There are many unmarried diamond bachelors in the world, but if we want to say that the biggest bachelor in the world, it must be Jiang Qing.

You must have a good family background, you must have good looks and a good figure, you must have a good figure and strength, you must have strength and character, and you must have a first-class character.

Almost all women's fantasies can be found in Jiang Qing.

And such a being is actually single, without even a rumored girlfriend.

This matter has been positioned by some good netizens as one of the eleven most incredible events of this century. Why is it the eleventh, not the top ten?

Because it was originally one of the top ten, but the appearance of Jiang Qing turned the top ten that had been maintained for decades into the top eleven.

Whenever Jiang Qing has an idea, he can have a lot of women in his bed with a flick of his finger, and he doesn't need to be responsible.

Holding the Monkey Wine in his hand, which can add thirty years to his life, he was watched with fiery eyes by so many people, so caring that he didn’t feel much nervousness.

She gave Houerjiu to her grandfather Gu Shanhai. She is only in her early twenties, although she is still attracted to this monkeyjiu.

But I also know that the most suitable person for this thing is my grandfather, who is currently the strongest person in the Gu family.

Gu Shanhai looked at the monkey wine in his hand and felt a little excited. Of course he had used treasures that increased his lifespan, probably more than sixty years in total.

So even though he is seventy or eighty years old now, he can still live to be over one hundred and eighty years old under normal circumstances.

Now with Monkey Wine, living to be 200 years old is not a problem.

I have worked hard for 70 or 80 years to live to be over 60 years old, and my granddaughter has to pay for half of my life with just one birthday party.

"When Xi'er arrives, Solaceon, take two of the family's treasures."

Of course, Gu Shanhai was not the kind of person to take advantage of his granddaughter. He might not have wanted it if it were for something else, but he simply couldn't refuse the longevity-enhancing monkey wine.

"Really? Grandpa, that treasure is okay too?" Gu Xi asked excitedly.

Gu Shanhai nodded. Among the family treasures was a steel-type treasure. This was originally used by Gu Shanhai when he was preparing to break through to the championship.

But he knew that he had no chance to become the champion. It was not because he had to cherish this treasure that he could not become the champion.

If he could become a champion by using the treasure, he would have used it long ago.

But his potential is limited. After becoming a quasi-champion, it has been very difficult for him to increase his strength. Whether he can become a quasi-champion in this life is still unknown.

So using the treasure is just a waste in the end.

It is better to leave the treasure to the more talented members of the family.

Although he has not discovered such a clan member yet, even his son Gu Ying's potential is at most a quasi-champion.

There are other direct members of the Gu family who are talented, but they are not the kind of champions.

Until Gu Xi suddenly rose up because of Jiang Qing, and he saw hope.

Gu Xiliu, who is only a junior, is extremely outstanding even in the special recruitment class of Imperial University with this strength.

Of course, this is because of Jiang Qing's Help. If Jiang Qing does not continue to help later, her strength will increase at the same speed as before.

Gu Xi now fully understands this.

Although the ten days of being trained by Jiang Qing were extremely hard, the increase in strength was visible to her every day.

But now her strength is increasing at a much slower rate than before.

I had enjoyed increasing my strength like a rocket, and now it has become as fast as a bicycle. The feeling of gap is very big.

After the banquet was over, Jiang Qing and Jiang Lan left.

But the news that Jiang Qing gave the Thirty Years Longevity Monkey Wine at Gu Xi's birthday party quickly spread throughout the Xia Kingdom through the mouths of the guests present.

Many families have contacted Gu Shanhai, hoping to buy monkey wine from him in exchange for treasures.

If the Gu family hadn't been strong, this thing would never have been saved. Even if these people didn't dare to touch the Gu family because of Jiang Qing, they could still use other means to blackmail the Gu family.

Gu Shanhai was moved by some treasures after seeing them, but he still refused them. After all, his lifespan was important.

At the same time, Jiang Qing also asked Oreburgh Guard to secretly release the news that he still had monkey wine in his hand that would increase his life span by thirty years.

Now people from major families came to the Jiang family.

Some are looking for Jiang Feng, some are looking for Jiang Oreburgh, Jiang Ganggan, and even Jiang Ai, who has been in kindergarten, has friends asking him to help contact Jiang Qing.

No one thought this was fake news.

If Jiang Qing only had such a share of monkey wine, he would never give it to Gu Xi. Even if Gu Xi had a good relationship with him, he would not give her such a precious treasure.

Then there is only one reason, and that is that Jiang Qing still has the monkey wine that can increase his life span by twenty years.

The news released said that Jiang Qing still had three or four servings of monkey wine.

Some strong men in the family who are about to die due to their lifespan may be expected to break through to the championship, but their lifespan is short. When they heard the news about Houerjiu, they immediately found hope for them to continue living and break through.

The Jiang family also announced that they can trade Monkey Wine, but as long as they want treasures, abandoned steel-type treasures will be given priority.

According to the value, Monkey Wine, which increases life span by thirty years, is indeed comparable to a treasure, and in terms of rarity, it is even better than the Normal steel-type treasure.

There are more or less such treasures in big families or top-level families. 357

Some are reserved for their own breakthroughs, others are reserved for geniuses within the clan, and some are kept because the Attribute is not suitable.

In the end, Jiang Qing exchanged Monkey Wine for four steel-type treasures.

Steel Teeth Thorn: Increases the hardness of teeth and increases the power of attacks with teeth by 50%

As for the Arcana Jiang Qing, I gave it to Steelix. Originally Arcanine was more suitable, but who knows, Gouzi is still in a distant secret realm.

Steelix has such big teeth, but he can also exert the power of steel fangs.

The remaining three steel-type treasures had no effect on his Pokémon, so Jiang Qing gave them to his father and grandfather.

After trading four shares of monkey wine, Jiang Qing still had some of the monkey wine that had given him thirty years of longevity, but he no longer planned to continue trading.

At least there won't be any more transactions in the short term.

If the quantity increases, the price will drop, and then some smart people will definitely discover something.

Moreover, four steel-type treasures have been traded to the major families in Xia Kingdom. It seems that there should be no better steel-type treasures.

Maybe other families still have better steel-type treasures hidden away, but they don't trade them just because Monkey Wine is not very attractive to them at the moment.

Jiang Qing is not in a hurry. Anyway, as long as Ambipom is here, he can harvest a batch of monkey wine like this every ten years.

This can be regarded as a stable source of income. .

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