Most of Jiang Qing's injuries were caused by entering the Flow Contest Condition and being linked to Metagross. Under this Contest Condition, all his energy and energy will be blessed by Metagross.

Let Metagross's strength be strengthened to a certain extent.

However, under this Contest Condition, once Metagross is injured, Jiang Qing will also be injured accordingly.

For example, if Metagross's back was scratched by Dragonite Dragon Claw, the same injury would appear on Qing's back.

Under the Flow Contest Condition, Metagross suffered a lot of injuries at the time, and naturally all of these injuries were reflected on Jiang Qing.

Not only the appearance, but also the internal organs were damaged to varying degrees.

Although he covered his mouth with his hands in time, Xian did not continue to fall from his fingers.

Aggron was very worried about Jiang Qing. The wet feeling on his head was the blood vomited by his Trainer.

"It's okay, I can't die"

Jiang Qing held on and said, then took out some medicine and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

These are all medicines purchased from the system mall, and they are very effective.

However, no matter how good the medicine is, treatment takes time.

Jiang Yiqing's injuries were serious, but he was still alive. After taking these medicines, both the pain on the outside and the tearing sensation in the internal organs were reduced a lot.

The pain-sensing nerves that he severed have been reconnected after Metagross took on the king form.

Metagross, who has become the king form, seems to have strong resistance to the power of the devil, and the king form is immune to all negative Contest Conditions.

Naturally, it is immune to the corrosive power that comes with the power of the devil.


Metagross appeared above Hydreigon's head, its sharp claws piercing the scales on the opponent's back, and strong power poured into the opponent's flesh and blood.

There was a bang, and a bloody hole was instantly opened in Hydreigon's abdomen.

A large amount of blood and internal organs fell out from it, but the latter seemed not to notice the pain. Normal, the three heads bit into Metagross ferociously.

But it was blocked by Metagross' Psychic.

Meteor Mash.

The next second, colorful lights shone, and with a bang, the head in the middle of Hydreigon was blown to pieces by Metagross. After the opponent's body twitched a few times, he died completely.

The black energy born after death was absorbed by Dragonite, and the latter's level was raised from 100.4 to 100.7.

His aura improved again, and there was even a faint black energy coming out of his body.

Dragonite Dragon Claw grabbed the side, but the target was not Metagross, but Salamence beside him.


Salamence's heart was pierced by Dragonite's Dragon Claw.

Jiang Qing frowned slightly.

As the black energy on Salamence's body was absorbed by Dragonite.

Level increased from 100.7 to 100.99


A roar of pain came from Dragonite, and the body that had been lifted up slowly rose again to four meters. The body was covered with blood-red cracks, and energy like magma flowed on it.

And Black's demonic power is like smoke wrapped around it.

An extremely terrifying and depressing atmosphere filled the surrounding space.

With the emergence of this aura, a pair of golden eyes appeared on Dragonite's head.

"Hahaha, Quanqing, you are dead"

As the golden eyes appeared, the master laughed very loudly, then knelt on the ground with a pious look on his face, bowed to the eyes for a while, and kept muttering something in his mouth.

These golden eyes looked at Jiang Qing, making Jiang Qing's whole body stiff, and his soul seemed to be torn apart by something. Normal, with an expression of extreme pain on his face.

Just when he felt that his soul was about to be torn apart, waves of gentle energy came from his body, expelling the energy that intended to tear his soul apart.

Feeling that the ant human was not dead, the golden eyes showed a hint of surprise, and then slowly disappeared.

Jiang Qing clutched her chest, panting violently, and large beads of sweat kept sliding down her cheeks.

He felt like he really almost died just now, and he can still feel the pain in his soul even now.

If the Unown in his body hadn't suddenly exerted its force, he would have been killed by the opponent's look.

A dignified time traveler, a fool, was almost killed by an unknown being with a look. It would be really embarrassing if word spread.

And the owner of these eyes is probably that demon god.

"How is it possible? How could you not be dead?"

The master was extremely surprised and looked at Jiang Qing in disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Why didn't Lord Demon God's gaze kill you?"

Although the golden eyes just now are just a shadow of the Demon God's eyes, even a shadow is not something a human can bear.

"You have a big secret"

The master seemed to have thought of something and was a little shocked.

"It seems that you are not very surprised. You should have some physical strength."

Jiang Qing said calmly, without denying it. After all, everyone can see that his body is not normal now.

The same goes for the master opposite.

This guy is still wrapped in a Black protective shield, and judging from the opponent's mental Contest Condition, he doesn't look like a puppet.

"I am the one chosen by Lord Demon God. Jiang Qing joins Lord Demon God. We can rule the world together."

At this time, the master actually extended an olive branch to Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing: "Sick"

I am the embodiment of justice, how could I be a gang with you, and I have not yet avenged my Pokémon for hurting it.

He looked at Dragonite730, which had gathered 29 black energies.

This guy is just like raising Gu, the one who survives in the end is the strongest one.

Pokémon: False God Level Dragonite (Dragon Flying)


Qualification: Blue

Ability: mental power

Props: Dragon Fang

Gender: male

Moves: Hurricane, Wing Attack, Roost, Leer, Dragon Tail, Twister, Thunder Wave, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard, Slam, Rain Dance

Skill Disc: Protect, Thunderbolt, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Hydro Pump, Flamethrower, Substitute, Iron Tail, Breaking Swipe-

Genetic Skills: Extrreme Speed, Dragon Stars, Dragon Dance, Outrage

Note: Because of the infusion of the devil's power, the calendar area was obtained.

Note: Due to the infusion of the devil's power, he lost most of his thinking ability and became a puppet controlled by the devil.

Note: Due to the infusion of the devil's power, the power of their moves becomes extremely violent, and the power of all moves increases by 100%.

Note: Because he absorbed a large amount of demonic power, his level broke through his own shackles and became a pseudo-god level.

Note: Although the pseudo-god level uses a special method to break through to the pseudo-god level, it still has the strength of the pseudo-god level. The level is lower than its Rival, suppressing its Rival strength by 80% (except for golden qualifications)

Note: The peak of the pseudo-god level possesses a very small part of the power of the real demon god.

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