Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1338 Champion Oreburgh Guard

As Metagross took the qualification-enhancing potion, its aura began to slowly increase, as if it were a Volcano about to erupt.

The leader of the Oreburgh Guard stared at Metagross closely, expecting and feeling anxious in his heart. .

As Metagross' aura reached a critical point, the growing aura also stopped.

"Come on Metagross"

The leader of the Oreburgh Guards couldn't help but roared when he saw this.

The so-called work hard at one go, again and again, and again and again, and three times and exhaustion.

He knew very well that now was the most critical moment. If he couldn't break through, he didn't know how many years it would have to wait for the next breakthrough, and the next breakthrough would be more difficult than this time.

Looking at Metagross' uncomfortable look, Jiang Qing found that the energy in its body was slowly declining.

Obviously, if there were no accidents, this breakthrough should have failed.


Jiang Qing glanced at his own Metagross.

With him here, how could the opponent fail to break through?


Jiang Qing's Metagross came to the opponent, and gently placed his paw on his forehead, and a burst of energy was transmitted from the paw into the opponent's body.

As this energy enters, the energy that originally fell back in the opponent's body increases as if it were equipped with a rocket.


As the bottleneck that had restricted it for many years was broken, the aura of the sky burst out from Metagross.

The champion, I became the champion!

The leader of the Oreburgh Guard murmured to himself, his expression extremely encouraging.

After all, this is a championship. Even the most powerful Xia country only has seven champions, and most countries don't even have champions.

Although he only has one champion-level Pokémon now, it is still a champion. Even in the Xia Kingdom, he is still a person standing at the top of the pyramid.

In terms of status alone, among the six elders of Xia Kingdom, his status is slightly lower than that of the great elder, but slightly higher than the other five elders.

Elder Xia Guo is a person who stands at the pinnacle of power.

But the source of power is given by the country. The stronger the country, the greater the power of those in power. How strong the country is will naturally depend on the number of champions.

The more champions there are, the stronger the country is and the greater the power of those in power.

Therefore, in all countries, the status of champions is higher than those in power. Of course, those in power can command the champions to a certain extent.

The leaders of the Oreburgh Guard are all champion-level figures. Jiang Qing feels that his configuration should be top-notch.

Special organizations like the Oreburgh Guard must be secretly cultivated by top aristocratic families and big families to do some shady things.

The difference lies in the size and strength of these shady organizations.

The leaders of these organizations are expected to be the strongest, and they are expected to be champions. I estimate that they will be in the early stages of championships, and those who are better will be in the middle stages of championships.

And any family that has a quasi-champion as the leader of the secret organization is definitely a wealthy family, and it is very likely that this leader is also a high-ranking member of the family.

Unlike the Jiang family, they are extremely arrogant. There is not just one but three leaders, and they are all quasi-champions. The strongest one is at the pinnacle of quasi-champions.

Now he is a champion.

A champion who could rule the country was the leader of the secret forces of the Jiang family. No one would believe him even if he said it.

After all, there are currently no champions in the top clans.

Seeing that the leader of the Oreburgh Guards was suppressing his excitement because of his presence, Jiang Qing waved his hand and said: "Okay, go on, have a good time."

"Oreburgh Wei Yufeng is willing to go through fire and water for the Jiang family for generations."

Yu Feng knelt on one knee, and his words were filled with strong piety.

Yu Feng is his name, and Metagross is his code name.

Some of the Jiang family's Oreburgh guards are adopted orphans who were trained and brainwashed, and some absorb civilian geniuses from the outside world, but most of them are actually inherited from the Oreburgh guards themselves.

You must know that the Oreburgh guards of the Jiang family have a retirement mechanism. Once they reach a certain age or due to physical reasons, they can "retire"

The Jiang family will arrange a reasonable identity so that these "retired" Oreburgh guards can live in the sun, and if you want to continue working, the Jiang family will also arrange a job.

Of course, these "retired" Oreburgh guards are also supervised by the Jiang family.

The first thing many "retired" Oreburgh guards do once they retire is to marry and have children, and their children are the main source of fresh blood for the Oreburgh guards.

Of course, this is entirely voluntary. If you don't want your children to become Oreburgh guards, of course it's okay.

However, although you have lost decades of freedom by joining the Oreburgh Guard, you can get the greatest level of training here, and there is also a great platform like the Jiang family.

Therefore, many Oreburgh guards send their children to Oreburgh guards when they reach adulthood.


Metagross returned to the headquarters of Oreburgh Guards with excitement. At this time, Metang happened to walk in. Seeing his happy face, he asked curiously: "What's wrong?"


"Guess what?" Metagross said.

"Are you going to retire? In that case, I will be the big leader."

Metang touched his chin and guessed.

He has been spying on the position of the big leader for a long time, but this guy has already reached the age of retirement, but he refuses to retire, which makes him very distressed.

"Fart, unless I die, you will always be the second child."

Metagross feels that he is not so happy now.

"Other than this, I can't think of anything else to be happy about." Metang shook his head.

For him, Metagross retired and the group was happiest.

"Then let me tell you"

"you say"

Metang nodded, no matter what he said then, he wouldn't be surprised.

"I broke through and became a championship-level Trainer," Metagross said calmly.


After a moment of silence, Metang curled his lips and said: "Don't make trouble, what is going on?"

"I really became a champion"

Metagross said again.

Metang was silent again.

After a while, he walked up to Metagross, took off his mask, and said with a "ferocious" expression: "Really?"

"Really" Metagross nodded.

And in order to increase credibility, Metagross was also released.

Seeing the championship aura exuded by Metagross, Metag lay directly on the ground, rolling around, shouting: "Impossible, this is impossible"

"How can you become the champion? Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"I couldn't help it, my family helped me."

Metagross shrugged his shoulders and looked at Metang rolling on the ground happily.

When Metang heard this, he immediately stood up and walked out.

"What are you going to do?" Metagross called to the other party.

Metang said without looking back: "I'm going to find the head of the family."

Metagross knew what the other party was going to do, and immediately said: "It's useless if you go, you are not even a quasi-champion, how can the head of the family help you?"

These words left Metang stunned.

Yes, I am not even at the peak of being a quasi-champion. .

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