Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1327 Xiang Fei: What Jiang Guanjun Said Is Absolutely True

Under Metagross's Teleport, Jiang Qing arrived from Lancang City to Haibing City, where Xiang's family is located, in less than a few minutes.

Jiang Qing came to Xiang's family. Xiang Fei, the head of Xiang's family, Xiang Wen, the eldest son, and Xiang Wutong were all waiting for Jiang Qing.

"Ginger Champion"

Seeing Jiang Qing's arrival, Renfei immediately greeted him.

Although he has the same seniority as Jiang Oreburgh, Trainer speaks based on his strength.

Jiang Qing's strength is at its peak, not to mention that he is a quasi-champion. Even if other champions come, they have to respectfully call him Champion Jiang.

There is a saying in the outside world that the champion is the champion, and the green circle is Jiang Qing.

Although Jiang Qing is the champion, his strength has long exceeded the championship level.

Even without the black-bordered Opelucid, the battle three years ago in which Metagross fought against the peak of pseudo-god level was enough to prove Jiang Qing's power.

"Chief Xiang" Jiang Qing nodded.

Because of his relationship with Xiang Wutong, Jiang Qing is still very friendly to the Xiang family, and Xiang Fei came to his house a long time ago, before he debuted.

At that time, Xiang Fei also praised Jiang Qingchang for his handsomeness and talent, and he would definitely become a leading figure in Xia Kingdom in the future.

In the end, he really got it right.

Of course, maybe Xiang Fei has long forgotten what he said back then.

However, Jiang Qing still remembered that after all, the other party praised him so much at that time. Although the main reason was because of his grandfather, he was still praising himself after all, so Jiang Qing secretly gave him 750 cards for being a good person.

"Why are Wutong still standing there? Hurry up and serve Jiang Guanjun tea."

Xiang Fei couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw his grandson still standing stupidly.

"Grandpa, no need."

Xiang Wutong was stunned. Considering his relationship with Jiang Qing, there was no need to be so polite.

"Go if you are told to go." Xiangfei's tone became even worse.

Seeing Xiang Wutong pour the tea reluctantly, the corners of Jiang Qing's mouth raised slightly.

It didn't take long for Xiang Wutong to come over with tea. Under Jiang Qing's grinning eyes, he poured tea for him bitterly.


Jiang Qing said something while holding tea.

This sentence was so suspenseful that Xiang Wutong threw the tea directly on Jiang Qing's face.

Stirring your nose and hitting your face, right?

Looking at Jiang Qing and his grandson, Xiang Fei smiled inwardly.

With this relationship, the family will not fall.

His father, Xiangwen, had the same inner thoughts as Xiangfei.

Xiang Fei is already over seventy years old, but he still serves as the head of the Xiang family. It's not that he is greedy for the patriarch's power, but that his sons all have different shortcomings.

Those with strength have no skills, while those with limited skills lack strength.

Of course, there are suitable candidates for the clan leaders in other lineages, but everyone has private messages. Of course, Xiang Fei wants his lineage to continue to be in charge of the Xiang family.

Originally, the other main lineages of the Xiang family had long been dissatisfied with Xiang Fei occupying the position of clan leader at such an old age. Fortunately, Xiang Fei was strong and suppressed him forcefully.

But in this case, the dissatisfaction will only become more and more serious.

If there is no suitable candidate, Xiang Fei will have to give the position of head of the family to another main lineage.

Fortunately, Sun Zi Xiang Wutong fought hard and showed amazing talent since he was a child. He also obtained an ice-type treasure in the top secret realm, and soon he broke through and became a quasi-champion.

In one fell swoop, he broke the record of being the youngest quasi-champion in the Xiang family.

Of course, Xiang Wutong at this time was definitely not qualified to take charge of the huge Xiang family. Even if Xiang Fei had such an idea, he could not implement it.

It wasn't until Jiang Qing's meteoric rise that Xiang Fei had such an idea.

And he got news from the Qin family that the old lady of the Qin family had positioned Qin Nu as the next heir, directly skipping Qin Nu's father's generation.

Xiang Fei knew the reason very well.

But in addition to being good friends, Qin Wu and Jiang Qing also have a cousin relationship.

Xiang Wutong and Jiang Qing are not related by blood, and the ancestors of the Jiang family have never been married to the ancestors of the Xiang family.

Although there is a slight difference, the relationship is not very big. After all, Xiang Fei is the strongest in the Xiang family. With him here, combined with Jiang Qing, the chance that Xiang Wutong will become the next clan leader is definitely very high.

And Xiang Wutong himself is very good. In recent years, Xiang Fei has used the power of the patriarch to greatly tilt the resources of the Xiang family to Xiang Wutong.

Now he has not only conquered Articuno, but his strength has also reached the late stage of quasi-championship.

Even better than Yue Peng before.

It can be seen that when the talents are similar, people with a large family background can often obtain more resources.

Although Yue Peng is a genius trained by the military, Yue Peng is not the only one in the military who has such a genius, and the military is also divided into factions.

It’s not that you are a genius in the military. All the resources of my entire military will be concentrated on you. The one who gives you the resources is your faction.

Looking at the angry Jiang Qing, Xiang Wutong felt that this guy's character was still as bad as before.

Among them, Qin Wuyong was the only woman who could control the situation.

"Jiang Guanjun, you should know everything about the Ice Land, right?"

Jiang Qing, who was drinking tea, nodded: "I know, the kid Wutong told me everything."

"You're almost there"

When Xiang Wutong saw that Jiang Qing was taking advantage of her, his face straightened down, and he was even more excited.

"How did you talk to Jiang Guanjun?"

Although his father also felt that Jiang Qing had a bad personality, he couldn't show it and could only scold his son with a cold face.

Xiang Wutong was so depressed that he simply didn't look at Jiang Qing to avoid bursting his blood vessels.

"The temperature in the extreme ice land continues to drop. There is a high probability that it is caused by a certain first-level ice god," Jiang Qing said.

Of course this is complete nonsense.

After all, the temperature continues to drop. As far as Attribute is concerned, is it still the first-level god of the fire system? It must be the first-level god of the ice system.

"What Jiang Guanjun said is absolutely true," Xiang Fei nodded, with a face full of recognition.

Xiang Wutong felt that he really got to know his grandfather now. This damn flatterer turned out to be his always cold grandfather.

The photo was taken of Jiang Qing, a thief who flattered me.

What a first-level ice god is doing. As long as you have some brains, you can think of this kind of thing.

It turns out that people can be so hypocritical.

I believe Wutong will never become such a hypocritical person. I despise such people the most.

As if feeling his grandson's contemptuous gaze, Xiang Fei's mouth twitched slightly, feeling that after Jiang Qing left, he would have to educate this guy.

"Does Champion Jiang know which level one god is awakening?" Xiang Fei asked.

From some ancient stone tablets, humans have learned about the existence of many first-level gods. Some have already appeared, while others have still not appeared.

Of course, there are no records of more ancient tablets of first-level gods, so humans naturally don't know of their existence.

As an ice-type family, the Xiang family knows all about ice-type Pokémon, but they really don't know that there is a first-level ice-type god. .

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