Seeing Qin Wu looking like she was exhaling more air than inhaling, Jiang Qing was suddenly startled and quickly took a few steps to reach the other party.

Qin Wu's Pokémon couldn't enter the tree hole due to its size. There was only a small fire monkey accompanying her. This little fire monkey was a different color and was obviously tamed recently.

The little fire monkey didn't know Jiang Qing, but he knew that Jiang Qing had the trust of Charizard and Blaziken, so he didn't act aggressively towards Jiang Qing's approach to Qin Wu.

"Don't worry, I'm here, she won't die."

Jiang Qing's words were meant for the little fire monkey, and also for Qin Wu's Pokémon near the tree hole.

Take out heavy water, this can regenerate limbs.

Then take out the biomass, which can regenerate the skin.

After giving these two to Qin Wu, Jiang Qing asked Celebi to use Heal Pulse.

After doing all this, Jiang Qing bought a new set of clothes from the system mall and placed them next to Qin Wu.

The other party is still sleeping, and her injuries will be almost healed when she wakes up.

As for the specific time to wake up, it is estimated that it will take at least four or five hours.

"You are lucky, I happened to appear near you," Jiang Qing said.

After the outside world enters the top secret realm, it will randomly appear somewhere in the secret realm.

The place where Jiang Qing appeared happened to be not far from where Qin Wu was, and he was quickly spotted by Charizard who was on patrol.

177 If Qin Wu's injury were delayed for another day, she would basically be gone.

And as long as the person who comes is not Jiang Qing, even if Qin Wu is found, she probably won't be able to heal her injuries.

So Qin Wu's luck is good enough.

"You take care of Qin Wu"

Jiang Qing said something to the little fire monkey, and then left the tree hole.

The little fire monkey nodded happily. It could feel that its Trainer's aura had returned to normal and was not as weak as before.

"It's okay, don't worry"

After walking out of the tree hole, Jiang Qing said to Qin Yao's other Pokémon.

Hearing this, Qin Wu's Pokémon breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Qing sat down on the ground and said to Charizard: "Tell me, how did you enter this secret realm, and why did Qin Wu become like this?"

Jiang Qing is very curious about all this.

So Charizard told Jiang Qing what happened.

"That's it." Jiang Qing nodded.

The general story of the matter is an internal struggle within the Qin family, not to mention that Qin Wu has been designated as the heir of the Qin family. But several other direct descendants of the Qin family were somewhat unconvinced (bfca

Especially the other one who is about the same strength as Qin Wu and is three years younger than Qin Wu. In terms of talent, the other person is higher than Qin Wu.

She is also a direct descendant, but Qin Wu is positioned as the heir of the family. In addition to considerations of strength, talent and conduct.

The most important thing is that Qin Wu is Jiang Qing's cheap cousin.

With Jiang Qing's relationship, if Qin Wu becomes the head of the Qin family, the relationship between the Jiang family and the Qin family will definitely be better.

The other heir lost in this regard. He had nothing to do with Jiang Qing.

She was convinced by this and had a bad character, so after Qin Wu entered the secret realm of the Flame Mountain.

He bribed the relevant guards and entered the secret realm without telling everyone, hoping to kill Qin Wu in the secret realm.

After careful planning, although Qin Wu was not killed at once, she was severely injured. However, a secret door suddenly appeared in front of Qin Wu's escape route. In order to save her life,

Qin Wu had no choice but to enter this secret realm.

But the other party did not enter because he recognized this as a top secret realm.

Once he enters, he may not be able to find the door to the secret realm, so even if Qin Wu is killed, he will have to be buried with her.

Intra-family fights like this are quite common among families.

There are even many families that have led to the decline of the entire family due to internal fighting.

This kind of battle is inevitable whether it is a small family, a large family, or a top family.

As long as there are enough family members and more than one direct member, unless the heir has overwhelming strength, struggle is inevitable.

Of course, appropriate fighting can also promote the progress of family members. If it is properly controlled, that is also a good thing.

"Fortunately, I don't have any brothers or sisters," Jiang Qing muttered.

He was designated as the heir as soon as he was born. He was the only heir in the Jiang family. There was no one to compete with him. His position was very stable.

"Deoxys, go find the secret door," Jiang said.

Now that they are in the top secret realm, they don't know the location of the door to the secret realm, and Jiang Qing doesn't know the specific area of ​​this top secret realm.

In the past, Jiang Qing could only explore slowly with Metagross.

But now that we have Deoxys, a first-level god of the Psychic system, he is really good at scanning the terrain and sensing the whole picture, among other things.

Although Metagross can also do it, compared with the first-level god Deoxys, Metagross is definitely inferior in this aspect.

Jiang Qing dares to enter the top secret realm, which means that he is sure to find the door to the secret realm.

If Deoxys can't be found, he can use the Lucky Charm. If that doesn't work, then summon Mewtwo.

Deoxys nodded and disappeared.

First find the door to the secret realm, solve the last worries, and send Qin Wu out, so that Jiang Qing can think about exploring this new top secret realm.


Charizard's stomach suddenly made a hungry sound.

Then Blaziken, Camerupt, Ninetales and their stomachs growled.

Because the environment here is very unfamiliar and they want to protect Qin Wu, they haven't been looking for much food in the past few days.

Qin Wu's backpack was lost when she was attacked by the opponent. Naturally, there were no energy cubes and various medicines, otherwise Qin Wu would not have almost died.

"Come on, you're welcome"

Jiang Qing smiled and said, "I took out a lot of energy cubes and placed them in front of these Pokémon.

They wouldn't be polite to Jiang Qing when it was hot, and they were really hungry, so they immediately started eating. The taste was better than Qin Wu's energy cubes, and the eating became even more joyful.

My Trainer is healed from his injuries and still has food to eat. Jiang Qing is so strong and safe, which immediately relaxes the tense nerves of these Pokémon.

After eating and drinking, the little fire monkey lay directly on Qin Wu's body and fell asleep. It was the weakest, and it was already amazing that it could resist until now without Rest.

The other Pokémon are fine.

Once a Pokémon reaches the Elite level, it will be fine even if it is not rested for more than half a month. Of course, the premise is that it does not do anything that consumes energy during this period, such as fighting. .

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