Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

133 I'm Going to Die

A person who is not from a martial arts family came to challenge him. Although Wu Fan admired Jiang Qing's courage, he still felt that the other party was too self-righteous.

The people in the special recruiting class did not expect Jiang Qing to stand up. While looking at each other, they also felt that their squad leader was courageous and took the initiative to step forward and be beaten.

Seeing that Jiang Qing had come to Wu Fan, Kong Li hurriedly said to Shen Yu, "Why don't you stop me, if Wu Fan is serious, Jiang Qing will be in the hospital for a few months."

"Look at it, just wait and don't call it out," Shen Yu said.

Shen Yu's words made Kong Li and Lin Xiu a little confused, but they seemed to be very optimistic about Jiang Qing.

But is this really possible.

"Jiang Qing, Bajiquan"

What he learned from Shen Yu was Bajiquan, and there was no problem in reporting Bajiquan.

Wu Fan was stunned when he heard Jiang Qing reported himself to his family. Jiang Qing knew martial arts, but he still learned Bajiquan.

Even Shen Yu was defeated by himself, will your Bajiquan be your own Rival?

"Fight me or not"

Seeing that Wu Fan didn't take himself seriously from the beginning to the end, Jiang Qing frowned slightly. This was the first time that he had been looked down upon by others, and his mother's eyes were really unworthy.

"I hope you don't regret it." Seeing that Jiang Qing really wanted to fight with him, Wu Fan naturally did not refuse.

If you personally beat this year's chief student, then if you want to come to this university for four years, you should not be short of a spouse.

"You fought with Shen Yu just now, and I won't take advantage of you, so I'll let you make three moves first," Jiang Qing said.

As soon as his words fell, there was an uproar in the surrounding class watching the excitement.

Originally thought that Jiang Qing challenged Wu Fan, but already felt that the other party was arrogant enough, but now it seems that the other party is not arrogant at all, but brainless.

You are a non-professional Bajiquan, where is the confidence to let professional Wu Fan do three tricks.

Wu Fan was also amused, he was underestimated by him, and the guy in front of him was a weak chicken who could be easily defeated in his eyes.

Now he has been underestimated by a weak chicken, threatening to make himself three moves.

"It's over, I have to make a call"

Lin Xiu's face turned pale, and she hurriedly took out her mobile phone.

When Hu Yi saw that the number he pressed was 120, he immediately grabbed the other party's mobile phone.

"What are you doing?" Lin Xiu asked angrily.

"Jiang Qing is measured and won't hurt Wu Fan," Hu Dao said.

Nima, hearing this, Lin Xiu's whole body felt bad, and she even felt that her ears had hallucinations.

Hu Yi thought that Jiang Qing could beat Wu Fan in martial arts.

"Come on, don't delay, finish early." Jiang Qing hooked his fingers to Wu Fan.

With that tone and action, it was simply the ultimate in contempt.

Wu Fan already had Fiery Wrath in his heart, and the other party wanted to let him make three moves, then he would do what he wanted.

Shame him severely and make him pay the price of arrogance.

Wu Fan stomped the ground with a slam, and was less than five meters away from Jiang Qing. It could be said that he arrived in an instant. He punched Jiang Qing directly in the face, and the fist was howling. If this punch hit, The teeth would definitely be knocked out several times, and some girls couldn't help covering their eyes.

Lin Xiu was so frightened that she was about to call out.

Jiang Qing leaned slightly to the left and brushed his fist past his ear.


Wu Fan was taken aback, he didn't think it was his fault, but Jiang Qing was lucky enough to be avoided by him.

"I see if your luck can save you a second time"

Wu Fan bullied his body, took his left foot as the center, and swept across the middle with his right foot.

This time Jiang Qing didn't hide, but grabbed his right foot with his palm, the moment he grabbed the right foot, Jiang Qing's body didn't sway even half a minute.

Feeling the pain in his right foot as if being gripped by a vice, Wu Fan's eyes on Jiang Qing finally changed.

For the kick just now, he used seven percent of his strength, but he was easily caught by the opponent, and the opponent's body didn't even shake.

The stability of this lower plate is absolutely impossible to practice without ten years of effort.

"I'm superficial, I'll do my best for the third time"

Gently shaking the aching foot that Jiang Qing grabbed, Wu Fan's eyes were solemn. At this moment, he had placed Jiang Qing on the same level as himself.

He is not qualified to be merciful, and only by going all out can he hope to win.

"Bajiquan Stand Upright Cannon"

Wu Fan snorted softly, clenched his fists with both hands, bent over, passed his legs, waist, arms, and fists one by one, and there was a burst of sound in the air.

People close to them even felt that someone had put firecrackers in their ears, and their ears were buzzing, which was extremely uncomfortable.

One of the eight major moves of Bajiquan, the stand-up cannon, no one dares to be hard on this move, and those who dare to block it head on, at least start with a broken bone.

He thought Jiang Qing would choose to dodge, but he still stood there and stretched out his hands, as if to block.

Seeing this, Wu Fan scolded him secretly, no matter how strong you are, you can't stop this move, maybe because he didn't want Jiang Qing to suffer too much injury, he subconsciously took some effort.

In the next second, Jiang Qing's fists were firmly squeezed by Jiang Qing's hands, and no matter how hard he exerted, Jiang Qing couldn't take a step back.

The horror in his heart can be described as overturning the river, this guy simply blocked his third move.

"." Well, the three moves have passed, now it's my turn." Jiang Qing released the opponent's fist.

Wu Fan heard the words, ignoring his inner shock, and said, "Then I will let you do three tricks too."

No matter what, you can't lose face.

Jiang Qing shook his head: "No, if I can't take you down with one move, even if I lose"

"What do you say, take me down with one move"

Wu Fan laughed angrily, what a joke, even if your strength is amazing, but if it is only like this, it is absolutely impossible to win yourself.

Perhaps it was because he failed to win the opponent with his three moves, and was underestimated by the opponent.

Power Trip, arrogant, Jiang Qing can be said to explain these two words clearly by themselves.

(Wang Ma Zhao) The students in the special recruit class looked at their monitor with excitement, Lin Xiu kept shouting, Brother Jiang was mighty.

After Jiang Qing took over Wu Fan's three moves, the people in the special recruit class finally knew that Jiang Qing was not arrogant, but that he really had the ability.

The pressure came to the Fighting class again.

"Okay, I'll see how you can take me down. If you take me down, you will be my boss in the future," Wu Fan said.

As soon as Lin Xiu heard this, he felt a sense of crisis. Now that there is someone to take the position of the younger brother, he immediately stood up and shouted angrily: "Brother Jiang's younger brother can only be me, if you want to be the younger brother, you have to rank among us. behind"

Who are behind us?

Hu Yi, Wang Yan, Xia Yu, and Tong Guan looked at each other and reported

"Jiang Qing, let's see how you beat me with one move" Wu Fan roared.

Two seconds later, Wu Fan fell to the ground and looked at the white clouds floating in the sky.

Wu Fan: When did I fall?

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