Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1271 Global Live Broadcast

Jiang Qing didn't know that when the Godless Barrier was activated, he had been photographed by a satellite belonging to the Y-god organization above his head, so that it could be broadcast live around the world.

With the capabilities of the Y God Organization, it is not difficult at all to launch a satellite and conduct a global live broadcast.

Soon people from all over the world received a message on their mobile phones, which contained a link.

Most of them are security-conscious and are afraid of viruses, so naturally they don’t open it.

But there are always people who are curious, so they opened the link without pointing a finger. When they found it was a video, their hearts moved slightly, as if they had thought of something, and they immediately looked around to find a place where there was no one.

I'm quite excited. This is still a live broadcast, so the picture should be very exciting.

But after watching it for more than a minute, something seemed wrong. It seemed that this was not the live broadcast I imagined. There were also several people in the screen. One of them felt like Champion Jiang.

Because it was taken from a high altitude and the angle had not been adjusted yet, Jiang Qing's face could not be seen very clearly.

But many people in Xia who clicked on the link already recognized Jiang Qing.

As more and more people learned that the link just mentioned was about Jiang Qing, those who had not clicked on it immediately clicked on it.

Soon the number of people watching the live broadcast worldwide has exceeded 5 billion, and the number of people is still increasing.

[Where is Champion Jiang, and who are the people opposite him]

【Rock Zone, there are too many such landforms, it is impossible to know specifically where Jiang Guanjun is.

[Jiang Guanjun probably isn’t in Xia Country, because it’s getting dark here, but it’s still daytime over there]

[Upstairs, Xia Kingdom is very big. I’m in the far west. It’s still bright here]

[Is there any lip reading expert? Please translate it quickly. I feel like something big is about to happen.

[Everyone entered this live broadcast through a link. Almost everyone in the world has received this link. Anyone who can do this is definitely not a normal person]

[Look, Deoxys is fighting a certain Pokémon]

Because the range of satellite photography is limited, and the range where Deoxys and Darkrai are fighting is very large, the earth warriors have just left the range of satellite photography.

But now it's back again, with huge battle fluctuations and loud noises coming from Soaring in the sky. Even through the video, you can feel the intensity of the battle.

Deoxys is a first-level god, and anyone who can fight it must also be a first-level god.

[This level of gods won’t belong to these people across from them, right?]

Someone speculated.

After all, depending on the situation, Jiang Qing was confronting them, and his expression was somewhat shocked.

People speculated what was going on.

Of course, countries think of many more things than ordinary people.

Especially in the Xia Kingdom, this caused a temporary chaos among the top brass.

Jiang Gangjiang: "Where is Jiang Qing now?"

As the great elder, Jiang Gangjiang immediately called Jiang Oreburgh after seeing this live broadcast.

Jiang Oreburgh was also confused at this moment.

"I don't know, Sun didn't tell me."

"What about Jiang Lan? Did you tell him?"

"My dear grandson didn't tell me, so I definitely won't tell him," Jiang Oreburgh said matter-of-factly.

Jiang Lan: It hurts my dad.

They wanted to contact Jiang Qing, but found that the phone could not be reached at all.

Since it can be broadcast live by satellite, it proves that Jiang Qing is outside and not in the secret realm. In this case, his phone call can definitely be connected.

After all, his phone is more advanced than a satellite phone. As long as it is not in the secret realm, there is a signal anywhere in the world.

Unless the signal is blocked by some device.

The six elders of the Xia Kingdom, as well as the top leaders of various departments, whoever can come, are already in the conference room at this moment.

At the front of the conference room is the live broadcast.

There was no text yet, but lip readers were already translating it.

Y God Organization, Master, Darkrai, Godless Barrier, Level One God cannot be used in the barrier, etc. These words were all translated.

[Damn it, it’s fake, there really is such a barrier, even a first-level god can’t use it

[The leader of Y God Organization was killed by Jiang Guanjun last time, why did another master appear?]

[Jiang Guanjun’s Deoxys was restrained by the opponent’s Darkrai, but he did not send out black and white Opelucid. This barrier cannot really exist]

[Please pay attention to Jiang Guanjun’s expression. His expression was obviously serious when the other party mentioned Wushen Barrier just now]

[Then why can Deoxys and Darkrai appear? Doesn’t it mean that level one gods cannot be used in the barrier?]

[Is it possible that they are outside the barrier?]

[Hahaha, if Jiang Qing of Xia Kingdom doesn’t have a first-level god, he will be a waste [Y God Organization, come on, kill Jiang Qing]

【Come on Y God Organization】

【Jiang Qing must die】

Compared with the people of Xia State who are worried about Jiang Qing, those abroad don't think so. They want Jiang Qing to be killed by the other party.

Especially at the national level, Jiang Qing's existence has completely broken the pattern of the world.

In the past, in this world, the Xia Kingdom and the Star Stripe Kingdom competed, followed by the White Bear Kingdom, the Great Dian Kingdom, the Gaul Kingdom and other second-tier countries.

The gap between the two sides is actually not very big, that is, you have more champions and I have fewer champions. No country has an absolute advantage.

But since Jiang Qing began to rise, especially when he conquered the first-level gods, and not just one.

The pattern of countries around the world has been completely disrupted.

The Xia Kingdom became a first-class country.

As long as Jiang Qing is here, no matter how many champions are born in your country, there is no chance of winning against the gods of the next level.

And Jiang Qing’s black and white Opelucid is not yet in the early stage of level one god.

High-level officials from various countries had already carried out energy tests on the battle between black and white Opelucid in the Baga Kingdom, and found that the opponent was a mid-level first-level god.

(Good money) This is even more desperate.

In fact, now the black and white Opelucid is a first-level god late-game team.

Xia's scientific and technological strength is now higher than other countries.

Not to mention countries such as Stars and Stripes that have no dealings with Xia Kingdom, even Xia Kingdom's ally White Bear Country is worried about Xia Kingdom.

Does such a powerful Xia Kingdom really need allies like them?

Although the Y-god organization is a terrorist organization, it is disliked by all countries, and many of them have carried out terrorist attacks.

But this time, most countries hope that the Y-god organization will give some strength to kill Jiang Qing of Xia State and get rid of this sharp sword hanging above their heads.

As long as there is no Jiang Qing, even if the number of Xia Kingdom's champions is still greater than theirs, Xia Kingdom has lost its dominant power and the level of danger is greatly reduced.

When a person's power is so strong that even the country is afraid of him, then other countries besides his own country will want the other person to die. .

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