Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

166 Growlithe's battle with Aron

Even in the system mall, there is no ability to change things. If there is such a thing, it is estimated that it is too expensive, and it can’t be bought.

As Dragonite landed, it immediately caught Vigoroth's attention, and even if Lazy and Slaking saw it, they didn't do anything.

Although there are nearly 10,000 lazy people, but the number of Vigoroth is relatively small, it is estimated that there are only three or four hundred.

Both Metagross and Dragonite exude a quasi-Elite aura, making these Vigoroths afraid to approach.

The three Rare Candy that Jiang Qing got before, because they can only be taken below the Elite level, so they are all eaten by Dragonite. Its level has changed from level 58 to today's level 61, and it has successfully become Jiang Qing's third candy. Elite Pokémon.

Jiang Qing released Aron and Growlithe.

Aron is currently level 28 and Growlithe is currently level 29.

"Six Six Three" Next, Jiang Qing took out a bunch of banana fruit from the system space, knowing that he knew that this tree fruit was not in the advanced secret realm.

"Send two Pokémon over to fight with my Pokémon, and win or lose, you can get a bunch of banana fruit," Jiang Qing said to the group of Vigoroth in front of him.

Vigoroth made a commotion, scratching his cheeks in a very uncomfortable look. They wanted to go and grab it directly, but because of the aura of Metagross and Dragonite, they didn't dare to go forward.

Several bosses Slaking will not move at all until the moment of crisis.

After negotiating for a while, the two Vigoroths came out soon, both of which happened to be level 29. It was very suitable for Growlithe and Aron to be Rivals.

"Let's start," Jiang Qing said.

Growlithe and Aron took the lead in rushing towards their respective Rivals, Jiang Qing had no intention of directing them, and they played on their own.

After all, the main purpose of coming here is to exercise and upgrade, so there is no need to command them, just let them play freely.

The fire spar in Growlithe's body has always been absorbing the Contest Condition, but if Growlithe wants to completely absorb the fire spar, 80% will have to wait until he becomes a quasi-Elite.

The fire spar was continuously being absorbed, causing Growlithe's synthetic hair to continuously change to red, and between running, the hair flashed with sparks.

As the top treasure of fire, the spar of fire can enhance the origin of the fire element. Even an ordinary flamethrower may cause the hit Pokémon to enter the burn Contest Condition.

Combined with the resources Jiang Qing purchased from the system, Growlithe's six basic values ​​are constantly rising.

But in terms of potential, Growlithe with fire spar is second only to Metagross and Meltan.

The other Pokémon Aron has the soul of Totem and becomes a Totem Pokémon. The normal Aron height is only 0.4M.

And Jiang Qing's 1.4M is the same height as the Vigoroth in front of him.

He usually eats rough diamonds, and the entire armor is terrifyingly hard.

Vigoroth's claws grabbed it, but he didn't even have any scars, but instead broke the opponent's claws.

Even if Aron stood still, Vigoroth couldn't move it.

Oreburgh Bulwark Aggron, has seen this shadow in Aron.

In less than a minute, the two Vigoroths were defeated.

Jiang Qing kept his word and gave them two bunches of banana fruit.

After they took the banana fruit, they did not swallow it alone, but distributed it to the surrounding companions.

It was the first time to eat banana fruit, this kind of tree fruit that fits their taste buds very well, and everyone who eats Vigoroth is excited.

Almost fought for the next two places.

"Beat them and give you two strings"

In order to stimulate Vigoroth's enthusiasm, Jiang Qing specially increased the reward.

The battle lasted from the morning to five o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Qing did not count how many games Growlithe and Aron fought.

But they're all leveled up, Growlithe from level 29 to level 32, and Aron from level 28 to level 31.

One level away from Aron to evolve.

Compared to Growlithe, who has not much physical strength, Aron has a lot of physical strength due to his strong defense.

"Growlithe come back"

Seeing that Growlithe defeated the Vigoroth, Jiang Qing called it back.

The flames continued to spray, and it was estimated that his voice was almost hoarse.

Growlithe's battle is not as easy as Aron's battle. Aron's size, this weight, almost no Vigoroth can carry it down with one paw.

"Eat and replenish your energy"

Put power cubes and water in front of Growlithe, and fight from morning to afternoon without any pauses...

Although it is very tiring, the benefits are also obvious. At the same time as the level increases, the absorption speed of the fire spar in Growlithe has also increased a little.

However, as Growlithe's stamina is replenished, the absorption rate will return to normal Contest Condition.

"Come on ten together"

One by one, it seems that Aron cannot break the shackles of the level, so it has to be put on fire.

After being together for a long time, Vigoroth, who originally fought for the banana fruit, is now fighting for his dignity.

Vigoroth: Grandma, we have defeated so many of our clansmen, shouldn't we lose face?

Soon ten Vigoroths surrounded Aron. The other party told them not to talk about martial arts, so they naturally didn't need to be polite.

Headbutt, Slash, Fury Swipes, Arm Hammer and other attacks constantly greeted Aron, who was like a sandbag that didn't move, letting these moves hit him.

Quantitative changes will lead to qualitative changes, and Aron has been fighting for a long time. This time, the ten Vigoroths, the scars on the hard shell of Aron are constantly increasing.


Although Aron felt the pain, the pain also made it fierce.

One hit Iron Head directly met a Vigoroth's Slash, and the Vigoroth flew out the next second.

Metal Claw knocks three Vigoroths into the air again.

5.5 Rock Smash kills two Vigoroths.

However, another Vigoroth used a Brick Break to punch a crack in the armor on its back. Under the crack, the flesh and blood can already be seen.

Blood flowed from the cracks.

The other four Vigoroths had blood-red eyes, and six out of ten were killed by the opponent. No matter what, the four of them will kill you.


The sharp pain in his back stung Aron. He had never been so badly injured since he was born.

But it did not mean to ask for help like Jiang Qing, staring at the remaining four Vigoroths, as if there was a new energy emerging in its body, but it was blocked by something.

This made Aron very uncomfortable, it was going to break that thing, it was going to fight, it was going to get down on the four Vigoroths in front of him.

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