Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1220 Trainer Becomes More And More Demonic As He Gets Older

Trainer is a profession that requires a lot of talent and resources. Not only does the Trainer itself need a certain amount of talent, but even Pokémon also need talent.

The combination of the two can make Trainer go further and its strength will naturally be stronger.

At the same time, Trainer is a profession in which the older you get, the stronger you become, that is, the older you get, the stronger you become.

Except for cheaters like Jiang Qing and a very small number of Trainers who have no shortage of talent, background, and resources.

After all, these people only account for a very small part of the huge group of Trainers, not even one percent.

Therefore, a very small number of individuals are not representative.

Most Trainers, as long as they are given enough time, can become quasi-Elites in their forties or fifties.

After all, the threshold for qualifying as an Elite is relatively low, as long as the Pokémon qualification is green, and there are quite a few Pokémon with green qualifications, not to mention that they are already bad.

The average age for Xia Guo to become an Elite Trainer is sixty.

There is a huge dividing line between Elite Trainers and quasi-Elite Trainers. This gap can be said to block 99% of Trainers.

03 If you look at those powerful Trainers, they are often older.

Trainer becomes more and more demonic as he gets older. As he grows older, his experience and experiences are also increasing, and so are his Pokémon.

Theoretically speaking, as long as this Trainer lives long enough, his strength will definitely continue to increase, and it is not impossible to even become a champion in time.

And the longer you live, the better you can protect your family.

Most families have a few old antiques hidden in their homes and use various treasures to hang on to their lives. These old antiques are the trump cards of these families when they face powerful enemies.

Look at those families that have disappeared or become lonely. Basically, it is because the strongest person in the family died naturally, leaving the family without shelter and under the prying eyes of other families.

Have to give up some resources.

If this strong man had not died, and with the monkey wine that extended his life by thirty years, he might have been able to survive until a successor appeared in the family.

Therefore, treasures that increase life span are very important at this time.

But such treasures are extremely rare. You are not a big family. Even if you have a chance to get it, you will most likely not be able to keep it. If you are unlucky, it may even affect the entire family.

Now that Jiang Qing has mastered the monkey wine, as long as he has this thing, he can increase his lifespan, starting at least thirty years.

When this thing is brought outside, top wealthy families like the Xia family and the Qin family will be excited, and powerful Trainers from various countries will naturally be no exception.

It can be said that as long as they master the monkey wine, the Jiang family has mastered a channel to steadily increase the life span of treasures.

Every ten years, you can get a batch of monkey wine that increases your life span by thirty years.

Having this thing can definitely bring enough benefits to the Jiang family.

It is no exaggeration to say that if I give you a treasure that increases your life span by thirty years, if you come to exchange it for the treasure, there will be many people willing to exchange it.

Compared with one's own life, the weight of the treasure is no longer so important.

Especially for people who are older and have high positions of power, the more powerful or powerful the person is, the more they are afraid of death.

Making monkey wine is not a difficult task for the big leader Ambipom. As long as there are enough treasures, he does not need to wait once a year.

Because it and its subordinates have been collecting treasures for making wine in the past ten years, the ten years have been set.

Now that Jiang Qing has given it so many treasures, the eyes of the leader Ambipom almost popped out of his head, especially since there are several normal secondary treasures among them.

Ambipom Mountain is very big, and there are indeed a lot of treasures, but it is difficult to find them. Unlike Jiang Qing, who has a Dowsing Machine, he can find them accurately.

Most of the time they find treasures, they rely on luck.

"I will provide you with the treasure for brewing monkey wine from now on. You only need to be responsible for brewing monkey wine." Jiang Qing said to the dazed leader Ambipom.

The leader of Ambipom nodded hastily. If there is such a good thing, of course he is willing.

You must know that finding treasures every year is its biggest headache. If there are not enough treasures, the monkey wine it makes will be greatly reduced.

"You can use these secondary treasures to improve your strength or make wine."

Jiang Qing pointed to the five inferior treasures on the ground, all of which were Normal. They were of no use to him, so he simply gave them to this guy.

"By the way, I seem to have a Normal treasure."

Jiang Qing suddenly remembered something and took out a Normal treasure from the system space.

Coal Head: Increases Normal-type moves by 20% (limited to Normal-type Pokémon)

When this treasure was dug out, Jiang Qing was depressed for a while. After all, it was a useless treasure and it was really useless to him.

But now it works.

"this is for you"

Jiang Qingtou handed it to the big leader Ambipom.

But the other party did not take it, but looked at Jiang Qing with disbelief. This is a treasure, so I really gave it to myself!

It is very clear about the role of the treasure. If it had not been lucky enough to accidentally obtain a family of treasures, thus greatly improving its qualifications, otherwise it would be just one of the thousands of Ambipom.

Now a hundred years have passed, and it has not obtained a second treasure.

Until today, Jiang Qing, a human being, placed a treasure in front of himself.

"for you"

Jiang Qing directly gave the carbon head to this ignorant guy.

It's just an ordinary low-level treasure, so there's no need to be so surprised.

Touched, I'm so touched.

The leader of Ambipom looked at Jiang Qing with tearful eyes. In excitement, he rushed towards Jiang Qing, but Jiang Qing pinched his face.

"Don't move your hands or feet"

Jiang Qing shook off something that looked like tears or snot on her hand with some disgust, and hurriedly took some tissues to wipe it with.

This scene made the leader of Ambipom a little embarrassed, and he hurriedly said that it was not snot but tears.

The quality of monkey wine has a lot to do with the strength of its brewer, so Jiang Qing thought of improving the strength of the leader of Ambipom, so that the other party can not only brew better monkey wine, but also protect itself. Capabilities have also been improved.

Although the opponent was already the strongest in this area, but in a real fight, Jiang Qing felt that this guy's real combat power was probably at the peak of a quasi-championship.

It's really bad, and I feel a little disgusted.

"Pack these treasures away," Jiang Qing said, pointing to the treasures on the ground.

The big leader Ambipom nodded and immediately put the pile of treasures around him into an empty wine barrel. .

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