Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1304 Melu Mehta, Steelix

About half a day later, Metagross came back.

“How was the harvest?”

Jiang Qing stretched and took a short nap while waiting for Metagross.


Metagross placed eight things in front of Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing's eyes suddenly lit up. Among the eight things, six were treasures and the other two were world treasures.

"The four pieces are all ice-type"

After reading the functions and attributes of these eight treasures with his exploratory eyes, Jiang Qing was somewhat disappointed.

He doesn't have any Ice Type Pokémon. Half of these eight treasures are Ice Type Pokémon, and one of them is a World Treasure-level Ice Type treasure.

Black Ice: The power of ice-type moves is increased by 40%, the frostbite chance is 100%, and fire-type damage is reduced by 20% (used by ice-type Pokémon)

This Attribute increase is incredible, and it is worthy of being one of the "five, two, and three" treasures in the world. Unfortunately, Jiang Qing is of little use at the moment, unless he conquers an ice Pokémon in the future.

Punching Fruit: The power of punching moves is increased by 80%, and the power of vibration is increased by 50% (the power of the moves can be superimposed)

These are the attributes of two world treasures.

The other six treasures will not be introduced.

Looking at the punch fruit in his hand, Jiang Qing released Meilu Meta and handed this thing to the opponent.


Meilu Meita looked at the treasure in her hand in disbelief, seeming to ask Jiang Qing if this thing was really for her.

After all, it is more appropriate to give this treasure to Lucario than to himself.

"It's for you. You and Steelix have been working quite hard during this period," Jiang Qing said with a smile.

Because in the previous battle with the master, Melumeta and Steelix couldn't even compete due to their strength. Their lack of strength put Trainer in danger.

So these two guys who were just lying flat during this period finally had the motivation to train.

At the very least, Jiang Qing is quite satisfied with the efforts of these two Pokémon in recent times.

Patting Steelix's Poké Ball Jiang Qing said: "Don't worry, I'll give you two of these three treasures."

Steelix's Poké Ball shook slightly.

These two treasures are quite suitable for Steelix.

Iron Armor: Defense increased by 25%, shock repulsion increased by 10%, when using Iron Defense and Harden moves, power increased by 60%

Long Tail Fruit: Use the tail to attack, the power of the move is increased by 100%, and the tail hardness is increased by 200%

Among Jiang Qing's Pokémon, Steelix and Milotic have elongated bodies. Using Iron Tail on this body type will be more powerful than non-slender Pokémon.

Steelix is ​​a Steel type, and Longtail Fruit is more suitable for Steelix than Milotic.

As for Milotic, he can only wait until a suitable treasure is given to him next time. During the battle at that time, Milotic's performance also surprised Jiang Qing.

The way that even though it was bitten through the body, it still attacked Rival fiercely, it took off the hat of the vase.

Originally it was not a vase, but people outside thought that Milotic played the role of a vase in Jiang Qing's team.

Even though Milotic is the champion, it is too charming. It is regarded as a vase even if it is not a vase.

Seeing Meilu Meta and Steelix eating the world's treasure and two treasures respectively, Jiang Qing was ready to take them back for Poké Ball.

But these two guys dodged the red light shot by the Poké Ball.

"Why, I want to stay outside for a while"

Jiang Qing asked with some confusion. When he was at home, he usually put all the Pokémon in the backyard, "so they are not too curious about the outside world."

Then the two Pokémon said that it wasn't that they didn't want to go back to the Poké Ball, but that they didn't want to leave the secret realm so soon.

"Why?" Jiang Qing became even more confused.

Meilu Mehta: "Because I want to show off"

Steelix nodded seriously.


Jiang Qing was confused, but she soon understood what they meant, and her expression began to look weird.

Think about it, every time you enter the original secret realm, when you come out, a Pokémon will break through and become the champion.

Obviously, Meilu Mehta and Steelix just want to wait until they are about to break through to the championship before going out.

Originally, they were at the pinnacle of the quasi-championship, only one step away from the championship. Now Melumeta has eaten the world's treasure, and Steelix has eaten two treasures.

Under this catalysis, the two Pokémon clearly felt that there was a lot of energy in their bodies, and it was estimated that they would be able to break through to the championship level in a few hours.

But if our own Trainer is leaving, then when they break through to the championship, wouldn’t they be in their own home, so who can show them?

After finally becoming a champion, I feel somewhat unwilling to show my dignity in front of others...

Besides, if you look at Dragonite, Lucario, and Arcanine, they don’t all go out to show off. They also have to show off when it’s their turn.

Jiang Qing was dumbfounded by this reason.

But he still loved his Pokémon very much, so he agreed without thinking.

Arcanine looked at Melumeta and Steelix with some envy. He was nothing now. He couldn't even beat Bisharp.

When can I return to the championship level?

Also expressing envy is Zeraora. Arcanine has become a champion after all, but currently it is only at the peak of Elite.

Not even a quasi-champion.

With Jiang Qing's current Rival, at this level, he really can't even compete.

Its current strength ranks third from the bottom among Jiang Qing's team, and Tian is better than Arcanine and Bisharp, whose levels have reached zero.

In terms of level, Magearna, who had just become a quasi-champion in the early stages, was a little higher than it.

This makes Zeraora, who always likes to show off, very uncomfortable.

Although it knows that after following Jiang Qing, its level has been improved very quickly [if it were normal, it would be very happy.

But what are the Pokémon around Jiang Qing? They are either champions or level 1 gods, and the rest are all quasi-champions. Zeraora is also a fantasy Pokémon after all, but it really has no level here.

So it urgently wants to improve its strength.

He looked at Jiang Qing with burning eyes.

"There are currently no candies suitable for you," Jiang Qing said calmly.

Because of the improvement in strength, the system rarely rewards Elite level Rare Candy, so naturally Zeraora has never eaten Rare Candy.

But it has seen its companions eat it, and it is amazing to take one to level up without damaging the foundation and heritage.

No wonder it’s called Rare Candy.

But I have never tasted it, and I don’t even know what it tastes like.

Arcanine said the candy was bitter, but Zeraora didn't believe it.

"Give it to me if it suits me?" Zeraora asked.

Jiang Qing nodded.

After receiving Jiang Qing's affirmative answer, Laola's face brightened.

"After all, you are the only one at the Elite level at the moment. If you get to the Elite level, Rare Candy can only be given to you."


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