Krabby didn't follow martial ethics, and even called his parents when he couldn't beat him. Jiang Qing was extremely disgusted and looked at Krabby with disdain.

Then he threw the branch in his hand directly on the opponent's head.

Now Kingler was unhappy and hit my son in front of me. He didn't take himself seriously.

Then he raised the big pliers and pinched towards Jiang Qing.

But after Jiang Qing threw the branches, he immediately ran away.

Pokémon below level 10 can do limited damage. Adult humans, as long as they are not elderly or children, can basically run away based on the principle of being unable to defeat them. Strong humans can also defeat Pokémon below level 10 with bare hands.

The strength of Pokémon above level 10 has greatly increased.

Pokémon below level ten are in the infant stage and have limited attack power, while Pokémon above level ten are out of the infant stage.

Of course, there are exceptions to some late-blooming Pokémon, such as dragon-type Pokémon.

Although Jiang Qing has the physique of a Mega Pallet Towner, she doesn't dare to fight head-on with a Kingler who is over level 40.

Look at these big pliers that are flashing with cold light. If the pliers are removed, you will not be able to break into two pieces.

Seeing that this human was not running as fast as normal, Kingler had given up the idea of ​​teaching him a lesson and was about to go back to comfort his son.

With a bang, a stone hit it directly on the head.

"Silly dick, why don't you chase me?"

When he turned around, he saw that annoying human being making faces at him.

Damn, this anger came up immediately, it looked like a cooked crab.

Looking at Kingler rushing towards him again, Jiang Qing did not escape.

He suddenly wanted to try it.

What to try.

Jiang Qing saw Jiang Qing put her hands on her waist, and then a light blue light appeared between the palms of her hands.

"Adou Geng"

Pushing forward with both hands, a light blue Aura Sphere was thrown forward.

Kingler was stunned when he saw that a human could actually rub the Aura Sphere with his hands. He didn't even know how to hide, and was directly hit by the Aura Sphere.

With a bang, Kingler was directly blasted out by the Aura Sphere, knocking his son out at the same time.

"This is pretty powerful."

Jiang Qing looked at his hands and muttered softly.

After his waveguide power reaches the top level, he can indeed rub the Aura Sphere with his hands, but he has never tried it with Pokémon.

Now it seems that the power is really good.

One shot of Aura Sphere consumes almost all the Khoury waveguides in the body.

And the power can be increased, and of course the consumption will also increase.

"Lucario, watch the move"

"Turtle Style Qigong"

An Aura Sphere hit Lucario directly in the face.

The latter looked at his Trainer helplessly.

With the power of Aura Sphere, it can't even hurt its fur.

"The dog eats my dick"


Arcanine: "Dead, dead, I'm dead"

After Arcanine was hit by the Aura Sphere, he immediately fell to the ground with his belly in the air, which seemed to match Jiang Qing's childish behavior.

"Kartana, let's show it off"


Kartana directly split the Aura Sphere in half.

"You still have 10,000 years to live like this, so just keep chasing my back."

Kartana's back is turned to Jiang Qing, showing off her pretense.

"Fat, Shenglong Fist"

The power of the waveguide wrapped around the fist and hit Dragonite in the stomach.

Dragonite hesitated for a moment, then moved his steps and flew out with a bang, and let out a scream.

Arcanine: This big fat guy is better at acting than me.

"Jiang Qing, you are so awesome."

Jirachi clapped his hands and cheered.

"Hahaha, it's just a joke."

Jiang Qing put her hands on her hips and felt that she was invincible.

"Jie Jie"

Gengar came out of his shadow at this time, and a Lick came directly over.

The pretentious Jiang Qing was instantly paralyzed.

It can be said that he is handsome for no more than three seconds.

Department, you little brat, take a hit from my Spark Cannon."

After using the cherry fruit to relieve the paralysis, Jiang Qing became angry and fired Aura Sphere at Gengar one after another. Gengar was beaten and "recoiled"

Finally, he fell to the ground and looked at Jiang Qing with difficulty.



Gengar: "Warrior, you win"

After saying that, his body turned into a black smoke and slowly disappeared.

"Humph, justice will prevail"

Jiang Qing snorted proudly, but the next second her legs went weak, but luckily Lucario caught her in time.

"The waveguide is used up. Lucario will give me some more."

In the heat of the moment, I accidentally used up all the waveguides in my body, and I suddenly felt a sense of exhaustion.


Lucario: My heart is so tired, destroy this world...

Zeraora thinks Meiqing is so naive.

The Spark cannon is not as nice and harmonious as its heavy lightning invincible impact.

He doesn’t even know the names of the moves, so I’ll have to find a chance to teach him next time.

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "It's time to eat"

Just after Lucario finished "charging" Jiang Qing, Daidu's lunch was also ready.

"Daidu, call the prince to treat me to a meal, otherwise I won't eat."

Jiang Qing, who was having fun, started his suicide act.

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "Are you serious?"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding"

Jiang Qing shuddered, her rationality returned, and she immediately smiled coquettishly.

He hurriedly walked to the dining table.


Magearna handed the filled rice to Jiang Qing.

I made four dishes and one soup for lunch.

"Dada, why are there tree fruits in every dish?"

Jiang Qing ate the food. Although there were fruits, the taste was still as good as before.

"Yeah dong"

Dadai: "These are the fruits that Aipom gave me. They can also be eaten by humans. I will try to make some dishes with these fruits."

"No wonder, but I can put less fruit next time. I still prefer to eat meat."

Jiang Qing is a pure carnivore, the kind who can't live without meat. If he can't eat meat for a meal, then he doesn't even have an appetite.

"Yeah dong"

Nodding blankly.

Jiang Qing's opinions on diet are still taken seriously. After all, its main task 3.5 is to take care of Jiang Qing's diet and daily life.

Of course, it won't listen to some unhealthy opinions.

For example.

"Hey, I want to pour a bottle of Coke into my rice. Douyin said that Coke-soaked rice is delicious."

When Celebi and Jirachi, who were cooking, heard this, they immediately raised their heads, their eyes bright.

Coke and rice, why didn’t I think of this before.

"Yeah dong"

He lightly hit Jiang Qing on the head with a chopstick.

"Unless I die, you will never be able to eat something like this in your life."

Coke and rice, what kind of hellish thing is this?

The serious look on Dadai's face made Jiang Wei dare not say anything else.

Celebi and Jirachi looked at each other and began to communicate with each other.

Celebi: Find a chance, let’s go outside and try some Coke rice.

Jirachi: Agreed. .

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