Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1235Female Tyranitar

Trial Sandbank, ever since Jiang Qing's Tyranitar promised to become the champion, he came to it, and Jiang Qing, as the Trainer, also promised it for a year.

So this female Tyranitar has been counting numbers.

Now more than three hundred days have passed since the one-year period Jiang Qing mentioned.

The female Tyranitar was not anxious because Jiang Qing had not appeared. Instead, she became looking forward to it because the agreed deadline was getting closer.

It never thought about whether Jiang Qing and Tyranitar would fulfill their promises at that time.

After all, Tyranitar was only level 83 at that time. It took one year to break through and become the champion. The span in between should not be too big.

If it were told outside, no one would believe it.


Deep in the trial sandbank, the female Tyranitar was resting when a roar suddenly came from her ears, waking her up immediately.


Another sound came, and the female Tyranitar's eyes changed from vigilance to joy.

Jiang Qing was sitting on Tyranitar's head outside, and the latter shouted twice towards somewhere in the desert.

"Are you sure your wife is here? 09 didn't meet her here last time," Jiang Qing said.

Tyranitar nodded, for it had already smelled the same scent.

As the sand ahead surged, a normal-sized Tyranitar slowly appeared in the sand after a while.


After the female Tyranitar saw Meiqing's Tyranitar, her eyes suddenly lit up and she walked quickly towards it.

Jiang Qing's Tyranitar, on the other hand, remained motionless.

Jiang Qing felt a bit toothache when he saw this, and secretly cursed this guy for being a straight man.

You haven't seen your partner for more than half a year. Now that you see your partner running towards you, you have to open your arms to welcome him.

Metagross: Shouldn't we run over there? Let's run in both directions.

And you have the nerve to say that Tyranitar is straight.

Soon the female Tyranitar came to her own Tyranitar and was looking at each other affectionately.


Female Tyranitar: "You're here"

Tyranitar of Jiang Qing’s family: “I’m coming”

Then I saw the ginger Tyranitar take out a bouquet of flowers and handed it to the female Tyranitar.

At this moment, for the first time, Jiang Qing saw a hint of shyness in Tyranitar, who was famous for his ferocity and violence.

"Give it to you" Jiang Qing's Tyranitar said.

"Well, the flowers are beautiful." The female Tyranitar was full of joy, and her eyes were a little watery.

"Although the flowers are beautiful, they are not one ten thousandth as beautiful as you," Tyranitar said.


Hearing this, Jiang Qing's eyes widened and he looked at his Tyranitar in disbelief, as if he was meeting it for the first time.

The expression of Metagross next to him was similar to that of Jiang Qing, and he also looked like he had seen a ghost.


Suddenly Jiang Qing vaguely heard Gengar's voice.

Then I heard my Tyranitar say again.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time. This long waiting is like monkey wine, brewing a flower called love."

The female Tyranitar lowered her head and nodded shyly.

I'm so ashamed. Why do you speak so nicely? He is indeed the man I chose. He is also a cultural class. I like him even more.

Damn, it turns out there is a military advisor.

Jiang Qing knew why his Tyranitar had such a sweet mouth. Gengar said in its ear that it was learning and selling now.

As for this bouquet of flowers, Gengar must have taken it out of his belly.

Gengar's stomach is full of everything, so it's no surprise that there is a bouquet of flowers.

The two Tyranitars chatted with each other for a while, but Jiang Qing didn't bother them.

Focusing on the female Tyranitar, the opponent's level is still level 88, because there has been no improvement in half a year.

This is also normal.

It gave all the treasures to its own Tyranitar. It is a monster if it can be upgraded. Without treasures, if you want to increase the level, you can only rely on time to slowly get up.

As for Tyranitar, a quasi-god and a late-stage quasi-champion, the time required is at least thirty or forty years.

"Tyranitar, you must treat others well in the future."

As Trainer, Jiang Qing became Tyranitar's parent, looking at it with a serious expression.

I can be a scumbag, but my Pokémon cannot be a scumbag.

Jiang Qing had never thought about setting an example.


Tyranitar: "I swear, I will only love it forever in this life. If I want to add a time limit to this love, I hope it will be ten thousand years."

Jiang Qing: It’s not over yet.

Although the meme is very old and worn out, I can't stand the female Tyranitar. This is the first time I heard it.

If you are not directly moved by this, don’t worry, you can’t wait to have a baby with Jiang Qing’s Tyranitar right away.

"Gengar is about the same. What if Tyranitar reveals his secret in the future?"

Jiang Qing's voice came into Gengar's mind.

If you have this ability, why don't you find someone for yourself and you are still single all the time.

How soon

Gengar: "Oh"

The tone was somewhat disappointed.

And here Tyranitar: "Oh"

Gengar: “You don’t need to learn this sentence”

Tyranitar: "You don't need to learn this sentence."

The female Tyranitar looked at her husband in confusion, wondering why she couldn't understand what he was saying.

Jiang Qing covered his head.

Gengar covered his mouth and stopped talking. If he continued to talk, he would get into trouble.


Jiang Qing jumped off Tyranitar, looked at the female Tyranitar and said: "Since you choose to be with my Tyranitar, then you will become my Pokémon."

The female Tyranitar nodded.

Jiang Qing saw this and took out a Poké Ball.

Here, Celebi's expression suddenly changed and she exclaimed: "Jiang Qing, if you subdue it, you will have broken your oath."


Jiang Qing was stunned, and then thought of what he had promised Arcanine and Moltres before.

Do not capture new Pokémon when they are not around, otherwise you will keep losing in ranked games.

"Why are you panicking? Tyranitar is not a new Pokémon. It is my Tyranitar's wife, and we have met before."

"Besides, you won't conquer it to help me fight," Jiang Qing explained.

Regarding the female Tyranitar, Jiang Qing really had no other ideas. She just wanted to tame her and make her Tyranitar his wife.

As for fighting, it's not his turn.


Celebi is still a little worried.

"Stop it, how could you lose if you stay here?"

As he spoke, Jiang Qing threw a Poké Ball directly at the female Tyranitar, who did not resist and was subdued by Jiang Qing.

Celebi didn't say anything when he saw this. Thinking about Jiang Qing's words, it didn't seem to be a problem, and with Daidai as his companion, even if he lost a few games occasionally, he never had the experience of losing all the time. .

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