Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1356 Flame White Kyurem

The three dragons of time and space relied on their powerful natural abilities to hold up the three dragons of Tao, which were more powerful than them.

Although the three of them could not pose any danger to the Three Dragons of the Way, the Three Dragons of the Way could not defeat each other in a short period of time.

This made Zekrom, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, very angry. He kept attacking Palkia, and most of the latter was avoiding it. If he couldn't avoid it, he would enter another dimension.


Zekrom: "You can only hide"

The one who responded to Zekrom’s question was Palkia’s Spacial Rend.

As the gems on his arms lit up, Spacial Rend took on a half-moon shape, appeared and disappeared instantly [and then appeared directly in front of Zekrom.

Disappearance and appearance occur almost simultaneously.

Zekrom crossed his arms in front of him, and as the scales on his arms shattered, he resisted the opponent's attack.

Fusion Bolt.

Zekrom directly entered the overclocking mode, while Palkia on the opposite side also entered the origin form at this time.

Wulu is the origin form of Haihui Temple in overclocking mode. It will not increase the Species Strength of the two, but will increase the Attribute of certain aspects of the two.

Of course, in contrast, some Attributes will be lower.

Fusion Bolt was once again dodged by Palkia using another dimension.

However, this time's avoidance did not seem to be as easy as before, and Palucci's breathing was slightly short.

But because there were sounds of fighting all around, its slightly heavy breathing was naturally covered up.

"Different spaces consume a lot of energy, right?"

Zekrom scoffed.

It's not stupid, the first-level gods have very shrewd minds.

The more powerful the move, the more restrictions there are on its use.

Palkia's ability to hide in another dimension is already stronger than most first-level gods. There are definitely limitations to the use of this ability.

For example, it consumes a lot of physical and mental energy.

Just like it uses Fusion Bolt, the physical strength consumed by using Fusion Bolt can use up almost one-tenth of its physical strength.

However, its physical strength is now much stronger than before. Although it is still unable to use its ultimate move as a level A, it is not a problem to use a twenty-shot Fusion Bolt.

Similarly, Dialga and Giratina use the power of time and the power of reversal, which consumes a lot of physical and mental power.

If the battle continues, the three dragons of time and space will definitely not be the Rival of the three dragons of Tao, and they can directly drag them to death.

But Jiang Qing no longer wants to drag it out any longer.

The aftermath of the battle between sixteen first-level gods has completely destroyed the entire East African Region, and a large amount of aftermath has spread outside the East African Region.

Wherever the aftermath hit, mountains and rivers collapsed, rivers flowed backwards, and huge waves arose on the sea surface.

The first to suffer are the areas adjacent to the East African Region. ,

Fortunately, Xia Kingdom is relatively far away from the East African Region. If the aftermath does come, it will be weakened by several previous Regions, and the damage caused should not be very great.

The biggest disaster is actually the huge waves set off by the sea. The huge waves will continue to advance and the energy will increase. Coastal countries and cities will be hit by the huge waves.

There are many coastal cities in Xia Kingdom.

Fortunately, the huge wave will not reach Xia Kingdom for a while. When it does arrive, Jiang Qing will probably end the battle.

[It’s so scary. Is the world really going to end today?]

[I don’t know if there are any survivors in the East African Region]

[Rayquaza and Mewtwo of different colors have Mega Evolution, and Hoopa can still block it]

[Palkia and the others are so cunning that they don’t even confront Zekrom and the others]

[Look at Champion Jiang taking something out of his pocket]

What Jiang Qing took out was the genetic contract. As soon as he took out this thing, someone with sharp eyes saw it.

When Jiang Qing took out the genetic contract, Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyurem seemed to sense something and looked at Jiang Qing one after another.

Then he locked his eyes on the thing in Jiang Qing's hand.

"Reshiram, Kyire¨`mu"

Jiang Qing locked his eyes on these two Pokémon.

The two Pokémon seemed to understand something at this moment, and instinctively moved towards each other.

At the same time, the light from the genetic bond in Jiang Qing's hand linked the two Pokémon together. As the two Pokémon Tackle together, the two groups of light also merged together.

As the light shattered, what appeared in front of everyone was not Reshiram or Kyurem, but a brand new Pokémon.

The Pokémon in front of me has the physical characteristics of Reshiram, and it also has the physical characteristics of Qium.

Pokémon: Flame White Kyurem (Dragon/Ice)



Ability: Turbo Flame

Props: none

Gender: None

Moves: Dragon Breath, Ancient Power, Noble Roar, Dry-Freeze, Slash, Endeavor, Dragon Pulse, Ice Beam, Fusion Flare, Ice Burn, Blizzard, Sheer Cold-

Skill CD: None

Genetic Skills: None

Note: He absorbed Reshiram, who has the same genes as himself, so he can use the energy of fire and ice.


Under the influence of the genetic bond, Kyurem and Reshiram merged together to form a more powerful Pokémon, Kyurem.

The level has even broken through from the first-level god peak to the world-destroying level.


Feeling the overwhelming strength and energy in his body, Flame White Kyurem couldn't help but let out a roar, and the huge sound wave Whirlwinded the three space-time dragons in front of him.

"solve them"

Jiang Qing snorted coldly.

Flame White Kyurem is an Ice Burn facing the nearest Palkia.

Faced with this attack, Palkia felt a huge threat and immediately repeated her old tricks and hid in another dimension.

But now Yanbai Kyurem is already a first-level god of the Destruction level. Once a first-level god reaches the Destruction (King Zhao) level, it has the ability to destroy this space.

A trace of ridicule flashed in Kyurem's eyes. Under the Ice Burn, Palkia was horrified to find that the space around her was shattered.

I am in a different space.


As the space shattered, Palkia flew out of the alien space in a panic, and what greeted it was the Dragon Claw of the flame-white Kyurem.

The claws fell, and Palkia's body was slammed into the ground with a bang. Under the huge Tackle force, the entire East African Region was shaking.

People who originally hid underground to escape the disaster, but because of this strong Earthquake, many of the underground defensive buildings collapsed directly.

Ice Burn.

The attack was not over yet. Before Palkia could get up, the cold and hot energy bombarded its body like a tide.


During Ice Burn, Palkia kept letting out bursts of painful roars. .

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