"Your Tian family bloodline is so powerful, but my dear grandson's surname is still Jiang."

Originally, Tian Haiming felt proud when he saw that he had silenced Jiang Oreburgh, but he did not expect that Jiang Oreburgh would directly attack him.

Jiang Qing's surname is Jiang, not Tian, ​​so even if Tian Haiming talks so highly about the Tian family's bloodline, he can't cover up the fact that his grandson's surname is Jiang.

Now it was Tian Haiming's turn to be extremely depressed, trying hard to think of what he should say to defeat Jiang Oreburgh's mastery.

"Yeah dong"

Put the grilled skewers on the plate and let the guests help themselves.

The young apprentice Magearna was making various juice drinks on the side, while Lucario and Zeraora were helping Bao.

There are a lot of snacks on the side. These snacks are prepared in advance by Dadai and Ai Guansi, and the quantity is relatively large, so you don't have to worry about the snacks being eaten.

“This barbecue tastes so good, better than any barbecue I’ve had before.”

Jiang Qing's third uncle's daughter looked surprised after eating the barbecue.

"Yes, cousin Jiang Qing is so stupid."

Jiang Qing's cousin was also amazed.

Anyone who has eaten the food made by Dudu, no one says it is not delicious. If 290 really says it is not delicious, he is definitely lying and his conscience will definitely hurt.

"Good guy, this Larvitar is so big, is he also a Totem class?"

Jiang Qing's uncle Tian Long looked at Larvitar who was playing in the sand five or six meters away from him with surprise.

A normal Larvitar is about 0.6 meters tall, but Jiang Qing is almost two meters tall, almost as tall as Tyranitar Normal.

This is obviously not normal.

Considering that his father Tyranitar is a Totem class, there is a high probability that this Larvitar is also a Totem class.

Although Larvitar is very tall, he is only over one year old and is a standard child, so it is normal for him to play in the sand.

"Dad, can you talk to cousin Jiang Qing and ask him to give me these Larvitar?"

Tian Long's youngest son looked at Larvitar with a fiery face. He was an evil trainer and he was three years older than Jiang Qing.

"With this Larvitar, I can definitely become an Elite."

At present, Jiang Qing, the cheap cousin, is only at the peak of Elite.

It's actually not bad to be a quasi-Elite at this age, but he was born in a top breeding family like the Tian family, but he is not even an Elite yet, which is somewhat unjustifiable.

"If you give a fool and he can become an Elite, what are you thinking?"

Uncle Tian Long scolded him directly. He was not stupid. If his son was really a genius, he could talk to his nephew about it.

Unfortunately, he is not. He is even inferior to the normal civilian genius. If it were not for the support of the Tian family, he might not be able to become a quasi-Elite peak.

Hearing that his father not only rejected him, but also scolded him for being worse than a fool, Jiang Qing's cheap cousin was somewhat depressed, but fortunately, he was not stupid enough to ask for it from Jiang Qing.

Ever since Jiang Qing's Larvitar was born, he has been targeted by Rock and the evil family, and they have been constantly offering various sky-high prices.

Of course Jiang Qing didn't agree, after all, he didn't care about these things at all.

Larvitar has been born for more than a year, which is enough time for it to evolve. However, in order to better stimulate its potential, the right ear is hung around the neck.

After all, this little guy was born with purple qualifications, and his innate qualifications are higher than those of his father.

Tyranitar's qualifications were only blue at first, but were upgraded to purple because of Jiang Qing.

So in terms of potential alone, Kiras is greater than Lord Kiras before.

Jiang Qing currently has no trumpet training, and the emergence of Larvitar just fills the vacancy of the trumpet.

So Jiang Qing never thought of giving Larvitar away.

Pokémon: Larvitar(Rock/Ground)


Qualification: purple


Props: Immutable Stone

Gender: male

Moves: Tackle, Leer, Rock Throw, bhab, Bite, Scary Face, Rock Slide, Stomping Tantrum, Screech, Smack Down, Crunch[ Earthquake

Skill Disc: Protection, Bulldoze, Facade, Take Down, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, Dig, Brick Break, Body Slam, Iron Head-

Genetic Skills: Focus Energy, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Ancient Power

Note: When using earth energy, when stepping on the earth, 10% of physical strength will be restored every minute.

He has already used a treasure at a young age, and this kind of treatment was only available to Metagross back then.

Larvitar, who was happily playing with the sand, swallowed the sand castle he had just pushed up, with an unfinished expression on his face.

This sand is not normal sand, but a treasure.

This treasure serves as Larvitar's food.


Jiang Ai didn't know when she came to Larvitar's side.

Looking down at Jiang Ai, Larvitar ignored him and continued to build the castle.

It enjoys the feeling of piling up castles and then devouring them in one gulp.

Jiang Ai was not surprised when the other party ignored him and continued: "Larvitar, you won't be reused here at all by my brother."

"You are a genius, but you are buried by your brother. Ai Ai makes you angry just looking at her."

Jiang Ai sighed, seemingly complaining about Larvitar's injustice.

"But it's different when you come to Ai'ai. I don't even have a Pokémon now. If you come to me, you will be my Earl Dervish Pokémon. From now on, I will take you to become the world's second Trainer."

Having said all that, feelings are here to poach Jiang Qing.

This is not the first time Jiang Ai has poached Larvitar. "You can tell by looking at Larvitar's expression.

But it won’t follow Jiang Ai. Although the aura of Jiang Ai makes it feel very comfortable, the owner is his own Trainer.

My parents are also the master's Pokémon, so how could I follow someone else as a Trainer?

Uncle Arcanine once told me that the first rule of the Pokémon Code is loyalty, and in terms of loyalty, I must be the Pokémon second only to Uncle Arcanine.

"Larvitar you"

"Xiao Ai, what are you doing?"

Jiang Ai wanted to continue poaching, but his brother's voice sounded a bit sinister.

"Ai Ai didn't do anything, Ai Ai was playing in the sand with Larvitar"

Jiang Ai said hurriedly, and after speaking, she wanted to grab the sand on the ground, but failed to grab it because the sand was so heavy, heavier than iron sand of the same weight.

"Stop lying. Didn't you tell me before that you wanted to become a super trainer? Akelas is not a super trainer."

Jiang Qing joked.

"Brother, Ai Ai was still young and not sensible at that time. I don't want to be a superpower now."

"Did you become a Rock?"


Jiang Ai shook his head.

Then he said with a serious face: "I want to be all Trainer, so my future Rock side will be this Larvitar."

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