Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1265 Tyranitar Is Pregnant

"Brother, Tyranitar seems to be pregnant."

Jiang Qing was watching Arcanine and Moltres fight like a family, relying on physical strength, and Arcanine had the upper hand in this regard.

After all, Arcanine has four limbs and claws, but Moltres is quite lacking in this regard.

If there was a fight, Arcanine would definitely not be Moltres' Rival.

After taking a few photos of these two guys, Jiang Ai walked up to Jiang Qing and pointed at the female Tyranitar not far away.

The two Tyranitars have been together for almost a year, and the chances of the female Tyranitar getting pregnant are really high.

Jiang Qing had never paid attention to this aspect. Now that Jiang Ai said this, she immediately walked up to the female Tyranitar.

Jiang Ai possesses the power of Changpan and has excellent perception of vitality.

Of course, Jiang Qing's top waveguide is definitely not bad in this aspect. I didn't notice it just because he didn't think too much about it.

The two Tyranitars are leaning together, and Jiangwei and his Pokémon have long been used to it.


Tyranitar said hello to his Trainer.

Jiang Qing walked up to the female Tyranitar, 29 under her doubtful gaze, and placed her palm on its belly, accompanied by the emission of waveguide power.

It is obvious that a small life is gestating inside the female Tyranitar.

She is indeed pregnant.


Tyranitar looked at Jiang Qing puzzled.

Withdrawing her palm, Jiang Qing said to the female Tyranitar with a happy face: "You are pregnant, don't you know?"

The female Tyranitar shook her head, her expression a little dazed, as if she couldn't believe she was pregnant.

Then Jiang Qing lightly kicked Tyranitar and said, "Your wife is pregnant. Congratulations, Tyranitar, you are going to be a father."


Tyranitar stood up in disbelief: "Mine"

Jiang Qing: How do you want me to answer?

If it were a human woman, and her husband's first reaction after finding out she was pregnant was to ask, "Oh my God," there would probably be a fight.

Fortunately, the female Tyranitar didn't care at all, or didn't hear what her husband just said. At this moment, she was stroking her belly with a happy face.

"No wonder your appetite has become bigger recently."

Jiang Qing recalled that during this period, the female Tyranitar ate more than a hundred kilograms more ore per meal than usual, and thought it was because the other party's appetite had increased.

It turned out that there was an extra mouth in my belly.

"If you are pregnant, the diet will change."

There are certain things that human pregnant women should not eat during pregnancy, and the same goes for Pokémon.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to prepare a maternity restaurant for it.

"Brother, how long will it take for Tyranitar to have a baby?" Jiang Ai asked curiously.

Tyranitar of his own family also looked at Jiang Qing, wondering when his child would be born.

"Under normal circumstances, Tyranitar takes five to eight years to gestate, and some even take more than ten years to give birth to Larvitar's Pokémon eggs."

There are specific data for the birth of quasi-gods. This is not just nonsense by Jiang Qing. Under normal circumstances, most Pokémon are pregnant for about one year, and for Bug Type Pokémon, it is one month to several months.

But if you are a quasi-god, then the pregnancy time will be greatly extended, which is the main reason why quasi-gods are so rare.

"But if the nutrition is sufficient, the time can be shortened to two years," Jiang Wei said.

The longer the gestation time is, it does not mean that the talent of the Pokémon inside is higher. It is because the nutrition is not enough and the production requirements are not met.

"Let's go to the hospital for a prenatal check-up to see how healthy the baby is."

Although the power of the waveguide and the exploratory eye told Jiang Qing that the female Tyranitar's baby was healthy, Yang Qing felt that it was still necessary to go to the hospital.

The female Tyranitar was pregnant, which immediately attracted the attention of Jiang Qing's other Pokémon, and they all came over. Even Arcanine and Moltres stopped fighting.

They all looked at the belly of the female Tyranitar curiously.

This is the first partner among them to have offspring. This feeling is amazing. Although they are not their own children, they can still be regarded as uncles and aunts.

Jiang Qing also had this magical feeling. When his Tyranitar had a child, he felt quite like an old father seeing his child grow up.

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "I will take care of you personally from now on"

Dadu walked up to the female Tyranitar with a serious face.

This is the first offspring of their generation, so they must not be taken seriously.


The female Tyranitar nodded timidly. This was a big boss, and she didn't dare to mess with him at all.

"Dadai, you scared it," Jiang Qing said softly.

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "Why did I scare it?"

As he spoke, he looked at Jiang Qing seriously, and then looked at the female Tyranitar again.

"Did I scare you?"

The female Tyranitar immediately shook her head to show that she was not scared.

But she lowered her body and moved closer to her husband voluntarily, as if she had found a sense of security in her body.

It's a pity that its husband is even worse than it. The unglazed gaze on it made its body straighten up instantly.

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "Take your wife to walk in the backyard for an hour every day from now on. Pregnant women should also exercise more."

Tyranitar nodded hurriedly, not having the courage to refute at all, and it was also for the good of his wife, so what could he say.

"Why are you still hanging around? Take it for a walk quickly."


Tyranitar immediately stood up and started walking around the backyard with his wife. 740

"Yeah dong"

"Isn't this great? You don't look scared by me."

Dadai nodded with satisfaction, his words were naturally about love.

"Yeah, I saw it wrong."

Jiang Qing said hurriedly.

Whatever the boss says is what he says. He is a Macy newbie and he doesn’t dare to say too much.

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "Walk faster, what's the point of walking so slowly?"

Shout to the Tyranitar couple.

The walking speed of the two immediately increased a bit.

"You can watch them here and walk for an hour."

He said to Jiang Qing blankly.

"Guaranteed to complete the task"

Jiang Qing straightened her legs and saluted Dadai.

"Yeah dong"

Dadai nodded with satisfaction, and then left with his little apprentice Magearna, who was about to start preparing tonight's dinner.

"Brother, Dudu is so majestic. I will also conquer a Pokémon like this in the future."

Jiang Ai looked at Dudu with admiration. In her eyes, her invincible brother was managed by Dudu. He was so handsome.

"Brother supports you, and I will definitely help you get an excellent Dude in the future."

Jiang Qing saw that her sister had such a death wish since she was a child, so of course she had to satisfy it.

"Thank you brother"

"You're welcome. Just don't blame your brother when you grow up."

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