Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

172 Gyarados who wants to find the place

Under the water, the Elite-level Gyarados was happily looking at the high-level Water Stone he had just snatched from Starmie.

Counting this, it now has four Premium Water Stones and one Premium Water Stone.

As an Elite-level Pokémon, I am still complacent about this treasure. I am really sorry for its identity, but who knows the sadness in it.


Gyarados, who was kicked by Jiang Qing to evolve, and then stunned by Metagross' punch, swam quickly from a distance.

It was during the Magikarp period that this was the descendant of Elite Gyarados, and it should have been a happy thing to have evolved.

But its evolution really has no dignity, so now it is here to find the father to find the place.

Magikarp is very prolific, so this Gyarados has many offspring, plus it is an Elite Gyarados, 30 million harem beauties are not too many.

In this lake, it is estimated that a quarter of the hundreds of millions of Magikarps are its descendants.

Although this Elite-level Gyarados didn't know the Gyarados who came over, it found the aura of its own blood from it.

Gyarados: Dad, I got kicked by a human and passed out by its Pokémon.

Elite level storm 18 carp dragon: dry, another human has come in.

Then Gyarados saw his father dug a big hole and buried four high-grade Water Stones and one high-grade Water Stone in it.

Elite-level Gyarados: I have to hurry up and hide the treasure. Humans are all skinned every week. Even if I get beaten up again this time, the treasure cannot be stolen by him.

Gyarados looked at his father in a panic, and the image in his heart collapsed.

When Elite-level Gyarados finally hid the Water Stones, he deliberately moved a few stones to press them on, and finally patted the two beards on his lips in satisfaction.

"If you see these humans in the future, just pretend you haven't seen them"

Elite-level Gyarados said to his heirs that he suffered too much from human beings, but he didn't want his heirs to suffer too.

"Why, that human kicked me, the dignity of the Gyarados family is gone"

Gyarados didn't expect his father to be cowardly, and looked at him in disbelief. Could it be that the domineering father in his memory no longer exists.

Well, the so-called overbearing impression is what his mother told it.

"Child, you are still young, you will understand later"

Elite-level Gyarados said with a sigh, as if recalling a series of unforgettable history.

Every time a human comes in, its treasure will be robbed. At first it will resist, then be beaten, and after fainting, wake up to find that its treasure is gone.

Later, it understood and did not resist. Some shameless humans even beat it, and the newly collected treasures disappeared after they were beaten.

Now it's a Gyarados lying flat.

Now it will pass on the experience to its children.

"Dad is my high opinion, you are an Elite, and you would be afraid of a quasi-Elite human being"

Gyarados was greatly disappointed, his father was so cowardly, it was impossible to rely on it to find his way back.

Elite-level Gyarados: "What happened to Elite, that quasi-Elite you said that human is quasi-Elite"

Gyarados "Yeah"

"you sure"

"OK, it must be a quasi-Elite"

"Wow, how dare Elite beat my child, I want you to get out of this lake today."

Elite-level Gyarados roared, and the lake water kept surging in its roar.

At this moment, Elite-level Gyarados felt that he could do it.

"Dad, that human breath is right around here," Gyarados said suddenly.

"Sure enough, it's a quasi-Elite, hum, you are optimistic about my son, today Dad Retaliate for you"

Above the lake, Jiang Qing had entered the site of this Elite Gyarados. Looking at the five red dots on the Dowsing Machine, one of them was a little bigger and had a little value, while the other four were normal.

“really poor”

Jiang Qing muttered.

At this time, a Hydro Pump suddenly shot out from the water surface, Dragonite saw it and immediately stopped.

Because he was not wearing a seat belt, Jiang Qing, who was sitting in the Flying seat, was thrown out because of Dragonite's emergency stop.

This thing tells us that seat belts are very important.

Fortunately, Metagross used Confusion to control Jiang Qing at the first time, which prevented him from falling into the water.

Back on Dragonite's back, Jiang Qing looked down with a sullen face.

In the middle of the lake, a black shadow was gradually enlarging, and the next second a hideous head emerged from the water, followed by another head.

Two Gyarados, one of which is still Elite, as for the other—

Looking at the Gyarados, Jiang Qing subconsciously looked at his right foot.

And Jiang Qing's action happened to be seen by that Gyarados.

Deliberately, this human being is definitely intentional, ah ah ah.

Gyarados "Daddy is him, he kicked me with his right foot"

Elite-level Gyarados looked at Metagross and Dragonite, um, they were both quasi-Elites, this was stable, and gave his heir a reassuring look.

"Humans hand over all the treasures on you, and let my child beat me, and I will let you go." After saying this, Gyarados, who had been depressed for many years, felt that his body and mind were sublimated at this moment.

In the past, it was human beings who robbed its treasures, but now finally, finally, it was finally his turn to rob human beings' treasures.

667 "You are brave," Jiang Qing said.

This is the first time he has been robbed by Pokémon. This Elite-level Gyarados not only does not look overbearing, but it feels more like a small victim who has been bullied for many years. Now he finally found a better bully.

This is treating myself as a soft persimmon, and I want to pinch it.

Seeing that this human being was going to rebel against him, Elite-level Gyarados immediately felt happy in his heart. That's good. If he obediently handed over the treasure, he would still feel the sullenness in his heart.

Elite Gyarados "If you don't agree, then I'll call you until you agree"

Jiang Qing took a look at Metagross, who came to Gyarados.


And at this moment, the Poké Ball that Jiang Qing pinned to his waist suddenly opened.

Then I saw Meru Mehta appear in mid-air, making a Bulk Up pose, and then—


Jiang Qing looked at Meilu Mehta who fell into the water with a black face. After this guy evolved, has his IQ also decreased.

Don't you know this is the lake? As a Steel-type Pokémon, your only advantage in falling into the water is that it sinks a little faster than Rock and Ground Type.

Watching the lake bubbling up a series of bubbles.

The scene is a non-still picture, Jiang Qing hides his face and hides his embarrassment.

Two Gyarados: Something just fell, so big.

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