Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1267 Daidai: Are Snails Delicious?

Jiang Qing's Douyin has more than a billion followers, so any Douyin he posts will immediately be viewed by countless people who follow him.

This vibrato immediately became popular as soon as it was released.

It’s not that this Douyin became popular, but the kid named Tang in Douyin came to life, and the whole Douyin was very funny.

[Oh my god, why didn’t I think of throwing away my homework before?

[Jiang Guanjun, you are so bad, you actually waited until the last day to return it to him]

[Teacher: Where is your homework? Me: Lost it. Teacher: Well, it was lost in Gaul.]

[I don’t know what you are joking about. I traveled abroad when I was in second grade. I have never even been out of the province in my twenties.

[One night, one pen, one miracle, isn’t this what my children are talking about]

【Looking forward to the follow-up】

[Look forward to +1]

In less than half an hour, this incident became a hot topic on the entire Internet. Countless people were looking forward to the follow-up development and left messages in the comment area asking Jiang Qing to send out the follow-up information when the time comes.

Jiang Qing has left Gaul and returned to his home in Lancang City.

With Deoxys around, anywhere in the world is just a thought.

What he has to do next is to find the owner of this winter vacation homework.

After all, this temporary task must be completed.

Coincidentally, the school written on the other party's homework was Lancang No. 1 Primary School, so finding the right 300 square meters was even easier. "It only took ten phone calls."

Soon Jiang Qing got the child's accurate address, but he didn't send the homework because he said he would send it on the last day.

Thinking of the desperate and helpless expression on his face when he took the homework on the last day, Jiang Qing couldn't help but laugh.

Gengar: Are you following me?

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "You said you didn't come back for lunch because you had something to do, because you went abroad to eat snails."

The villain's laughter suddenly stopped, as if a duck had been choked by someone.

Jiang Qing suddenly shuddered as she looked at Dudai who had appeared in front of him at some unknown time, and the expression was still not very good.

I was careless, why did I vibrate?


The carefree waiter: "Hey, snails are delicious."

Just when Jiang Qing was thinking about reasons, Ai Gutan came.


Jiang Qing knelt directly on the ground, trembling: "I was wrong, snails are not delicious."

Come on, don't look for any reasons or excuses. In this case, just admit your fault.

I don’t know how Daidai and Aiguansi knew it so quickly. Although they have mobile phones, they rarely use Douyin.

So someone told them.

In an instant, Jiang Qing thought of Celebi and Jirachi.

Looking towards the sofa, I saw two guys looking very happy at the good show.

Celebi: I asked you to go to Gaul to eat snails and you didn’t take me with you.

Jirachi: I want to eat snails too.

Damn it, they were the ones who snitched.

No need to ask, Jiang Qing identified the informer just by looking at each other.

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "Next time you want to eat snails, just tell me and I will find a way to buy the ingredients."

Seeing Jiang Qing's attitude of admitting his mistake so well, he forgave him.

Moreover, things like snails are really rare in Lancang City, so if you want to buy one, you can't buy it immediately.

It was understandable that Jiang Qing went out to eat snails.


Love to control the waiter: "This food is so delicious"

Jiang Qing nodded: "It tastes really good, but it will definitely taste better if Daidai and Aiguanshi make it for you."


The stewardess nodded with satisfaction.

Then the two butlers left, discussing whether to find a stable ingredient supplier that could supply all the ingredients.

Although the vegetable market that I often go to has many varieties, they are all the most common ones. Things like snails, which are not commonly eaten by Xia people, are definitely not available.

After the two housekeepers left, Jiang Qing immediately stood up from the ground and grabbed Celebi as she was about to leave.

Before Celebi could explain, Jiang Qing's slap landed on her butt.

"Jiang Qing, you are so smart, you know (cjcj) is Celebi's secret"

Jirachi did not run away, but stood in front of Jiang Qing with a charming expression.

I thought that Jiang Qing would believe what I said.

"Jiang Qing was the one who got Douyin first on Jirachi. It told me, so I told Daidai. How did Aiguanshi know this? You should ask Jirachi."

It's a pity that Jirachi sells its good brother, and its good brother Celebi will naturally sell it.

What kind of brotherhood does not exist here at all.

Naturally, Jirachi was also pushed on the sofa and spanked several times by Jiang Qing.

"Who told you to eat alone without us?"

After the beating, Celebi sat on the sofa angrily, and Jirachi nodded in agreement.

Snails must be delicious, otherwise Jiang Qing would not eat so much.

Jiang Qing also knew that he was in the wrong, but he absolutely could not admit it at this time.

"I'm not just here to eat snails, I also have other secret things."

"What happened?" Celebi looked unbelieving.

Jiang Qing said: "Of course I can't tell you secret things."

Seeing the unbelieving expressions on the two little ones' faces, Jiang Qing also knew that his reason was a bit lame.

It seems that the only option is to use the killing move.

He took out two hundred yuan and placed it in front of the two little ones.

"Take the money and get out of here"


"I'll get out right now"

Watching the two little ones leave happily, although this reaction was expected by Jiang Qing, she still felt as if she had been tricked by them.

Because in his opinion, with his behavior of eating alone, his two hundred yuan should not be enough. In his imagination, it would take almost six hundred yuan to calm them down.

Is this modified?

No, there must be something I don't know about.

Jiang Qing seemed to have thought about it and immediately opened the refrigerator and saw that the limited edition Magearna version of Coke he had grabbed some time ago was gone.

You don't have to think about it to know that they must have drank it.

"Asshole, if you can, don't go home to me, or my ass will be smashed by you."

Jiang Qing roared towards the door. She was not willing to drink it, but they gave it to her without even leaving a sip for herself.

Damn, this is simply too much.

I don’t know about this Magearna version of Coke, but it’s a rare occasion that I have a cup of Coca-Cola, and I want to find a good day to drink it.

Just say how can it be done for two hundred yuan? There is always something wrong with feelings.

If I had known it in advance, I could have turned away from customers, and they would have had to pay me hundreds of dollars in the end.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qing regretted that she didn't pay more attention to the expressions of the two little ones at that time. Thinking about it now, something seemed wrong.

While they were angry, their expressions were a little timid, as if they lacked confidence.

In this situation, he still had the courage to blackmail himself. It was really courageous. .

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