Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

170 I rely on, evolved

During the journey to the lake, Jiang Qing looked at the Dowsing Machine from time to time. The ten red dots were all displayed, and none of them were very large. It was estimated that the red dots following the fossils were similar.

Dragonite is flying at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. Considering that Jiang Qing is still on his back, the speed is not very fast, but at this speed, Jiang Qing can no longer open his eyes, and he feels much better after wearing goggles.

There are quite a few Flying Pokémon in Soaring in the sky, the most common ones are naturally Pidgey, Pidegeotto, and some are Taillow.

Like Pidgey, there are all over the world, so Pidgey is the most abundant of all bird Pokémon, and you can see a lot of wild Pidgey in the square of the city.

Although they are wild Pokémon, because they live in cities for a long time, Pidgey's aggression becomes very low, and they will not suddenly attack the humans who feed themselves.

The final evolution of Pidgey is not weaker than the Eagle, and the evolution process is not too difficult. It is more than the Eagle and there are few Pokémon that can be ridden, and the speed is very fast.

Therefore, in order to facilitate their own travel, or to escape for their lives, trainers who do not have a Flying mount will basically choose to rent a Flying mount from a rental company.

And more than 70% of the trainers will choose to rent the carvings.

Of course, the rented Pokémon can't fight for you, the only role is as a means of transportation. If you force it to fight, the professionally trained Beagle will report it to the local search bureau.

Going to the air of the lake, there was no Pokémon who didn't have long eyes to stop him. After about an hour or so, Jiang Qing reached the lake.

The lake in front of you is endless. Fortunately, I know it is a lake, otherwise I would have thought it was a sea.

There are countless water system Pokémon in this lake, and the resources are very rich, which is the most ideal fishing spot in the hearts of anglers.

Of course, no matter what lakes or rivers, seas, etc., as long as there is water, the largest number of water system Pokémon is Magikarp, followed by Feebas.

The lake in front of me is definitely no exception. The number of Magikarp is definitely the largest, otherwise why would there be an Elite-level Gyarados.

When the Magikarp population reaches a certain level, Gyarados are very likely to be born in this place.

Since this lake has Elite-level Gyarados, there must be other levels of Gyarados, and it is absolutely impossible to have only one.

"Sure enough, there are more treasures here"

Jiang Qing looked at the red dot on the Dowsing Machine, the size of the red dot was the same as the big Arnold of the hollow stone before, it should also be the treasure of a certain Attribute.

Riding the Dragonite, Jiang Qing walked towards the location of the treasure. The Dowsing Machine can only display the treasures within 50 kilometers, and the maximum number is ten.

In about five or six minutes, Jiang Qing arrived at the Sky where the red dot was located, with the bottomless lake below.

"Dawdler, take the Dowsing Machine down and have a look," Jiang Qing said.

His only water Pokémon is Slowking. Before Dragonair hadn't evolved into Dragonite, he liked water.

Now that it has evolved into hypertrophy, it is a problem whether it will sink or not.

The Slowking level is currently 30, which is not very high. After all, it is not a Pokémon to fight, but a housekeeper + cook, a Pokémon who serves Jiang Qing.

Also because it is very comfortable to be served by Daodao, Jiang Qing's training volume for it has naturally been reduced a lot. After all, Daodao can't be allowed to serve himself and Pokémon, but also participate in daily training, how can Daodao have so much energy.

"If you encounter any danger that cannot be solved, come back quickly," Jiang Qing ordered.

Slowking nodded, then dived into the lake with the Dowsing Machine.

This lake is very deep, although the water is very clear, but looking down, it is dark, and the sun can't penetrate the bottom at all.

On the other hand, at a shallow depth of three or four meters, Jiang Qing was able to see a few Goldeen and more than ten Magikarps in groups. These Magikarps also seemed to have found Dragonite and Jiang Qing on the lake.

One by one, they surfaced, and the dull eyes were exactly the same as Slowking.

But Magikarp is really stupid, Slowking is extremely smart.

Being stared at him by a dozen pairs of blank eyes, Jiang Qing's expression was a little strange.

Feeling amused, Dragonite flew lower and poked a certain Magikarp's head with his fingers.

And the stunned Magikarp seemed to be startled, jumped up with water splashes, and slapped Jiang Qing's face with the flapping tail.

This is the rhythm to be beaten in the face.

・・・ Flowers・


Jiang Qing jumped from the Flying seat, kicked the Magikarp out, and landed on the Flying seat handsomely.


Seeing such a handsome scene of his own Trainer, Metagross applauded.

With a thud, the Magikarp fell into the water again. Magikarp's whole body was covered with hard scales and bones. It was an existence that dogs would despise. Jiang Qing's kick didn't cause it much damage.

But the damage he suffered inside was very big, his self-esteem was kicked out by Jiang Qing, and there were so many companions watching, and one of them was the object of his secret love.

The dull eyes seemed to have other emotions at this moment, and there was a fire in the heart that was constantly burning and expanding.

"Why are you unconvinced, unconvinced and singled out?"

Seeing that Magikarp was still looking at him, Jiang Qing's bubbles grew bigger, so he shouted loudly, "Just a mere Magikarp, he's not afraid of a hundred such things.


The shackles were broken, Rage's emotions turned into evolutionary energy, and a dazzling white light bloomed.

"I rely on"

Watching the evolution of Magikarp, Jiang Qing was startled, and subconsciously looked at the right foot of Magikarp who had just kicked away.

Evolution Feet!!

These four words appeared in Jiang Qing's mind.

When he came back to his senses, Magikarp had already evolved, and a Gyarados was looking at Jiang Qing aggressively.

Gyarados: Little Bizi, if you have the ability, just say it again.

The carp dragon gate has changed from a Magikarp of more than ten levels to a Gyarados of the current level of fifty. This level increase is simply unreasonable.

If anyone can study the detailed process of how Magikarp evolved into Gyarados, if nothing else, the Arceus Award is 80% guaranteed.

It's a pity that this Gyarados is only green qualified and has no qualifications to be captured.

Gyarados was about to teach Jiang Qing a lesson when he saw Metagross Frillish come to him, and before it could react, a silver fist hit it on the head.

The fainted Gyarados did not sink, but floated on the water.

The surrounding Pokémon also ran away because of the scene just now, including the dozen or so Magikarps who died.

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