Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1341 Pot Of Punishment

As the God of Life, Xerneas is very attentive to the upcoming war, even more so than Jiang Qing to some extent.

After all, once the battle with the super demon Hoopa begins, given the opponent's ability, it will most likely be a battle of gods, and the number of humans and Pokémon killed and injured by then will be a very terrifying number.

Once a large area of ​​creatures dies, Xerneas, the god of life, will be the first to bear the brunt. The resentment generated by a large number of dead creatures will reduce its power.

If only a few million humans or hundreds of millions of Pokémon died, Xerneas wouldn't care at all. After all, the total number of both humans and Pokémon is very large.

But it has a premonition that the number of deaths will be far more than this.

It is the one that has the greatest impact on the widespread decline of living beings. Who calls it a first-level god in charge of life? Moreover, it also has a mortal enemy, Yveltal, who is in charge of death.

Life and death have been opposed since ancient times, and the degree of opposition between it and Yveltal is definitely greater than that of Kyogre and Groudon.

This confrontation has even reached the point where it will never end.

Jiang Qing knew Xerneas's inner thoughts to some extent, and he understood, but he didn't have too many scruples.

The location of the future battle is very likely to be in the East African Region. As long as it is not Xia Kingdom, then any place does not matter to Jiang Qing.

So Jiang Qing doesn't care how many humans or Pokémon die.

To a certain extent, Jiang Qing's attitude towards life is indifferent. He only cares about his relatives and friends, and other life and death have little to do with him.

Therefore, Xerneas's plan to use justice to tie him up was almost ineffective.

"Hoopa I will do my best to defeat it"

Although he doesn't care about other people's lives, his ultimate goal is to defeat Hoopa, which is the same as Xerneas.

Xerneas wants the results to be perfect and the process to be relatively perfect, but Jiang Qing doesn't care much about the process.

"If a fight breaks out, I will help you," Xerneas said.

Jiang Qing looked at it and said calmly: "Just don't stand on Hoopa's side when the time comes."

Now Xerneas was a little confused and said in surprise: "Do you know what Su is capable of?"

"know a little"

Jiang Qing nodded.

Records about Hoopa have not been released yet, and of course there may not be any records. Jiang Qing knows that it is just because of the memory of the previous life.

Xerneas was somewhat curious to learn that Jiang Qing actually knew Hoopa's abilities. After all, many first-level gods didn't know about Hoopa's abilities.

It can only do that because in the super ancient times, it joined forces with some first-level gods to imprison Hoopa, so only those first-level gods at that time knew about Hoopa's abilities.

"If you can defeat Hoopa, I will give you a big gift"

Zhenir Yas showed a mysterious smile. Without waiting for Jiang Qing to ask what the gift was, this guy left directly after a few jumps.


Jiang Qing murmured.

He turned around and looked at Reggie Chirus, who was eating a lot of exclusive energy cubes, with a somewhat strange expression.

The energy cubes I gave it were enough for this guy to eat for half a year, but in the end, Xerneas killed less than half of it just by saying a few words to it.

This is too delicious.

He is worthy of being a first-level god who can drag a continent. Jiang Qing hasn't seen the power yet, but looking at the amount of food now, it obviously can explain some problems.

"Don't sleep during this period. If you're bored, come find me over there." Jiang Qing pointed to the other side of the mountain.

He was afraid that after Reggie Chilus had eaten and drank enough, he would lie down and fall asleep. In this case, the steamed bun activation ability would enter the refresh stage again.

"Well, I won't sleep"

Reggie Chilus said naively.

It is a responsible first-level god. Since it has eaten Jiang Qing's food and promised to the other party, it will naturally keep its promise.

"Okay, I'll go first then"

Jiang Qing rode Arcanine and left the temple.

As Jiang Qing left, those guarding the temple immediately reported what they saw to their superiors.

Jiang Guanjun woke up the sleeping Regigigas, and Xerneas, the god of life, also appeared in the temple, talked with Jiang Guanjun and left.

Time flies, and another three months have passed.

The East African Region is shrouded by Haze, and more than half of the people and Pokémon in the country have been killed or injured.

Under the shroud of Haze, no matter how many people sent by various countries into the East African Region, they all ended up in vain. And as the Haze intensified, communications were also greatly affected.

Signals from the outside world cannot enter the East African Region at all, and signals from the East African Region cannot come out.

Deep in a desert in the East African Region, Imprison's Pot of Punishment holding the super-demon God Hoopa was now full of cracks, and "a large amount of black gas was constantly emerging from the cracks.

The Pot of Punishment is bound in mid-air by ten iron chains as thick as arms. Like the Pot of Punishment, these iron chains are also full of cracks.


The crack on one of the chains suddenly expanded, and with a bang, the chain was completely broken, and the broken chain turned into invisible energy and disappeared.

It was as if there was a chain reaction.

Five more chains were broken one after another, leaving only four chains still barely holding on.

"Soon, soon, Master Guangshen is about to be born."

In front of the Pot of Punishment, the master looked crazy and surprised when he saw this scene. Behind him were hundreds of members of the Y God Organization.

These members all knelt on the ground, looking up at the pot of punishment in mid-air piously.

"The Demon God is about to awaken and will lead our Y God Organization to create a brand new world" (really) "There are too many injustices in this world."

"How come some people are born rich and powerful, while some people can only earn a living even if they work hard all their lives?"

"The powerful become more powerful, and the poor become poorer."

"This world is sick, and it needs treatment. With Lord Demon here, we are about to create a new world, a fair world."

The master of Y God Organization shouted war.

The members below all looked excited and shouted.

If Jiang Qing sees this scene, he will definitely think that this master has successfully graduated and is really good at deceiving people.

Moreover, the dream is extremely great, and it actually wants to create a fair world. This kind of utopia does not exist at all.

Jiang Qing is the representative of the powerful. He is the kind of person who was born into wealth. From this point of view, he is on the opposite side of the master Wei Sheng who wants to overthrow it all.

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