Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1276 Support From Various Countries

[Oh my god, my head can grow back even if it falls off. I’m afraid I’m possessed by an evil spirit, right?]

[Zhu Xie retreats]

[How to fight like this? If you can live even if you die, doesn’t that mean you can’t be killed?]

[With this kind of ability, no matter how strong Jiang Guanjun is, he can still wear him to death, right?

[How did this happen? The eyes of those Pokémon are so dark that they look so panicked]

[Have you noticed that Hydreigon seems to have become much more powerful after his resurrection?]

[I thought it was an illusion, but it turned out to be true.

As the battle between Jiang Qing and the master began, Kartana instantly killed Hydreigon with a single blow, cutting off the haze in the hearts of the people of Xia Kingdom.

But as the originally dead Hydreigon was resurrected and his head grew back, the haze in their hearts also came back and expanded a bit.

After all, resurrection from the dead is too weird, and can even be said to be a bit mythical.

But this kind of thing happened here in Rival, so the people of Xia Kingdom shouldn't worry.

Even people in other countries felt chilled when they saw this. Many people originally wanted to let the Y-god organization kill Jiang Qing.

After all, Jiang Qing has a first-level god and has absolute domination over the calendar area.

But now seeing that the master of the Y God Organization has thirty championship-level Pokémon and can come back from the dead, Jiang Qing is really going to be killed by the opponent.

Even if the opponent doesn't have a first-level god, the power she shows now is enough to sweep all the countries on this planet.

Don't even accept what she calls the devil.

The top leaders of various countries are not stupid. The godless barrier and the ability to resurrect from the dead are most likely created by the demon god.

And the only one who can block this is Jiang Qing.

So if Jiang Qing dies, it will be their turn to face this. Wouldn't it be no different from seeking death?

Compared to the evil, terrifying, and disordered Y-god organization ruling the world, it is of course better to let Xia Guo and Jiang Qing rule.

The Xia Kingdom has always been a responsible country. Even though it is now terribly powerful, it has not done anything excessive. At most, it has turned the Kimchi Pot and Baga Kingdom into its own back garden.

Kimchi Country was seeking death on its own, while Baga Country was seeking death because of Yveltal. In both countries, it was not Jin who initiated the incident.

Not to mention Jiang Qing, as the world's number one Trainer, holding several first-level gods, this guy is obviously awesome, but he is also a senior otaku.

Apart from exploring secret places, I basically stay at home the rest of the time.

His danger level is even lower than that of Normal's champion.

"Support, hurry up and support Jiang", Qing"

The emperor of the White Bear Kingdom stood up, waved his hand, and sent out his two champions.

There were originally three in their family, but later because of the emergence of the original secret realm, they took a big gamble and sent three champions and ten peak quasi-champions into it.

When the results came out, there were five champions, five quasi-champions at their peak, and three quasi-champions at their peak died, but in exchange for two new champions.

And the strength of the original three champions has been further improved.

Take a big gamble and make a lot of money directly.

So now that the White Bear Country has five champions, sending two champions to support Jiang Qing is already taking a big risk.

After the White Bear Country sent champions to support, other countries that had more than two champions sent one.

Even the Stars and Stripes Kingdom sent two champions.

"Humph, I guess they still understand the overall situation."

In the conference room, Jiang Gangjiang learned that all countries in the world had sent a total of twenty champions to support Jiang Qing. Counting the four from Xia Kingdom, there were twenty-four in total.

His serious expression also relaxed a bit.

"Let's check to see which countries have more than two domestic champions, and they are all outside and not in the secret realm, but they have not sent support to Champion Jiang."

The second elder said to the staff around him.

The staff nodded and walked out immediately.

If these countries didn't support them, they must be very dissatisfied with Xia Guo, and they didn't have any sense of the overall situation. They didn't see that even Stars and Stripes, which they didn't want to deal with, sent two champions.

And if you have more than two champions in the country, and they are not in the secret realm, and you haven't sent them over to support them, then there must be a problem.

"Report, after our analysis, those Pokémon are resurrected after death, and their strength will be greatly enhanced."

"After the champion is resurrected in the early stage, he can reach the mid-stage championship stage, and the mid-stage stage is the late stage. At the peak, his strength will also be enhanced to a certain extent."

Even ordinary people can see that the strength of the resurrected Pokémon has increased. How could they not see it, so they asked people to do analysis.

"The strength is greater than imagined"

The third elder looked at Jiang Qing on the screen worriedly: "I don't know if Jiang Champion can sustain the support from us and other countries."

"If there is a way to break the Godless Barrier, then solving these Pokémon will be a matter of the blink of an eye," said the Fifth Elder.

Once the godless barrier is broken, Meiqing's black and white Opelucid can be liberated.

"Analysts haven't analyzed the weakness of this barrier yet," the fifth elder asked eagerly.

Originally, the Godless Barrier was invisible, but as battles broke out inside and the aftermath continued, the Godless Barrier slowly appeared.

Like an inverted bowl, its area is about 20,000 square kilometers, which is a very large area.

"Not yet" the staff member shook his head.

They can only rely on satellites for analysis now, and there are no personnel or instruments on site. In this case, whether it can be analyzed is a question.

"Why don't you try firing the forbidden weapon and see if you can break it?" The person who spoke was Bai Dongfang, the leader of the military.

"This weapon is too easy to be intercepted by Pokémon, and Deoxys also tried to break the barrier before, but failed."

Before (Wang Zhao), Deoxys switched to speed form, knocked Clay away, and then used attack form to attack the barrier, but it was still not broken.

It can be seen that the defense of this barrier is very strong. At least the initial strength of a first-level god cannot defeat the team.

"This godless barrier shouldn't exist for a long time. It will definitely require a lot of energy to maintain it."

"When support from various countries arrives, let them attack the barrier from the outside and cooperate with Jiang Guanjun to consume it internally. This will speed up the consumption of the barrier's power."

"How is the country currently? Is there any turmoil?"

"No, apart from worrying about Champion Jiang, nothing has happened at the moment."

"By then, in those countries in the west, several cities will start zero-yuan shopping."

It's not surprising, this kind of thing happens often in western countries.

Now the Y-god organization is here. Although the target is Jiang Qing, they have many reasons to buy it for zero yuan. .

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