Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1237 Family Gathering

1237 family gathering

Jiang Qing didn't know that because of the comments of the little princess from the Great Dian Kingdom, the Internet had exploded. He and his grandfather Jiang Oreburgh were heading towards their home in Lancang City.

He also notified Grandpa Jiang Gangji, asking him to go back to Lancang City tonight if he has time. If he doesn't have time, forget it.

In the yard, the caretaker was hanging clothes to dry. Suddenly he felt a gust of wind coming from above his head, blowing the clothes to be hung.

Looking up, I saw a Salamence and a Skarmory landing.


Seeing Salamence, Ai Guanshi didn't know that his cub came out of the secret realm, and immediately ran over in surprise.

"I'm back, love and care."

Jiang Qing looked at the stewardess who ran up to him and grinned.


The steward nodded excitedly and looked Jiang Qing up and down. He was completely relieved when he saw that the other party was not injured and his clothes were very clean.

"Everyone come out"

Jiang Qing released all the Pokémon.

Jiang Oreburgh soon saw Zeraora, and was surprised and said: "My dear, you have conquered Zeraora."

"Well, I happened to meet him." Jiang Qing nodded.

As a fantasy Pokémon, Zeraora still looks very handsome. Now it is looking around, knowing that this is Jiang Qing's home and her own home.

813 environment is still very satisfactory.

"This is Zeraora. In addition to Lucario, it can also go shopping with you in the future," Jiang Qing said.


The caretaker looked at Zeraora and then nodded with satisfaction.

Zeraora: Why does this kind of scrutiny put so much pressure on myself?

This is Arcanine's second person that the whole family should not mess with, the Butler. His aura is really the same as that of Dudu, the Butler, even more powerful than that of the Guoguo Butler.

Let the phantom beast Zeraora carry the vegetable basket for the carefree waiter. He is indeed his darling grandson, so awesome.

"And subdued a Tyranitar?"

Ginger Oreburgh looked at the normal Tyranitar leaning next to the Totem-class Tyranitar with some confusion.

My dear grandson already has a Totem-level Tyranitar, so why would he conquer another Tyranitar?

"This is Tyranitar's wife," Jiang Qing explained.

Jiang Oreburgh was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Tyranitar is so awesome, he can even find a wife for himself."

Tyranitar heard this and scratched his head naively.

Tyranitar feels that he is very awesome now, even though he is not the strongest, not Trainer's favorite, not the most edible, and not the most handsome.

But he is the first one to be single. All his partners are single, even Trainer himself is single.

This sense of pride gave Tyranitar the courage to show off to Metagross.

"Where are your Arcanine and Moltres------"

Only then did Jiang Oreburgh notice that there were two Pokémon missing from Jiang Qing's team. His expression suddenly changed, and a bad idea came to his mind.

"Grandpa, they are fine, because I had a chance to stay in the original secret realm. It is estimated that they will not come out in about a year. By then, Arcanine should also become the champion," Jiang Qing explained hurriedly.

"That's good"

Ginger Oreburgh breathed a sigh of relief, it was okay.

There is a saying in the outside world that when a Trainer truly grows up, it is the moment when he loses Pokémon.

The death of Pokémon can indeed greatly promote the growth of Trainer. Of course, if it is not done well, the Trainer will also sink as a result.

It is extremely cruel to stimulate Trainer's growth through death like this.

But the death of Pokémon is inevitable for many Trainers.

According to statistics, almost half of professional trainers have lost their Pokémon, and the stronger the trainer, the higher the chance of Pokémon death.

After all, the stronger the Trainer, the higher the danger he faces.

Even Jiang Oreburgh, Jiang Lan and the others had lost their beloved Pokémon. Jiang Oreburgh hoped that Jiang Qing would never experience that kind of pain (bbeh).

Because he knew that the Jiang family was going to hold a family gathering tonight, Ai Tuan Shi and Dai Dai took it very seriously.

They discussed tonight's menu with each other, and the young apprentice Magearna was also lucky enough to participate and showed extra excitement.

Then Ai Guanwei went out blankly. Of course, he took the two vegetable baskets Lucario and Zeraora with him when he went out.

Magearna also wanted to go out, but was stopped by the caretaker who asked her to hang the remaining clothes to dry.

[Holy shit, Champion Jiang has conquered Zeraora, and it’s going out to buy groceries with Guanshi and Daidai] [Real and fake] [Really, I’m a fish seller, Daidai just bought it from me A fish, carried by Geramora

[Qiang Sheng Fish Stall, if you are interested, come and have a look. Jiang Guanjun’s Daidai often buys fish from my house]

[They are really good guys. Champion-level Lucario and fantasy beast Zeraora are helping Daidai and Aiguan waiter carry food. I'm afraid even the great elder of Xia Kingdom doesn't have this kind of cards]

The news that Jiang Qing had conquered the phantom beast Zeraora soon became known to the whole world.

If it were anyone else, everyone would definitely be surprised, but this person is Jiang Qing, so there is nothing to be surprised about.

After all, Jiang Qing already owns several fantasy beasts and legendary Pokémon, including even a first-level god. Now there is another Zeraora, so it is not surprising.

Soon, Zeraora fan bases began to be established in various places.

Each of Jiang Qing’s Pokémon has its own fan base, and almost every Pokémon is a benchmark among its kind.

The Pokémon with the most fans is naturally Metagross. Even the black and white Opelucid ranks behind Metagross.

As for the Pokémon ranked third, it is not the domineering Aggron, nor the mean Celebi, nor the cute Jirachi.

But our stupid butler.

Because of Jiang Qing, many Trainers with good family backgrounds will adopt a Slowking to take care of their daily life.

And Slowking does really well in this regard.

This level of professionalism is almost knocking down the number one Pokémon caretaker at home.

In the evening, the Jiang family held a party this year. Except for grandma who did not come, even grandpa Jiang Gangji put down what he was doing and came.

After all, Jiang Qing said he had something good for them.

The good thing is of course ten kilograms of hundred-year-old monkey wine per person. Drinking these ten kilograms can not only increase your life span by eighty years, but also strengthen your body.

The taste of Monkey Wine made wine lovers Jiang Gangji, Jiang Oreburgh, Jiang Lan and Jiang Feng’s eyes widen.

But the wine had too much stamina, so after just two drinks, the four of them became drunk immediately. .

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