobat.

"It seems that people who are hostile to our Jiang family's "Six Seven Zero" can't help but take action at last."

Jiang Qing is not an idiot, nor is Xiao Yan. If he has no other support, how dare he enter the secret realm and shoot at him.

Alakazam, who protects the peak of Pokémon Elite, has appeared beside Jiang Qing.

And Xiao Yan also had a Mismagius at the peak of the Elite.

"That's it," Jiang Qing said lightly.

"You must die here today," Xiao Yan said coldly.

As long as Jiang Qing is killed, the noble families who cooperate with him will give him a lot of benefits. The noble family regards him as a knife, and he is not using the noble family to destroy his enemies. Of course, he does not know which noble families are. .

People from aristocratic families will never contact Xiao Yan in person, but rely on middlemen.

With the opening of another Poké Ball, Xiao Yan's second Elite Gourgeist appeared.

Both are Elite peaks, and both are Ghost types, obviously used to restrain Alakazam.

These two elite Pokémons are the greatest support given to Xiao Yan by several aristocratic families, and they are also Xiao Yan's greatest confidence.

No matter how powerful Alakazam is, facing two elite peaks of the same level or Pokémon of the Ghost type, let's see how long it can last.

Alakazam was locked on by two Pokémons, his expression was extremely dignified, and he had planned to use the Teleport to take Jiang Qing away.

An Elite peak Alakazam is going, basically even the champion can't stop it.

Looking at the two Ghost-type Elites, Jiang Qing pondered which aristocratic families they were, there must be more than one.

Even if they lent Xiao Yan two Ghost-type Elites, these two Pokémons were definitely not used by their family, otherwise they would be easily exposed.

"Mismagius Trick Room"

Teleport is indeed the only way to escape, but if the surrounding space is blocked in advance, unless Alakazam is much stronger than the opponent, he will not be able to leave this space until the space blockade disappears.

When Trick Room started, Alakazam originally planned to take Jiang Qing away, but was stopped by Jiang Qing's telepathy.

Seeing that Alakazam and Jiang Qing were trapped in the Trick Room, Xiao Yan showed a winning expression.

"Ginger Elite's Pokémon is nothing more than that," said contemptuously.

Alakazam was silent, when Mismagius and Gourgeist stood in front of Jiang Qing.

Xiao Yan did not send his own Pokémon, he felt that two Elite-level Pokémon would definitely be able to deal with Alakazam and Jiang Qing.

By the time

Looking at Metagross and Dragonite, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with heat.

Metagross was requested by those aristocratic families, and he couldn't get it, but Jiang Qing's other Pokémon, he could take all of them.

Dragonite, Steelix, Lucario, these are all very precious Pokémon.

"Can you tell me which noble families want to kill me?" Jiang Qing asked.

"I'll tell you when I die, do it"

The so-called villain died too much, the time in the Trick Room was limited, even though Xiao Yan thought that Jiang Qing was dead, he did not show any slack.

"Metagross Mega Evolution, Metagross killed that kid"

Jiang Qing sent Meilu Meta to run over Xiao Yan.

After Mega Evolution, Metagross went up against Gourgeist, and Alakazam went up against Mismagius.

In the Trick Room, both Mismagius and Gourgeist are faster.

"What is this Pokémon"

Xiao Yan saw Meilu Meta, who he had never seen before, and the body of the latter rushing over gave him a great sense of oppression. He did not dare to be careless, and immediately dispatched his strongest Pokémon Haxorus.

Meru Meta has a record of beating Elite mid-game Gyarados with a quasi-Elite early stage, and Haxorus is a quasi-Elite peak.

Haxorus was knocked out in just one round before Mel Mehta's million-ton punch...

"Another Elite Pokémon"

When Xiao Yan saw this, not only did he not feel panic, but he showed an excited expression.

He can't get Metagross, but this is a Pokémon he's never seen before, and he doesn't think it's inferior to Metagross.

Even his Pokémon is Jiang Qing's strongest Pokémon, because Jiang Qing has never sent this Pokémon to the outside world.

"Hahaha, Jiang Qing, thank you for this great gift" Xiao Yan laughed.

Then another Poké Ball was thrown.

The Girafarig at the peak of the Elite appears.

A full three Pokémon at the pinnacle of Elite.

The cold light in Jiang Qing's eyes shrank, and after going out, don't let him find out which aristocratic family it is.

At this moment, there are four Elite-level Pokémon in the Trick Room, and their powerful aura has made the entire Trick Room start to crumble.

"Girafarig kills that guy"

The three Elite Pokémon will definitely not follow Xiao Yan's command, but their purpose is to kill Jiang Qing, which is the same as Xiao Yan.

Girafarig's speed was very fast, and Meilu Mehta's bulky body couldn't stop him at all. In desperation, he could only turn his head to deal with Xiao Yan, trying to use this method to relieve Jiang Qing's crisis.

But Haxorus, who had been knocked out before, reappeared in front of it.


Melu Mehta was furious, and when her trainer's life was in crisis, she was blocked by someone.

In the face of an Elite Pokémon attack, Dragonite appeared in front of 5.5, followed by Steelix.

"Steelix Mega Evolution"

Steelix is ​​a quasi-Elite mid-stage, and after Mega Evolution, it becomes an Elite early stage.

Together with the previous Mega Metagross, Jiang Qing used the double Mega Evolution for the first time.

Fortunately, he has an intermediate level of Psychic, otherwise his mental power would not be able to support the double Mega Evolution at all, but even so, Jiang Qing could clearly feel that his mental power was rapidly draining away. As for his physical strength, he did not need to worry.

"This man must die"

Seeing that Dragonite and Mega Steelix combined forces to temporarily block Girafarig at the peak of Elite, Xiao Yan's heart was filled with killing intent.

Each of his Pokémon is incredibly powerful.

But after killing him, these Pokémon are all his own, and all his treasures are his own.

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