Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1231 Gold Flint Trigger

The lava battlefield restores Arcanine's physical strength. When not fighting, this is naturally useless, but once fighting, Rival is still a powerful enemy like Metagross.

Then physical recovery every moment is very important.

The cruising ability of a Pokémon with physical recovery is extremely abnormal. It may still have more than 90% of its physical strength after a battle.


Arcanine yelled all kinds of curse words at Metagross, and the curses were indeed quite unpleasant, which caused Metagross's special attack to be lowered.

He also used the Snarl skill when he was scolding.


Arcanine's scolding was so unpleasant that even Metagross, who had always been steady, became angry and pawed at Arcanine's doggy face.

But Metal Claw was bitten into Arcanine's mouth with Bite. Before Metagross could raise his other arm, hot flames spurted out of Arcanine's mouth in the next second.

The flames instantly enveloped Metagross, forming a small vortex.

The flame vortex is a continuous damage, and the barrier formed by the flame looks like a normal one.

Among Jiang Qing's several championship-level Pokémon, if they were trapped by this flame vortex, except for Moltres who relied on the fire Pokémon and Aggron's super defense.

Several other Pokémon can also resist, but after resisting, the Contest Condition will be very poor.


Facing the flame vortex that trapped him, Metagross's Meteor Mash fell, and with a roar, the flame vortex shattered, and countless Embers splashed out in all directions.

An Ember also landed on Moltres' neck, causing him to feel a burning sensation.

Moltres: This bitch is so perverted.

Although the dog was already very strong and I was not Rival, I didn't expect that a little Ember would make me feel a burning sensation.

He is a champion level Pokémon, and he is also Moltres, a legendary Pokémon.

Fortunately, this Arcanine is not my silly dog. Otherwise, if that silly dog ​​had such strength, he would not be able to snarl in front of me every day.

After breaking through the flame vortex, Arcanine had already disappeared.


Metagross's Psychic spread in all directions like a Spider Web, one kilometer, ten kilometers, thirty kilometers, but Arcanine was still not found.

Suddenly it looked towards the ground.

The body suddenly fell downwards. Just when his limbs landed on the ground and he was about to use Earthquake, Arcanine emerged from the ground below.

Just as Metagross thought, after using the flame vortex, Arcanine used Dig to drill into the ground and bury the entrance of the cave.

After Dig came out, Arcanine sprayed an earthy yellow light from his mouth, instantly hitting the landing Metagross.

Metagross's body was directly shot away, but on the way out, its body suddenly disappeared.

Arcanine was stunned. He had lost Metagross' figure in his sight. He immediately looked around vigilantly to prevent Metagross from making a surprise attack on him.

But soon, it smelled Metagross.

Arcanine: Why does this smell come from underneath me?

When confused, Arcanine looked down and saw that Metagross was really right where it had just dug out, hiding in the hole, and smiled to herself.

Then a colorful Meteor Mash hit it on the cheek with a bang, sending its body flying straight away like a meteor.

At that time, after Metagross was knocked away by Arcanine using Power Gem, he immediately used Teleport to reach the hole formed after Arcanine Dig came out.

The dog itself was standing above the entrance of the cave, so he couldn't find Metagross even after searching for it.

Metagross came directly and was under a wave of darkness until Arcanine smelled Metagross's scent.

Unfortunately, it was a little late. When I discovered it, Metagross's Meteor Mash had already breathed in its face.

After flying hundreds of kilometers and smashing countless rocks, Arcanine's body stopped, and blood continued to fall from his cheeks.

Metagross's punch caused a lot of damage to Arcanine.

And because of the mental noise, the lava battlefield has been temporarily cut off for Arcanine's physical recovery.

He was injured, and Arcanine felt like he was being played by Metagross.

My mother actually hid in the hole she dug and used my things to beat me.


The dog's ferocity was completely aroused at this moment.

A flame enveloped the whole body, and this red flame, after a few breaths, turned into reddish purple. The ground below instantly turned into magma under the flame, and then vaporized again.

The surrounding space felt like it was being burned and burned.

The terrifyingly high temperature caused the clouds above to vaporize.


Arcanine shouted loudly, and his body jumped out normally like a red-purple arrow, leaving a gasified path wherever it passed.

It is now a hundred kilometers away from Metagross. At its current speed, this distance can be reached in just a few breaths.

Before Arcanine arrived, the first thing that came was a terrifying fiery red wind pressure, and everything in front was destroyed by this wind pressure.

"The effect of gold flint is activated"

Jiang Qing's face was solemn. The gold flint prop carried by Arcanine had a 1% chance of increasing the damage of fire or rock moves by 10 times.

The previous fight had never been inspired.

But as the fighting time prolongs, the ability of the props has been activated.

This is also a matter of time.

Among them, Flare Blitz, which can increase the power ten times, creates a destructive momentum that is beyond Jiang Dou's mind.

Just this wind pressure can directly kill the flames.


At this moment, Moltres said that he was a little panicked. Just now he had brazenly said that he wanted to fight this dog. Fortunately, he didn't go, otherwise he would not know how he died (Zhao Li Zhao).

"Carry Metagross down," Jiang Qing said with a solemn expression.

Having been locked on by Arcanine's Qi Machine, the chance of evasion is not very high, and once the evasion fails, the ten times Flare Blitz ability is enough to severely damage Metagross.

With ten times the power, Flare Blitz has undergone a qualitative transformation.

Jiang Qing has already sent Deoxys. If this power is completely unleashed, Moltres will not be able to protect itself, let alone protect itself.

"Deoxys, please protect the ground fluid, too," Jiang Qing said.

Although this place is far enough away from the location of the ground ooze, if the aftermath still affects the ground ooze and damages this thing, Jiang Qing's loss will be too great.

Deoxys nodded, and then looked at the Arcanine in surprise.

Is the power of this move really something that a champion-level Pokémon can possess?

Can Metagross survive?

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