Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1197 Five Treasures

"Stop, right here"

Jiang Qing is riding Salamence in the air, holding a Dowsing Machine in his hand. It has been three days since he entered the original secret realm. He is currently in the Sky of Spring Path.

Just half a day after arriving, a big red dot representing a treasure appeared on the Dowsing Machine.

Following Jiang Qing's words, Salamence dived and quickly arrived at the Ground.

Then Jiang Qing kicked Salamence in the leg.

"You fucking wanted to scare me, didn't you?"

It dived directly, and Jiang Qing was frightened and hurriedly grabbed its neck.

Salamence shook his head, but his expression clearly showed that it was intentional.

"It's right below here, dig down for me."

Jiang Qing pointed to the ground beneath her feet.

Salamence pointed at himself curiously, as if asking him to dig.

Jiang Qing nodded expressionlessly.

Salamence had a bitter look on his face. Things like drilling holes and mining were all the work of Steelix and Aggron. Why were they left to him?

You are just petty.

After muttering inwardly, Salamence stretched out his claws and started digging.

Not to mention that although the efficiency is not comparable to that of professional users such as Steelix and Aggron, the speed is indeed not slow.

These two claws are also specially covered with a layer of dragon energy, which is equivalent to Dragon Claw.

With one paw, it is six to seven meters deep and three to four meters wide.

With this efficiency, Salamence quickly dug nearly a hundred meters.

Salamence: It turns out that Dig is so simple, I can do it even if I do it.

At this moment, it has the urge to compete with Steelix Aggron for the job.

Originally, it didn't appear many times, and was often used by Jiang Qing for transportation. If it were Dig, it doesn't seem impossible.

Jiang Qing didn't know that it was originally Punishment Salamence's behavior and asked him to dig a hole. This guy was addicted to digging and even thought about competing for jobs.

“We’re almost there, dig slowly”

Jiang Qing sat on Salamence's back and looked at the red dot on the Dowsing Machine, which was very close. "I'm afraid that Salamence, a newbie in Dig, will use too much force and damage the car underneath.

Although most treasures are very strong, at least not easily broken, some are still very soft and can break if you are not careful.

After the treasure is shattered, most of the energy will be lost, and the effect will naturally be greatly reduced.

After a few minutes, Salamence carefully pulled out a blue thing from the ground that looked like a bamboo shoot.

Thunder Shoot: Increases the power of electric-type moves by 20%, and increases paralysis success by 30% (limited to electric-type Pokémon)


Salamence: "Can I use it?"

Jiang Qing shook his head: "For electric Pokémon"

Unlucky, the treasure you dug out is not suitable for your Pokémon.

There is indeed no Electric Type Pokémon Jiang Qing.

He looked at Salamence: "Don't dig again, you are so unlucky."

Most of the treasures unearthed in the past can be used by themselves.

Thunder Bamboo Shoots was the first treasure I dug when I entered the original secret realm, but it turned out to be a bad start.

In the next few days, Jiang Qing dug up four more treasures one after another.

Coal Head: Increases Normal-type moves by 20% (limited to Normal-type Pokémon)

Bug Fruit: Increases the lifespan of Bug Type Pokémon by one thousand years (limited to Bug Type Pokémon)

Kurimu: Increases Fairy-type energy, making it easier for Fairy-type Pokémon to break through bottlenecks (only for Fairy-type Pokémon)

Frost Earth: The power of ice-type moves is increased by 20%, and the chance of frostbite is increased by 20% (only for ice-type Pokémon)

Counting the ones I dug up before, there were a total of five treasures, but none of them suited me. Jiang Qing was stunned, with an expression like "Who am I? Where am I? What the hell is going on?"

“Unscientific, unscientific”

Jiang Qing whispered in a low voice that there were only five Attributes among his Pokémon, but it turned out that five treasures came with these five Attributes.

Jiang Qing looked at his hands. In such white hands, he seemed to see endless surges of black energy.

Then he kicked Salamence who was taking a nap.


Salamence opened his eyes in confusion (cgff) and saw his Trainer looking at him nervously, and then kicked him again.

Jiang Qing looked at Salamence angrily: "You made a bad start then."

It makes sense to think this way. At that time, Salamence dug up something like thunder bamboo shoots, so all the treasures he dug up later were not suitable for him.

When Salamence heard this, he immediately showed an innocent expression.

"Didn't you ask me to dig it, boss?"

Hearing this, Jiang Qing felt as if someone had punched him in the chest, covering his chest and taking a few steps back.

"I don't care, it's your fault"

Jiang Qing's face turned slightly dark. He still wants to throw the blame on me. You are such a shameless dragon, can you?

Bao: Obviously you want to take the blame.

"But the last four items were mined by you, boss."

Salamence's next words were like a sharp sword, hammering Jiang Qing's heart and stabbing her four times.

"You still said, you still said"

Angry, Jiang Qing kicked Salamence in the legs a few more times.


A clear voice sounded.

All the Pokémon looked over in unison.

I saw my Trainer covering his feet and falling to the ground in pain. Next to him was Salamence who looked innocent.

"Yeah dong"

Daidai ran over immediately.

"What's wrong"

Jiang Qing said tremblingly: "The toe-----the toe seems to be broken."

Then he pointed at Salamence and said indignantly: "This guy wants to rebel against Tiangang. Dadu, you teach him a lesson for me."

The scales on Salamence's body are very hard. Although Jiang Qing has the physique of a Mega Pallet Towner, no matter how abnormal his physique is, it is impossible to compare with a quasi-champion level Pokémon.

Without using any force, Salamence did nothing. Instead, he broke his toe bone.

Thinking about the ghost things he had dug up during this period, Jiang Qing felt that he was aggrieved now. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would have wanted to find a place where no one was around to play.

This is really bullying, nothing like this.



Gengar had no conscience at all, holding his stomach and laughing.

The same goes for Celebi and Jirachi. These two guys laugh louder than Gengar.

This made Jiang Qing angry and embarrassed, and she had completely lost her face today.

He looked at Salamence fiercely, but this fool actually came over and stretched out his leg, indicating that he could continue kicking until he was exhausted.

Jiang Qing: This is mocking me, this must be mocking me.


Magearna came over and started treating Ginger.

Pokémon's Heal Pulse is very effective for hard injuries such as fractures and trauma. Basically, most hard injuries can be healed in two or three uses.

For an injury like Jiang Qing's, just use Heal Pulse once. .

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