Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

151 Jiang Qing is still on his way

Tongyuan County was already in chaos at this time, and a large number of people fled in a hurry. Although some government personnel were evacuating, the number of government personnel in a town with a population of nearly two million was obviously far from enough.

There have even been riots in some places, with some extreme people smashing various stores and starting to Snatch the items inside.

Once this kind of thing starts, a large number of people will follow.

Although someone stopped it, it was still a drop in the bucket.

In Tongyuan County No. 1 Middle School, the principal is organizing the Trainer Teacher to go to the No. 36 intermediate secret realm. There are only 8 professional trainers in the entire No. 1 Middle School.

"Where's Teacher Zhang, where did he go?"

The principal found out that there was one person missing. This person was still quasi-Elite and was the strongest Teacher in the whole school, but he had disappeared.

"Hurry up and contact Teacher Zhang," the principal said eagerly.

"653" A certain teacher hesitated and said, "Zhang Feng has already left."

"Let's go, I'm going to the secret realm. Teacher Zhang is indeed a quasi-Elite Trainer, and has a strong sense of responsibility," the principal praised.

"No, he went south," the Teacher said.

The atmosphere was instantly silent.

The secret realm of the riot was in the north, but the other party went south, and they couldn't get in touch with the other party. Now they all knew where this quasi-Elite went.

Deserter, this guy turned out to be a deserter.

"Bah, the gilded guy here is really unreliable"

The principal spat fiercely, this Teacher Zhang just came to their school for a walk, otherwise how could a prospective Elite come to be a teacher in their middle school in the county.

I just didn't expect that this quasi-Elite would choose to run away in the face of the riot in the secret realm.

"Regardless of this deserter, let's set off quickly. Based on the principle of voluntariness, I will not stop any of you who want to leave." The principal said.

These Teachers immediately shook their heads. Either they had settled down in Tongyuan County, or they were locals. No matter from which point of view, they had no reason to flee.

"Very good, you can rest assured that our support will be here soon. The nearest Imperial University has dispatched juniors and seniors, as well as two Elite-level trainers. The support of Shuimu University is also on its way."

"It only takes one hour to Protect," the principal said.

The riotous No. 36 intermediate secret realm is only 10 kilometers away from Tongyuan County, and some Flying-type Pokémon have come to Sky in Tongyuan County at this time.


Pidegeotto flapped his wings and blew the Hurricane, Whirlwinding half the street of humans out.

A large number of Spearows attack humans with their claws frantically.

The Beedrill buzzed, the Twineedle swung out, and within a few breaths, a dozen humans died under its Twineedle.

For ordinary people, even if he is facing a level 5 Pokémon, as long as he is not careful, he will die at the hands of the opponent.

For them, the Pokémon of the tenth level are basically no different from the god of death.

Fortunately, such tragedies don't happen very often. Although most ordinary people are not professional trainers, it does not mean that they do not have Pokémon.

For every hundred newly registered Trainers in the Xia Kingdom, only about ten of them will embark on the road of true professional Trainers, while the rest will return to the lives of ordinary people. Domesticated Pokémon.

Although the combat power of domestic Pokémon is not comparable to that of professional trainer Pokémon, it is still Pokémon.

Families with domestic Pokémon, send Pokémon to protect themselves, and those who are able to protect others.

Most domestic Pokémon are mainly grass Bug Type, these two Attributes are famous for being easy to feed, cheap, and not easy to get sick.

About 70% of the Pokémon in the intermediate secret realm are around level 12 or 20, which belongs to the level of Rookie Trainer.

About 20% is between the 20th and 40th level, which is the ordinary trainer level.

The remaining layer is above forty level, at the elite Trainer level.

And most domestic Pokémon just mind the difference between a Rookie and a regular.

Therefore, with the care of the domestic Pokémon, those Pokémon who flew into Tongyuan County to carry out destruction were quickly suppressed.

In Soaring in the sky, a level 35 Fearow hovers, and in its Growl, a large number of Spearows attack the domestic Pokémon who are resisting below.

Fearow's eyes glowed slightly red, and he seemed to feel that his younger brother was really weak, and his body dropped suddenly between the wings.

“Nicely done Oddish”

When a middle-aged man saw that he commanded Oddish to defeat a Spearow, he immediately screamed excitedly, and the next second came a hurricane..

His Oddish was swept away by the hurricane, and it flew with him.

One person, one pet, smashed heavily on the building next to him.

Oddish was completely unconscious, and the middle-aged man lying on the ground was awake, but he was seriously injured, and a steel pipe was inserted into his abdomen.

Fearow came to the middle-aged man, his sharp mouth turned towards the other's head.

“Machoke, Brick Break”

The sound of breaking through the air came, and Fearow flapped his wings, dodging the opponent's attack.

A man dressed as a construction worker took a Machoke to protect the middle-aged man behind him.

Fearow apparently stopped him from hunting by the man in front of Rage, and his sharp mouth pecked at Machoke.

I saw a flash of white light, and Fearow's mouth stabbed into Machoke's shoulder, directly piercing a pair.

Machoke is also a ruthless man. When he was in pain, his first reaction was to grab Fearow's mouth with his other hand.

Then raised the other hand, endured the pain, it was a Brick Break attack.

It has a lot of strength in the construction site for a long time, and the fierce Fearow was beaten by it and screamed.

“Machoke well done”

The construction workers didn't expect their Machoke to be so powerful, they couldn't help being overjoyed, they hurriedly helped the man beside him, and looked at the steel pipe that had been inserted into his body, which was bleeding continuously.

The joy just now disappeared immediately. If this is not dealt with, the other party will definitely die.

But he has no experience in this area, nor does he have any drugs.

"Go and leave me alone"

The middle-aged man said to the construction worker with difficulty, and pushed him.

"Damn you think I want to control you, I just don't want to see people die in front of me," the construction worker yelled.


The construction worker just finished speaking when Machoke was knocked out by Fearow.

Level Fearow has an absolute advantage, and Machoke came over with an injury on his body, so it is a matter of time before Machoke loses.

"It's all your fault, but you have to appear in front of Lao Tzu, that's all right, Lao Tzu will die with you," the construction worker scolded.

Seriously injured middle-aged man: (*⊙~①)

At this time, Jiang Qing was still on his way.

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