Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1312 Servant Sword General Vs Master Itachi

Jiang Qing didn't know that he was fighting with his second uncle and performing a show for them. However, these people were confused by Jiang Ai's words and looked at him with strange eyes.

Only Jiang Qing's cousins ​​looked a little excited.

Since Jiang Qing became the champion, he has rarely fought in public, let alone participated in some public events.

So now that I see Jiang Qing's battle, it's strange that I'm not excited.

"Second uncle's master Itachi is so fast that even the sword general can't hit him."

The speaker is the daughter of Jiang Qing's third uncle. She is a die-hard fan of Jiang Qing and the president of the Jiang Qing fan branch in her city.

Of course Jiang Qing didn't know this.

"But my cousin will definitely win."

Tian Tian looked determined. Even though she had just praised her second uncle's master, Weasel, it didn't mean that she supported her second uncle.

On this side of the field, the attack of General Sword was once again dodged by Master Itachi.

In terms of speed, among the six basic values ​​of the Sword General, the speed is the lowest, and looking at its body shape, you can tell that it is a tank type, and the speed will definitely not be that high.

Master Itachi is just the opposite of General Sword. He takes the 903 dexterity route, and he also eats a treasure that makes his speed faster.

Force Palm!

The body appeared behind the sword general like a ghost, his palms pressed against him, and a soft energy burst out from his palms.

"Bang bang"

The servant sword general's body flew forward, but in the middle, he relied on his powerful force to forcefully stop his retreating body.

Aura Sphere!

Just as General Servant Sword flew out, Master Itachi immediately threw an Aura Sphere. However, General Servant Sword just stood firm and his body was hit by Aura Sphere again.

With a bang, Black's smoke garden enveloped it.

With his line of sight blocked, Master Itachi naturally would not rush in rashly, but instead kept a distance to prevent General Sword from suddenly rushing out of the smoke.

He condensed the Aura Sphere in his hand again and threw it into the smoke.

Aura Sphere has a sure-hit Attribute. Even if it cannot see the opponent, as long as it senses the opponent's waveguide, it will actively attack along the location of the waveguide.

The Sword General is very familiar with the move Aura Sphere, because its coach was Lucario since Pawniard.

When it comes to bjda missiles, Lucario is the expert in this area.

Metal Claw swung one after another, blowing up the Aura Sphere that hit it one by one. The aftermath of the explosion hit the Sword General, but it walked out of the smoke despite the aftermath.

Jiang Qing was speechless.

There is obviously a better way to deal with the Aura Sphere, but this guy chose to use his body to resist explosions.

This is totally pretentious.

Showing off to someone.

Of course it is for the spectators on the side.

Not only did the Sword General resist the damage of the Aura Sphere and walk out of the smoke, this scene is indeed very graphic and quite shocking.

"What a strong defense!" One of Jiang Qing's cousins ​​murmured to himself.

The damage of Aura Sphere is not low, and the servant sword general is still carrying more than one, so the damage received is even higher, but the opponent does not appear to be injured at all.

The purpose of showing off was achieved.

"That's right, my cousin is a Steel-type Trainer. The strongest point of the Steel-type Pokémon is its defense. If it were replaced by my cousin's Aggron, it wouldn't even frown even if it stood and was beaten by Master Itachi for a whole day."

Tian Tian said proudly, this expression was comparable to Jiang Ai's.

Kartana is a poisonous guy. If you have a new partner in the future, you can't let him teach you bad things.

The Sword General likes to show off, so he learned it from Kartana and was influenced by it.

Fortunately, it has the confidence now, otherwise it would be a fool.

Although Master Itachi was surprised by the opponent's defense, he did not stop his movements. His body flashed and disappeared on the spot. Then it continued to appear and disappear around General Sword.

Trying to disturb General Sword in this way.

The effect is really good. The Sword General cannot Lock On the opponent's body, so he just stands still.

There is quite a feeling that if the enemy cannot move, I will not move.

Anyway, the speed is not as good as the opponent's, so instead of taking the initiative to attack, it is better to wait for the opponent to come by himself.

Jiang Qing is not in a hurry. Such super agility is indeed very powerful, but it also means that it consumes a lot of physical strength and cannot be maintained for a long time.

Master Itachi saw that General Servant Sword did not take the initiative to attack, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and his body was still moving around General Servant Sword.

Coming behind it, it is the blind spot of sight.

Low Sweep!

The move was sudden, and the speed was extremely fast. In almost an instant, Low Sweep had arrived behind General Pu Dao.


Low Sweep won the prize, and Master Itachi couldn't help but feel happy.

Once Low Sweep hits Rival, it can reduce the opponent's speed. Of course, the premise is that your Low Sweep can injure the opponent's legs, otherwise how can you reduce the speed.

However, the joy in its heart suddenly disappeared because it felt a counter-shock force coming from its legs.

Under Low Sweep, General Sword's body did not move at all, and Master Itachi felt like he had kicked a copper wall. Iron Defense.

The Sword General who has been standing is not really standing stupidly. He is silently using Iron Defense and Harden to increase his defense.

So now it's harder than before.

Master Itachi has a deep understanding of this aspect.

Master Itachi, who had a premonition of something bad, reacted very quickly. Although his legs were numb from the shock, he knew that his situation was not good now, and he was trying to use the power of this shareholder to get out of the attack range of the servant general.

But it's not as simple as it thinks.

This is the moment that General Pu Dao has been waiting for.

As if with a second glance, his left hand grabbed Master Itachi's left leg and pulled hard. Itachi felt as if his tendon was about to be torn.

His body moved towards General Pu Dao uncontrollably.

Servant sword!

The broadsword above General Sword's head exudes an extremely sharp aura.

This move is a skill it only has after it evolves, and it is also its exclusive skill.

Facing the big sword above his head, Master Itachi immediately used protection.


The sword fell.

Under the horrified gaze of Master Itachi, his protection was like a watermelon being directly slashed by the servant's sword.


The remaining power of the servant's sword hit Master Itachi's body hard, and the powerful force drove his body directly into the ground.

The extremely hard Ground is constantly rising and falling at this moment.

The servant sword general did not continue the attack because it was no longer needed.

If Jiang Qing hadn't secretly asked him to cheat, he could have ended the battle faster, instead of showing that he was being toyed with the speed of his master Itachi from the beginning.

It is true that my speed is not as good as it, but there are ways to overcome this. .

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