Back in the villa, Jiang Qing released Metagross and pasted the Teleport skill disc rewarded by the system on its head.

With a flash of white light, the disc disappeared, indicating that it has been absorbed successfully.

Jiang Qing breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Metagross would fail to absorb it, so the reward would be in vain.

But when I came back to my senses, I felt that I was thinking too much. After all, the skill CD was produced by the system, and it was specially marked as Metagross, so it would definitely not fail.

"Metagross Teleport" Jiang Qing said.

In the next second, the Metagross in front of him disappeared, and then appeared in the pool of Sky in the courtyard, and then appeared in front of Jiang Qing.

"very good"

Jiang Qing touched Metagross's head.

Metagross gave Metagross a comfortable expression as he massaged with the power of the waveguide.

Growlithe bumped over, and Jiang Qing held his head with his hands.


Metagross looked at Growlithe.

What's the matter, little brother, you still want to grab a massage with me.

Growlithe: Wang Wang Wang

Fifteen minutes later, Jiang Qing had already massaged Metagross.

Look at Growlithe, and look at Steelix, Dragonite, Lucario, Meltan, Slowking, Aron behind Growlithe.

Jiang Qing covered his head and said helplessly: "Come one by one, Slowking bring me a bottle of ice Coke"

This afternoon, I was going to spend it on this one. Seeing Growlithe already cooperating on the ground, with all fours in the sky, his eyes were looking at him expectantly.

The hands containing the power of the waveguide were slowly pressed on Growlithe's limbs and torso, and the waveguide followed his hands and slowly penetrated into Growlithe's body.

According to Growlithe, the fleshy creature with hair feels a lot easier than Metagross. Metagross feels like an iron lump, and of course Steelix and Aron are the same.

A few minutes later, Growlithe had fallen asleep comfortably.

Using Psychic to control Coke, he put it to his mouth and took a sip. Looking at Rest's Growlithe sticking out his tongue, Jiang Qing pulled his tongue out curiously.

Growlithe didn't wake up.

"Is it so comfortable"

Jiang Qing smiled.

After more than two hours of work, I finally massaged all the eight Pokémon.

Fortunately, he now has an inhuman physique, as well as the power of advanced waveguides, otherwise he would not be able to press it all in one breath.

“Slowking, we barbecue at night, you go buy some barbecue ingredients”

"Yeah dong"

Slowking nodded, and went out with a basket.

It's also an environmentalist and doesn't like to use single-use plastic bags.

"Lucario, you go get the grill out"

“Metagross Charcoal is by the grill, go and get it”

"Meltan, don't go"

Jiang Qing grabbed Meltan, who was going to help. For such a small man, it was just a disservice to go.

"Steelix fills all the holes you dug"

Looking at the backyard, there is a big hole. Usually Steelix rests in the hole, but now it is going to be barbecued, so the hole must be filled first.

"Dragonite, come over here"

Dragonite with a silly face came over, Jiang Qing took out a specially customized Flying seat from the system space and installed it on the back of Dragonite.

Flying mount is definitely Dragonite, Metagross is not as good as Dragonite in terms of comfort and speed.

Jiang Qing climbed onto Dragonite's back, sat on the Flying seat, and fastened his seatbelt. Immediately, he felt a sense of security.

"Dragonite fly around the sky and try"

The Flying seat is specially customized according to the body shape of Dragonite, so after wearing it, Dragonite may feel a little accustomed to it, but it will get better after a long time.


The 100-meter acceleration is less than 0.01 seconds.

Jiang Qing felt that his neck was almost broken.

While dizzy, Dragonite's sly apology came.

It suddenly forgot that Jiang Qing was on its back, so it took off at normal speed.

"If you want to change trainer just say it"

Jiang Qing patted Dragonite's head gently, and he felt like he almost died when he accelerated just now.

"Fly slowly first, I will let you speed up and then speed up," Jiang Qing urged.

Most cities prohibit riding Flying Pokémon unless you (biff) have relevant documents.

However, most colleges and universities do not have such regulations, and Sky of Imperial College also has a Trainer riding a Flying Pokémon from time to time.

Some are rushing to class, while others are practicing Flying skills with Pokémon in the air like Jiang Qing.

Suddenly there is a person on Pokémon's back, which will affect Pokémon more or less.

Therefore, in order to minimize this effect, a lot of practice is necessary.

After practicing for more than an hour, Jiang Qing and Dragonite returned to the yard.

Remove the Flying seat from the back of the Dragonite, this thing is very easy to disassemble and install, it is all one-button, so it does not take much time.

At this time, Slowking has returned with barbecue ingredients.

It was already past six o'clock at this time, and the midsummer sun had already set halfway down, and the dusk and sunset gave the horizon a different kind of beauty.

The barbecue ingredients are all processed, and there is no need to clean anything.

Jiang Qing bought some fruit from the system space, all according to Pokémon's own taste, and gave these fruit to Slowking, the big housekeeper and chef.

"Make them a pina cola, and get me a Coke if I want"

Then Jiang Qing started to grill.

"Growlithe light a fire, the least powerful"

For fear that Growlithe would directly burn Charcoal to ashes, Jiang Qing warned.

A small flame spit up from Growlithe's mouth, quickly igniting Charcoal.

Put the ingredients on the grill, brush with oil, and after a while, the smell and aroma of oily smoke will come out.

By this time the sun had set, the lights in the courtyard were Calming, and Lucario took out the Bluetooth speaker.

Several Pokémon were surrounding Jiang Qing.

"It'll be fine right away, don't worry," Jiang Qing said.

Pokémon will have no problem eating human food occasionally.

And he also bakes food that Pokémon can eat, such as roasted tree fruit, roasted energy cubes.

Look at the energy cubes on the grill - this thing can actually be grilled and eaten.

No matter, sprinkle with cumin and sprinkle with chili noodles.

At this time, Slowking came out with juice, not Coke, but moo milk for Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing "I don't want Coke"

Slowking "Yah Dong"

You can only drink one can of Coke a day, and you've had it before.


"Then give me a beer"

Barbecue and beer, this time it's a perfect match.

"Yeah dong"

You can't drink beer at your age.

Jiang Qing: 1(¯¯)/

This time, Jiang Qing didn't call anyone. Compared with people, he prefers to spend time with Pokémon.

The full moon hangs high, and the sky is full of stars.


Jiang Qing and Pokémon are having their own BBQ party.

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